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Journey Into Mystery Vol 1
Marvel Comics
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1952
numeri rilasciati: 1-655
numeri catalogati: 180
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Thor
tipologia: serie antologica
Journey into Mystery è un serie a fumetti antologica. pubblicato da Atlas Comics (poi diventata Marvel Comics).
A partire dal n. 19 la periodicità cambia e la pubblicazione diventa mensile.
Dal n. 1 al n.82 sono vengono pubblicati racconti del mistero, i cui protagonisti non sono supereroi ma persone comuni, che si spaventano quando si trovano davanti orribili creature, come alieni, mostri o fantasmi.
Nel n.83 appare il primo personaggio della mitologia nordica noto come il Mitico Thor (The Mighty Thor).
Dal n. 126 il nome della serie cambia in The Mighty Thor.
51 Mar 1959
science fiction: The Ghost Ship of SpaceJoe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Creatures in the VolcanoJack Kirby / Wally Wood / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Prison Planet!Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Alien on Earth!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Robot on the Rampage!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
52 May 1959
science fiction: Menace from Mars!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Man With the Atomic Brain!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Trapped on EarthJohn Forte / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Travelers in Time!Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Invasion from Outer Space!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
53 Jul 1959
science fiction: Only Twelve of Us May Live!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Beware of Tomorrow!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Stranger in Space!John Forte / John Forte / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Shadows in the Night!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: He Made the Machines Go Mad!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
54 Sep 1959
horror: I Unleashed Monstro on the World!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Dared to Defy...the Idol's Curse!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: My Other Face!Al Williamson / Al Williamson / Roy Gerald Krenkel / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): I Know the Gargoyle's Secret!Carl Wessler / John Severin / John Severin / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Am the Menace from the Purple Planet!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
55 Nov 1959
(comic-story): I Found the Giant in the Sky!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Was A Prisoner of the... Ape Creatures!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Can Live Forever!John Forte / John Forte / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): My Neighbor's Secret!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Saw the Serpent that Saved the World!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
56 Jan 1960
(science-fiction): I Brought Zog Back to Life!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): I Spent the Night in the Haunted Lighthouse!Stan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(science-fiction): I Planted the Seeds of Doom!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule inedito
science fiction: I Shrunk Away to Nothing!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
57 Mar 1960
(science-fiction): Orogo! The Nightmare from Outer Space!!Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): The Earth-Crawlers!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): The Metal MonsterLarry Lieber / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): The Martian Who Stole My Body!Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
58 May 1960
science fiction: Return of the Martian!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(comic-story): I Found Rro...The Thing from the Bottomless Pit!Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(comic-story): They Called Me a Witch!Jack Kirby / Joe Sinnott inedito
science fiction: Beware!!! Of the Little Toy Men!!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
59 Jul 1960
science fiction: I Unleashed Shagg Upon the World!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: I Was Trapped in Horror House!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The Revenge of the Wooden WomanSteve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Am the Beast-Man!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
60 Sep 1960
(science-fiction): I Learned the Monstrous Secret of Bombu!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): We Were Trapped with the Silent Monster!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): I Found the Things From NowhereStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): I Turned into a... Martian!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
61 Oct 1960
(science-fiction): I Defied Gomdulla... The Living Pharoah!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Albi dei Super-Eroi # 25 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Dared Enter the Haunted Forest!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Albi dei Super-Eroi # 29 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Opened the Door to... Nowhere!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Thor # 99 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Curse of M'Gumbu!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
62 Nov 1960
(science-fiction): I Was a Slave of the Living Hulk!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Marvel Greatest Hits # 7 (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): There Is a Brain Behind the Fangs!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(horror): I Can't Escape from the Creeping Things!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
63 Dec 1960
(horror): Goliath! The Monster That... Walked Like a Man!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko inedito
(horror): I Was Trapped by the Mole Men!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): The Dangerous DollStan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(science-fiction): I Took a Journey into Fear!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
64 Jan 1961
(horror): I Dared to Battle... Rorgg, King of the Spider-Men!!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(horror): I Found the Lair of... The Lizard MenStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): I Must Find Korumbu!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): Who Is the Ape Man?Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
65 Feb 1961
(science-fiction): I Am the Brute That WalksStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Fear in the NightStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): Kragoo!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
66 Mar 1961
(science-fiction): The Return of the Hulk!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers
(science-fiction): The Black RayStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(horror): The Thing Behind the WallStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
67 Apr 1961
(horror): Gruto! The Creature from Nowhere!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(horror): The Black Clock!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): The Last Voyage of Captain KraggStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
68 May 1961
(horror): Spragg, the Conqueror of the Human Race!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers
Mister Zero: Where Walks the GhostStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 117 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Man From Mars!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
69 Jun 1961
(science-fiction): I Was Captured by... Korilla!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers
(science-fiction): The Iron Giant!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): When Darkness Falls!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
70 Jul 1961
(science-fiction): The Sandman Cometh!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): A Thousand YearsStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): The Stone ManStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Conan & Ka-Zar # 24 (Editoriale Corno)
71 Aug 1961
(science-fiction): I Brought the ROC Back to Life!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers
(science-fiction): The Boy Who Vanished!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(horror): The PaintingStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Eureka Pocket # 50 (Editoriale Corno)
72 Sep 1961
(science-fiction): The GlobStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): The Patient in Room 3DStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): Will This Be the End of the World?Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
73 Oct 1961
(science-fiction): Where Will You Be When... The Spider StrikesStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): What Lurks on Channel X?Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Menace from Mars!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): One Look Means Doom!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
74 Nov 1961
(science-fiction): The Thing in the Black Box!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(horror): Midnight in the Wax Museum!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(science-fiction): The Mechanical Men!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): Forever Is a Long Time!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
75 Dec 1961
(science-fiction): Lo-Karr, Bringer of Doom!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Mr. Gregory and the GhostStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(horror): The Magic of Mordoo!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): The Man Who Lost the World!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
76 Jan 1962
(science-fiction): The Genie with the Light Brown Hair!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(horror): Mind Over Matter!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Follow the LeaderStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Escape to... Nowhere!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
77 Feb 1962
(science-fiction): Beware! He Isn't Human!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(horror): I Don't Believe In... Ghosts!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(science-fiction): When Aliens Walk the Earth!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): They Were Only Scarecrows!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
78 Mar 1962
(science-fiction): Kragoom! The Creature Who Caught an AstronautStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko
(horror): The SorcerorStan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(science-fiction): The Clutching HandStan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(science-fiction): Monsters on MercuryStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
79 Apr 1962
(science-fiction): The Midnight MonsterStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(horror): The Man Who Played Dead!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck
(science-fiction): Wings of the ButterflyStan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(science-fiction): The Speed DemonStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko
80 May 1962
(science-fiction): Won't You Step Into My Parlor...?Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Fantastici Quattro # 99 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror): PropagandaStan Lee / Jack Kirby inedito
(science-fiction): I Spent a Night in a Haunted HouseStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): For the BirdsStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
81 Jun 1962
(science-fiction): The Ruler of EarthStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): There Dwells a DragonStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): KungaStan Lee / Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(science-fiction): The Comic Strip!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
82 Jul 1962
(science-fiction): The Scorpion Strikes!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby Capitan America # 45 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror): I Am the Prisoner of the Voodoo King!Stan Lee / Gene Colan / Gene Colan Albi dei Super-Eroi # 48 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Next GalaxyStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Take a ChairStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Capitan America # 44 (Editoriale Corno)
83 Aug 1962
Thor: The Stone Men from Saturn!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Joe Sinnott Thor # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Perfect CrimeStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Incredibile Devil # 104 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): When the Jungle SleepsStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 4 (Editoriale Corno)
84 Sep 1962
Thor: The Mighty Thor vs The ExecutionerStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Witching HourStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Albi dei Super-Eroi # 15 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Somewhere Hides a... Thing!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
85 Oct 1962
Thor: Trapped by Loki, God of MischiefStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Filbert's Frightful FutureStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Fantastici Quattro # 93 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Off-Limits!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 92 (Editoriale Corno)
86 Nov 1962
Thor: On the Trail of the Tomorrow ManStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Humans, Keep Out!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Fantastici Quattro # 82 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The ChangelingStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 13 (Editoriale Corno)
87 Dec 1962
Thor: Prisoner of the Reds!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Know the Secret of the Sea MonsterStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): The Man on the Endless StairwayStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
88 Jan 1963
Thor: The Vengeance of LokiStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Behind Locked DoorsStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 81 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Long Live the QueenStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Fantastici Quattro # 94 (Editoriale Corno)
89 Feb 1963
Thor: The Thunder-God and The Thug!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Barker's Body ShopStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Sol Brodsky / Sol Brodsky Fantastici Quattro # 97 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): When the Switch Is PulledStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 12 (Editoriale Corno)
90 Mar 1963
Thor: Trapped By the Carbon-Copy ManStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Al Hartley / Al Hartley Thor # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Midnight CallerStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 95 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Am A RobotStan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Fantastici Quattro # 96 (Editoriale Corno)
91 Apr 1963
Thor: Sandu, Master of the SupernaturalStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The SeedlingsStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Sol Brodsky Fantastici Quattro # 84 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Manikins!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 91 (Editoriale Corno)
92 May 1963
Thor: The Day Loki Stole Thor's Magic HammerStan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 4 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Man Who Hated MonstroStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman Fantastici Quattro # 85 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Used to Be HumanStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 20 (Editoriale Corno)
93 Jun 1963
Thor: The Mysterious Radio-Active Man!Stan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 4 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Man Who Wouldn't Die!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Matt Fox Fantastici Quattro # 98 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Saw a MartianStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Albi dei Super-Eroi # 40 (Editoriale Corno)
94 Jul 1963
Thor: Thor and Loki Attack the Human RaceStan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 4 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Dinner Time on DeimosStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber Albi dei Super-Eroi # 21 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Gentle Old Man!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
95 Aug 1963
Thor: The Demon DuplicatorsStan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 5 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Tomb of Tut-Amm-Tut!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 83 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Save Me From the Lizard Men!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber Fantastici Quattro # 86 (Editoriale Corno)
96 Sep 1963
Thor: Mad MerlinStan Lee / Robert Bernstein / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Thor # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Call Her MedusaStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Paul Reinman Fantastici Quattro # 87 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Frederick Fenton's Future!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Fantastici Quattro # 88 (Editoriale Corno)
97 Oct 1963
Thor: The Mighty Thor Battles the Lava ManStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck Thor # 6 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Perfect Defense!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / George Roussos Thor # 96 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Tales of AsgardStan Lee / Jack Kirby / George Roussos Thor # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
98 Nov 1963
Thor: Challenged By the Human Cobra!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Thor # 7 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Purple PlanetStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Matt Fox Albi dei Super-Eroi # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Odin Battles Ymir, King of the Ice GiantsStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Don Heck Thor # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
99 Dec 1963
Thor: The Mysterious Mr. Hyde!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Thor # 7 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Stroom's Strange Solution!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Larry Lieber / Matt Fox Albi dei Super-Eroi # 24 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): Sutur the Fire Demon!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / George Roussos Thor # 3 (Editoriale Corno)
100 Jan 1964
Thor: The Master Plan of Mr. Hyde!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Thor # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Unreal!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Matt Fox Albi dei Super-Eroi # 32 (Editoriale Corno)
(tales of asgard): The Storm GiantsStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Paul Reinman Thor # 4 (Editoriale Corno)