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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
51 Aug 1942
The Case of the Crimeless CrimesJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
Guns, Gold and GloryJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Cliff Young inedito
The Valley of the VulturesGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The FramerKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
UntitledFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Case of the Coconut Crimes!Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
52 Sep 1942
The Emperor of AmericaJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
Sing a Song of Six Guns!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Cliff Young inedito
The Battle of a Thousand YearsGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Case of the Stolen Spectacles!Joe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The One-Man Army!Fred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
Crime on IceGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
53 Oct 1942
The Man Who Put Out the Sun!Jerry Siegel / John Sikela / George Roussos inedito
The Blackout Blues!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Wings Over the PacificGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Americommando and the Cinema SaboteurJoseph Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Man Who Played KingFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
Crooks – Handle with Care!Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
54 Nov 1942
The Pirate of Pleasure IslandJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
The Rookie Who Fought a GhostMort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Fire Over the Yunnanfu RoadGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Destination BerlinJoseph Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Idol of DoomEd Smalle inedito
Recipe for RobberyJoseph Sulman inedito
55 Dec 1942
A Goof Named Tiny RufeJerry Siegel / John Sikela / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Bullets for BreakfastMort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Aces of FireGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Escape from the ScaffoldJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
A Modern Robinson CrusoeEd Smalle inedito
Crimes by CoincidenceJoseph Sulman inedito
56 Jan 1943
Design for DoomJerry Siegel / John Sikela / George Roussos inedito
Melody of MenaceMort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
War Hawks of GreenlandGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Man the Whole World FearedJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Game for LifeEd Smalle inedito
The Case of the Phoney Funny ManJoseph Sulman inedito
57 Mar 1943
Crime's Comedy KingJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
The Feud of Rimfire Ridge!Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
Veiled Desert BanditsGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Mightier Than the SwordJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Galloping GhostsJohn Daly inedito
Treasure TroveJoseph Sulman inedito
58 Mar 1943
The Face of AdonisJerry Siegel / George Roussos inedito
The Dummy and the DumbbellDon Cameron / Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
Double-X for the AxisGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Brigade of the Biting RabbitJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Full-Dress RebellionEd Smalle inedito
The Seven Year ItchGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
59 Apr 1943
Cinderella -- a la SupermanJerry Siegel / John Sikela / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Fiddler's Fee!Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
Sky Knights of MaltaGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Missive for MussoliniJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Phantom WarriorsEd Smalle inedito
Crime Takes a DetourJoseph Sulman inedito
60 May 1943
Lois Lane -- SuperwomanJerry Siegel / George Roussos inedito
Rainbow over CrimevilleMort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
The Lieutenant from CorregidorGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Rations for VictoryJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Jungle JusticeJohn Daly inedito
Styles in CrimeJoseph Sulman inedito
61 Jul 1943
The Man They Wouldn't BelieveJerry Siegel / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Cat and the FiddlerDon Cameron / Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
One Arabian NightGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Dikes of DeathJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
A Blowout in Istanbul inedito
The Man who Stole Magic!Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
62 Jul 1943
There'll Always Be a Superman!Don Cameron / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Crime CarnivalDon Cameron / Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
The Loyal TraitorGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Blitz BargeJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Island of PerilEd Smalle inedito
The Money BuyerGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
63 Aug 1943
When Stars Collide!Don Cameron / Ira Yarbrough inedito
Dummy, Dummy & Dummy, IncDon Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
Leatherneck Luck!Gardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
A Right in Der Fuehrer's FaceJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Curse of CatellariaJohn Daly inedito
The Pirate of PleasureGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
64 Sep 1943
The Terrible Toyman!Donald Clough Cameron / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow
The Treasure of Dead Man's Key!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
[untitled]Jack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
The Inquisitive Ostrich!Donald Clough Cameron / Ed Smalle inedito
Peter, the Small!Joseph Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Quiet... Thugs at Work!Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
65 Oct 1943
The Million-Dollar MarathonDon Cameron / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Bard of BanditryDonald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
Storm over the BeringJoe Samachson / John Daly inedito
Schickelgruber's NightmareJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Riddle of the Tired ThespiansGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
66 Dec 1943
The Boy Who Came BackDonald Clough Cameron / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Sword of DestinyAl Schwartz / Mort Meskin / Joe Kubert inedito
The Talking TreesJoe Samachson / John Daly inedito
Burma Remembers!Joe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Circus DazeGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
67 Dec 1943
Make Way for Fate!Donald Clough Cameron / Pete Riss / George Roussos inedito
The Academy of Musical Crime!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Joe Kubert inedito
Deep Water DetectiveEd Smalle inedito
The Secret of Shanghai RoseJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Mardi Gras MaraudersJoseph Sulman inedito
68 Jan 1944
Superman Meets SusieDon Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
The Duke Goes to the Dogs!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Joe Kubert inedito
The Ancient Incas!Ed Smalle inedito
Between Dishonor and DeathJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Picture That WalkedJoseph Sulman inedito
69 Mar 1944
The Lost-and-Found MysteryJerry Siegel / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Little Men Who Were ThereJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Joe Kubert inedito
Kangaroo Capers!Ed Smalle inedito
Traitor's BaitJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
East Meets WestJoseph Sulman inedito
70 Mar 1944
Superman Takes a Holiday!Donald Clough Cameron / Pete Riss / George Roussos inedito
A Challenge from the Pyramids!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
The Forest Primeval!John Daly inedito
Words are Weapons!Joe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Clouds of CrimeJoseph Sulman inedito
71 May 1944
Valentine VillainyDonald Clough Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Alias Mr. SunshineJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Desert DangerEd Smalle inedito
Mission for FreedomJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Idol on the IslandJoseph Sulman inedito
72 May 1944
... and the Super-MoversJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / George Roussos inedito
The Guns of Killer Haines!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Choose Your WeaponJoe Samachson / Ed Smalle inedito
Cargoes of Death!Joe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Magic KnightsJoseph Sulman inedito
73 Jul 1944
The Hobby Robbers!Jerry Siegel / Pete Riss / George Roussos inedito
Dirge on a Bull FiddleJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Charles Paris inedito
Renegade RoundupEd Smalle inedito
The Return of Dr. ItoJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
Rocks of RichesGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
74 Jul 1944
Courtship of Adelbert DribbleHorace L. Gold / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Wheels of JeopardyMort Meskin inedito
Poacher's Paradise!Ed Smalle inedito
Flight into FreedomJoe Greene / Bernard Baily inedito
The Lions' Den!Joseph Sulman inedito
75 Aug 1944
Aesop's Modern FablesBill Finger / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Blunderbuss BootyMort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Frame Up in FurEd Smalle inedito
The Sting of DeathWilliam White inedito
76 Sep 1944
A Voyage to Destiny!Bill Finger / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Mountain Without A Top!Mort Meskin inedito
The Trapped TrappersEd Smalle inedito
Walk of Death! inedito
77 Oct 1944
The Headline HoaxJerry Siegel / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
The Rainbow Man Sees RedMort Meskin inedito
The Leaping Leopard!Ed Smalle inedito
The Pranks of PanWilliam White inedito
78 Nov 1944
The Chef of Bohemia!Al Schwartz / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Portraits for PlunderDon Cameron / Mort Meskin inedito
A Fortune in FeathersWhitney Ellsworth / Ed Smalle inedito
Planes without Pilots!William White inedito
79 Dec 1944
The Golden FleeceDon Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Birds of Ill Omen!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
High in the AndesWhitney Ellsworth / Ed Smalle inedito
When Magic Fails!Gardner Fox / William White inedito
80 Jan 1945
Mr. Mxyztplk ReturnsDon Cameron / Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Riddle of the Reservior!Whitney Ellsworth / John Daly inedito
The Pillage of the ParthenonMort Meskin inedito
Tumbling Timber!William White inedito
81 Feb 1945
Fairyland IsleJerry Siegel / Ira Yarbrough inedito
Nemesis of the Northland!Whitney Ellsworth / John Daly inedito
The Chinatown Kid, MagicianJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Sea-Going Sparklers inedito
82 Mar 1945
The Water Sprite!Al Schwartz / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Room, Board -- and BulletsWhitney Ellsworth / John Daly inedito
Magnet for MobstersJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Facts About FablesWilliam White inedito
83 Apr 1945
Hocus and Pocus... Magicians by Accident!Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Wild Horses!John Daly inedito
A Fortune for a Fossil!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
The Innocent Thief!William White inedito
84 May 1945
Tommy Gets a ZeroJoe Greene / John Sikela inedito
Jackals of the JungleWhitney Ellsworth / John Daly inedito
Tree's a CrowdJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Day of WishesJoe Samachson / William White inedito
85 Jun 1945
The Puzzle in JadeDonald Clough Cameron / Sam Citron / Don Komisarow inedito
Old WyomingJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Secret of the Rug of Tezan!Joe Samachson / John Daly inedito
The Magician's Apprentice!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
86 Jul 1945
The Enchanted MountainDonald Clough Cameron / Ira Yarbrough inedito
Mysterious Marauder!Jack Miller / John Daly inedito
Orient of the OccidentJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Crime -- Off the RecordWilliam White inedito
87 Aug 1945
Danger HighwayJerry Siegel / Ira Yarbrough / Stan Kaye inedito
The Dummy, Art ExpertJoe Samachson / Mort Meskin inedito
Dead Men's Falls!John Daly inedito
The Show Goes On!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
88 Sep 1945
The Adventure of the Stingy Men!Joe Shuster inedito
Darts of Death!Ed Smalle inedito
Of Cops and RobbersMort Meskin inedito
Pranks and ParrotsWilliam White inedito
89 Oct 1945
The King of Color!Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Elephant's Homecoming!Ed Smalle inedito
The Cruise of the Ichabod Q!Mort Meskin inedito
Race Against Rogues!William White inedito
90 Nov 1945
Rookery for River Rats!Ira Yarbrough inedito
Camouflage for Crime!Ed Smalle inedito
Picayune Pilferers!Mort Meskin inedito
School Days, School Days!William White inedito
91 Dec 1945
The Ghost Drum!Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Underground School!Ed Smalle inedito
The Fiddler's Jam Session!Mort Meskin inedito
One Man Show!William White inedito
92 Jan 1946
The Average American!Joe Samachson / Ed Dobrotka / George Roussos inedito
The Bengal Woman!Al Schwartz / Fred Ray inedito
The Amazing Mr. Minute!Mort Meskin inedito
Lowdown on a High Hat!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
93 Feb 1946
Christmas 'Round the World!Don Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / Stan Kaye inedito
Way Down East!Mort Meskin inedito
Magic of Music!William White inedito
94 Mar 1946
Battle of the Redwoods!Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Escapes of Elephant Al!Mort Meskin inedito
Dead Man's Drum!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
The Mental Marvel!William White inedito
95 Apr 1946
The Laughing Stock of Metropolis!Jon Small inedito
The Burgling Bookman!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Upstream River Rats!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
Spotlight for Cinderella!William White inedito
96 May 1946
Haircut -- and a Close Shave!Pete Riss inedito
Adventure in Hollywood!Joe Greene / Ed Smalle inedito
Dancer's Midget's!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Wonders of Words!William White inedito
97 Jun 1946
The Magician's Convention!Joe Shuster / John Sikela inedito
An Animal Master!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
The Reindeer Racketeers!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
Magic Sports!William White inedito
98 Jul 1946
Starring Susie!Jerry Siegel / Ira Yarbrough / George Roussos inedito
Fish Catches Man!William White inedito
The Perilous Pearls!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
99 Aug 1946
The Talisman of Trouble!Donald Clough Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Jinx Ranch!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
Faces in the Future!William White inedito
The Tiger's Skin!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
100 Sep 1946
The Sleuth Who Never Failed!Al Schwartz / Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Case of the Captive Seals!Fred Ray inedito
The Book That Was Too Real!Don Cameron / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
Magic – Past or Present!Donald Clough Cameron / William White inedito