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Thor # 4
Copertina di Jack Kirby

Thor # 4 | Il patto assurdo

Editoriale Corno Maggio 1971
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 92
Quando Loki rubò il martello magico
Stan Lee (script) / Robert Bernstein (script) / Joe Sinnott (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
13 pagine

da Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 92, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 1963)
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 93
L'Uomo Radioattivo
Stan Lee (script) / Robert Bernstein (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Dick Ayers (inks)
13 pagine

da Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 93, Marvel Comics - USA (Giu 1963)
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 94
Thor e Loki contro la razza umana
Stan Lee (script) / Robert Bernstein (script) / Joe Sinnott (art) / Joe Sinnott (inks)
13 pagine

da Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 94, Marvel Comics - USA (Lug 1963)
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 100
(tales of asgard)
Il gigante della tempesta
Stan Lee (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Paul Reinman (inks)
5 pagine

da Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 # 100, Marvel Comics - USA (Gen 1964)
Tales To Astonish # 27
Invasione astrale
Stan Lee (script) / Steve Ditko (art) / Steve Ditko (inks)
5 pagine

da Tales To Astonish # 27, Marvel Comics - USA (Gen 1962)