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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
201 Feb 1955
The Challenge of Stoneman!Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 35 (Mondadori)
The Great Jungle Baseball Game!Ed Smalle inedito
Milkman in Space!Jim Mooney inedito
202 Mar 1955
Lois Lane's X-Ray Vision!Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 34 (Mondadori)
The Space Dragnet!Otto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Jungle Amusement Park!Ed Smalle inedito
203 Apr 1955
The International Daily PlanetWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 33 (Mondadori)
The Answer Man of TomorrowJim Mooney inedito
Congo Bill, GladiatorEd Smalle inedito
204 May 1955
The Man Who Could Make Superman Do AnythingJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 38 (Mondadori)
Boy PlaneteerOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
Village of 1,000 IdolsEd Smalle inedito
205 Jun 1955
Sergeant SupermanAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 39 (Mondadori)
The Super PlaneteersOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Mystery of the African Polar Bears!Ed Smalle inedito
206 Jul 1955
Superman Marries Lois LaneWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 39 (Mondadori)
Destination: FutureOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Mystery of the Jungle MonumentsEd Smalle inedito
207 Aug 1955
The Four Superman MedalsWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 42 (Mondadori)
Mystery of the Space MutinyOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
Janu, the Human ChimpEd Smalle inedito
208 Sep 1955
The Magic of Mr. MxyztplkBill Woolfolk / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 41 (Mondadori)
The Fortress of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
Congo Bill's Last AdventureJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
209 Oct 1955
The Man Who Was Mightier Than SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 42 (Mondadori)
The Space Hall of FameOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Amazing Desert ShipEd Smalle inedito
210 Nov 1955
Superman in Superman LandBill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 45 (Mondadori)
The Master of the BeastsEd Smalle inedito
Movie Makers from Outer SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
211 Dec 1955
The Superman SpectacularsBill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 49 (Mondadori)
The Great Jungle Bank MysteryEd Smalle inedito
The Secret of Bandit 'XOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
212 Jan 1956
The Superman CalendarAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 47 (Mondadori)
The Man Who Hated TigersJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
Paul Revere of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
214 Mar 1956
Superman, Super-DestroyerAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 66 (Mondadori)
The Invincible IdolEd Smalle inedito
The Most Wanted Man in SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
215 Apr 1956
The Superman of TomorrowWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 72 (Mondadori)
The Big-Game Butterfly HunterJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Mystery of the Stolen WorldsOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
216 May 1956
The Super-Menace From Krypton!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 69 (Mondadori)
The Jungle of DoomJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Space SafariOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
217 Jun 1956
The Amazing Super-BabyAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 74 (Mondadori)
The One-Man SafariJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Secrets of the PlaneteersOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
218 Jul 1956
The Super-Ape from KryptonWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 73 (Mondadori)
The Strange Jungle JinxJack Miller / Leonard Starr inedito
The Interplanetary AquariumOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
219 Jul 1956
Superman's Treasure HoardBill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 82 (Mondadori)
The Amazing Army of ApesJack Miller / Ed Smalle / Ed Smalle inedito
The Tom Thumb Tommy TomorrowOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
220 Sep 1956
The Interplanetary OlympicsAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 75 (Mondadori)
Congo Bill, Stone Age ManJack Miller / Howard Sherman inedito
The Flying Dutchman of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
221 Oct 1956
Superman's new super-powerWayne Boring / Stan Sakai Albi del Falco # 76 (Mondadori)
Witch DoctorJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Sleeping Beauty of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
222 Nov 1956
The duplicate SupermanOtto Binder / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 81 (Mondadori)
The World’s Most Amazing AnimalsJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Creature From Outer SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
223 Dec 1956
The First Superman of KryptonEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 80 (Mondadori)
Janu, Jungle GodJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Amazing Future ToysOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney Batman # 60 (Mondadori)
224 Jan 1957
The secret of Superman islandWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 85 (Mondadori)
The Golden GorillaHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
Seven Disappearing Wonders of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
225 Feb 1957
The Death of SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 83 (Mondadori)
The Doomed SafarisHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Interplanetary Fort KnoxOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
226 Mar 1957
The invulnerable enemyOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 86 (Mondadori)
Jungle Joe, King of the WildsHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Secret of the Space SignsOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
227 Apr 1957
The man with the triple X ray eyesWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 86 (Mondadori)
The Great Jungle Animal CountHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Girl PlaneteerOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
228 May 1957
Superman’s Super SkyscraperAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 92 (Mondadori)
The Gorilla King of the JungleHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
Space Dreams For SaleOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
229 Jun 1957
The Superman SatelliteEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 93 (Mondadori)
The Great Jungle SwindleJack Miller / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
The Milky Way HuntOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
230 Jul 1957
Superman Loses his PowersJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 91 (Mondadori)
The Jungle JournalJack Miller / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
The Lost and Found of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
231 Aug 1957
Sir Jimmy Olsen, Knight of MetropolisOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 95 (Mondadori)
Congo Bill’s Useless PartnerJack Miller / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
The Academy Awards of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
232 Sep 1957
The Story of Superman, JuniorJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 96 (Mondadori)
Three Dives to DoomNick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
The Riddle Of The Space RainbowOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney
233 Oct 1957
The Land Of A Million SupermenJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 99 (Mondadori)
The Jungle EskimoHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Forbidden RobotsOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney
234 Nov 1957
The creature of 1.000 disguisesEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 104 (Mondadori)
The Robot AnimalsRobert Bernstein / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Interplanetary Hitch-HikerOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
235 Dec 1957
The Super-Prisoner of Amazon IslandOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 106 (Mondadori)
The Interplanetary Joy RideOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Secret Of The Giant IdolHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
236 Jan 1958
Superman's New Uniform!Otto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 111 (Mondadori)
The Man Who Talked to AnimalsJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
Space Chump No. 1Otto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
237 Feb 1958
Superman’s Exposed IdentityAlvin Schwartz / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 115 (Mondadori)
The Curse of the Golden TouchOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Jungle Fort on WheelsJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
238 Mar 1958
The Super-Gorilla from KryptonOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 120 (Mondadori)
Marooned in the Fourth DimensionOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Tenderfoot HunterJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
239 Apr 1958
Superman’s New FaceEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 124 (Mondadori)
The Puzzle of the Jungle PyramidJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Toys That Stopped Space CrimeOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney
240 May 1958
Secret of the Superman SphinxOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 127 (Mondadori)
The Trial of Tommy TomorrowOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
Trapped in the Insect WorldJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
241 Jun 1958
The Super-Key To Fort SupermanJerry Coleman / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 125 (Mondadori)
The Great Jungle HoaxHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Strangest Crew in the UniverseOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
242 Jul 1958
The Super-Duel in SpaceOtto Binder / Al Plastino / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 139 (Mondadori)
The Traffic Cop of 2058, A.D.Otto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
Safari From SpaceHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
243 Aug 1958
The Lady and the LionOtto Binder / Wayne Boring DC Comics Story # 3 (Rw Lion)
The Puzzle of the Perilous PlanetoidOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Five from the FutureHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
244 Sep 1958
The Super-Merman of the SeaOtto Binder / Curt Swan Albi del Falco # 136 (Mondadori)
The Riddle of the RocHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Mystery of the Three Space RookiesOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
245 Oct 1958
The Shrinking SupermanOtto Binder / Wayne Boring Albi del Falco # 145 (Mondadori)
The Interplanetary ScarecrowOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
Secret of the Super AnimalsJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
246 Nov 1958
Krypton On EarthOtto Binder / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 149 (Mondadori)
The King of CagesJack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
Destination UnknownOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
247 Dec 1958
The Return of Superman's Lost ParentsOtto Binder / Al Plastino / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 152 (Mondadori)
Tommy Tomorrow, Space Convict X-146-93Otto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Riddle of the Super-Zoo!Jack Miller / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
248 Jan 1959
The Man No Prison Could HoldBill Finger / Wayne Boring Albi del Falco # 161 (Mondadori)
The Amazing Congorilla!Robert Bernstein / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Graveyard of SpaceOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
249 Feb 1959
The Kryptonite ManOtto Binder / Al Plastino / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 170 (Mondadori)
The Man-Ape's Mountain MissionRobert Bernstein / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Gambling AsteroidOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
250 Mar 1959
The Eye Of Metropolis!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 174 (Mondadori)
The Boy PlaneteerOtto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Dunce of the JungleRobert Bernstein / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
251 Apr 1959
The Oldest Man In MetropolisRobert Bernstein / Al Plastino / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 190 (Mondadori)
Congorilla, Outlaw!Robert Bernstein / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Giant Amoeba of Space!Otto Binder / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito