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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
101 Oct 1946
Crime Paradise!Jerry Siegel / Win Mortimer / George Roussos inedito
Devilfish's Domain!Alvin Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
The Perfect Hideaway!Alvin Schwartz / Stan Kaye inedito
When East Goes West!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
(untitled)Phil Berube / Phil Berube
The Man Who Didn't Dare!William F. White inedito
102 Nov 1946
Mr. Mxyztplk and His Wonderful Lamp!Donald Clough Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / Stan Kaye inedito
Congo, U.S.A.!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
Swan Song for Outlaws!George Roussos inedito
Antics About Ancestors!William White inedito
103 Dec 1946
The Road to Happiness!Jerry Siegel / Ira Yarbrough / Stan Kaye inedito
The Postman Never Rings!Joe Samachson / William White / William White inedito
The Sea of Missing Ships!Al Schwartz / Ed Smalle inedito
The Policeman's Rival!Al Schwartz / Stan Kaye inedito
The Rainbow Man's Return!George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
104 Jan 1947
Candytown, U.S.A.!Joe Shuster / Ira Yarbrough inedito
Scallions for Scoundrels!Joe Samachson / Ed Smalle inedito
Marshall Vigilante, 1872!Joe Samachson / George Roussos inedito
The Perilous Penny Banks!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
105 Feb 1947
The Man Who Hated Christmas!Jerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
They Wanted WingsJoe Samachson / William White inedito
Operation Hippo!George Kashdan / Ed Smalle inedito
Truth Comes to Gila Gap!George Roussos inedito
106 Mar 1947
His Lordship, Clark Kent!John Sikela inedito
Pirate Seas!George Kashdan / Fred Ray inedito
Doctor of Danger!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
Penthouse Pirates!George Roussos inedito
108 Mar 1947
The Great Crasher!John Sikela inedito
The Fight That Couldn't Be Won!Ed Smalle inedito
The Baker and the Jailbird!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Town That Roared Again!George Roussos inedito
107 Apr 1947
Journey Into Ruin!Donald Clough Cameron / Ira Yarbrough inedito
Master of Magic!!Ed Smalle inedito
Let it RainJoe Samachson / William White inedito
Ride Him, Vigilante!Joe Samachson / Donald Clough Cameron / George Roussos inedito
109 Jun 1947
The Man Who Robbed the Mint!John Sikela inedito
Elevator to Excitement!William White inedito
The Elephant's Graveyard!Ed Smalle inedito
Popp Gunn Rides Again!Donald Clough Cameron / George Roussos inedito
110 Jul 1947
Mother Goose Crimes!Ira Yarbrough inedito
The King of Gorillas!Ed Smalle inedito
Danger is Where You Make It!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Girl Sheriff of Benton City!George Roussos inedito
111 Aug 1947
Cameras in the Clouds!Al Schwartz / John Sikela inedito
The Quest for Life!Ed Smalle inedito
Twin Magic!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
Pop Gunn Shoots the Works!George Roussos inedito
112 Sep 1947
The Cross-Country Chess Crimes!John Sikela inedito
The Knife Thrower!Fred Ray inedito
Photo of a Phoney!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Vigilante's Double!George Roussos inedito
113 Oct 1947
Just an Ordinary Guy!Al Schwartz / Win Mortimer inedito
The Man Who Was Always Late!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
Skulduggery in the Subway!George Kashdan / Ed Smalle inedito
Gold Rush - 1947!Bill Finger / George Roussos inedito
114 Nov 1947
The Man Who Was Honest! inedito
Floating Gold!Ed Smalle inedito
The Canines and the Crooks!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
Wheels of Danger!George Roussos inedito
115 Dec 1947
The Wish That Came True!Al Schwartz / Ira Yarbrough inedito
The Treasure Trap!Ed Smalle inedito
The Toys That Saved the Town!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Man Who Stole the Rainbow!George Roussos inedito
116 Jan 1948
The Wizard of Winter!Don Cameron / Ira Yarbrough / Stan Kaye inedito
Take 'Em Alive!Ed Smalle inedito
Copy-Cat, Copy-Cat!William White inedito
The Boy Who Wasn't Big Enough!George Roussos inedito
117 Feb 1948
Christmastown, USA!Al Schwartz / Win Mortimer inedito
Birds Out of Hand!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
Christmas on the Congo!Ed Smalle inedito
A Lesson for the Teacher!Al Schwartz / George Roussos / Sy Barry inedito
118 Mar 1948
The Execution of Clark Kent! inedito
A Modern Noah's Ark!Ed Smalle inedito
Hermit for a Day!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Blue-Ribbon Bandits!George Roussos inedito
119 Apr 1948
Superman for a Day!Edmond Hamilton / Win Mortimer inedito
Treasure Trove!Ed Smalle inedito
Concert for Crime!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Birthday That Backfired!Donald Clough Cameron / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
120 May 1948
Superman, Stunt Man!Al Schwartz / Al Plastino inedito
High-Water Peril!Ed Smalle inedito
UntitledJack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
The Animated Antiques!Joe Samachson / William White inedito
The Horse Nobody Could Ride!George Roussos inedito
121 Jun 1948
Superman vs. AtlasWayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
Wits For WeaponsEd Smalle inedito
The Museum VandalsWilliam White inedito
The Man of 1,000 BrandsJerry Robinson / George Roussos inedito
122 Jul 1948
The Super SideshowAl Plastino inedito
Butterfly BootyEd Smalle inedito
Mail Order MagicWilliam White inedito
Curtain Time for the Mystery CrimesMort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
123 Aug 1948
50 Ways to Kill SupermanAl Plastino inedito
Volcano VandalsEd Smalle inedito
World of WishesWilliam White inedito
The Color Wheel of Crime!Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
124 Sep 1948
A Superman of DoomAl Plastino inedito
The Hot Car MobEd Moore inedito
Mimic's MagicWilliam White inedito
Case of the Crooked Rock!Ed Smalle inedito
The Lonesome Kangaroo!Joe Samachson / Jerry Robinson / Mort Meskin inedito
125 Oct 1948
The Modern Nostradamus!Al Plastino inedito
Man Against ManhunterEd Smalle inedito
The Phony Pitchman!William White inedito
The Reluctant Annie OakleyJerry Robinson / Mort Meskin inedito
126 Nov 1948
Superman on Television!Al Plastino inedito
Terror Atop Mt. MachinEd Smalle inedito
Reggie Strikes It RichWilliam White inedito
The Secret of the Desert BanditJoe Kubert / Frank Giacoia inedito
127 Dec 1948
Superman Takes the Consequences!Al Plastino inedito
The Man Who Laughed at Scotland Yard!Ed Smalle inedito
The Interplanetary AquariumOtto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti
Magic MusicWilliam White inedito
El BoleadoroJoe Kubert inedito
128 Jan 1949
The Adventure of Little Red!Al Plastino inedito
When Congo Bill FailsEd Smalle inedito
The Chase Through Space!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Horse for a DayJoe Samachson / William White inedito
The Cowboy from Broadway!Ed Herron / Bob Lubbers inedito
129 Feb 1949
Lois Lane, Cavegirl!Al Schwartz / Win Mortimer / Al Plastino inedito
The Derelict from the Deeps!Ed Smalle inedito
The Flying CarpetJoe Samachson / William White inedito
The Earth DoomOtto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Desperadoes of DoomEd Herron / Bob Lubbers inedito
130 Mar 1949
Superman and the Mermaid!Al Plastino inedito
The Adventure of Aladdin's Lamp!Ed Smalle inedito
The Ambassador of Space!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
One Man's Army!Joe Samachson / William F. White inedito
The Singing Bandit of Black Hills!Ed Herron / Bob Lubbers inedito
131 Apr 1949
The Scrambled SupermanJoe Samachson / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 46 (Mondadori)
The Million-Dollar StakeEd Smalle inedito
The Secret at the Center of the EarthOtto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Prince of HamsJoe Samachson / William F. White inedito
The Pampas TroubadourGeorge Kashdan / Dan Barry inedito
132 May 1949
The Secret of the Kents!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 451 (Mondadori)
The Junior Planeteer!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Land Where East Is West!Ed Smalle inedito
The Thug Theatre!Joe Samachson / William F. White inedito
The Incredible Talents of Bronco Lou Hastings!John Broome / Dan Barry inedito
133 Jun 1949
The World's Most Perfect GirlBill Woolfolk / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 55 (Mondadori)
Hollywood of SpaceOtto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Man Who Hunted ThrillsEd Smalle inedito
The Gold Rush Comes to Gotham CityJohn Broome / Dan Barry inedito
134 Jul 1949
Super-Cowboy!Bill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
Mission to Mars!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Pearls of Perils!Ed Smalle inedito
The Four Horsemen of Villainy!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
135 Aug 1949
The Case of the Human Statues!Edmond Hamilton / Al Plastino inedito
The Largest Man in the World!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
World-Wide's Best Bet!Ed Smalle inedito
The Rainbow Man Goes West!George Kashdan / Dan Barry inedito
136 Sep 1949
Superman, Show-Off!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Seven Wonders of Space!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Highwayman's Castle!Ed Smalle inedito
The Big-House Break!Joe Samachson / Joe Kubert inedito
The Spur, the Handcuffs and the Branding IronDan Barry inedito
137 Oct 1949
The Man with the Charmed Life!Edmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
Tommy Tomorrow's Trip to Today!Otto Binder / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Banquet of Sun Liu!Ed Smalle inedito
The Headless Horseman Rides Again!Ed Herron / Dan Barry inedito
138 Nov 1949
Superman Scoop-ParadeEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Crystal Doom!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Animal Actors!Joe Samachson / Joe Kubert inedito
(untitled)Ed Smalle inedito
The Man Who Loved Horses!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
139 Dec 1949
Clark Kent... Daredevil!Al Plastino inedito
Badmen of Mars!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Weapons of Ghengis Khan!Ed Smalle inedito
Ring Out the Old! Ring In the New!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry / Sy Barry inedito
140 Jan 1950
Superman Becomes a Hermit!Bill Woolfolk / Al Plastino inedito
The Space Clown!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Man Who Played Dead!Ed Smalle inedito
The Seven Wonders of the West!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry / Sy Barry inedito
141 Feb 1950
Luthor's Secret WeaponAlvin Schwartz / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
50 Worlds in One!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Plundering of the Tai Ling!Ed Smalle inedito
Fighting Fools!Joe Kubert inedito
A Day at the Rodeo!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
142 Mar 1950
The Conquest of Superman!Alvin Schwartz / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
Wishing World!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Big Game in Andorra!Ed Smalle inedito
The Making of a Man!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
143 Apr 1950
The Bride of Superman!Bill Woolfolk / Al Plastino inedito
The Treasure in the Atom!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Perfect Specimen!Ed Smalle inedito
Yankee Doodle DoughboyRudy Palais inedito
The Days of '49!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
144 May 1950
Clark Kent's Career!Alvin Schwartz / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Superalbo Nembo Kid # 57 (Mondadori)
The Poison Planet!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Dead Man's Gold!Ed Smalle inedito
Two Dead Men!Gardner Fox / Dan Barry inedito
145 Jun 1950
Merton Gloop and His Magic Horseshoe!Bill Woolfolk / Al Plastino inedito
Outlaw World!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Mystery of the Stolen BellGeorge Kashdan / Ed Smalle
The Cowboy MagicianEd Herron / Dan Barry / Bob Fujitani inedito
146 Jul 1950
The Statues That Came to Life!Dorothy Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Impossible Worlds!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Seven Years Missing!Ed Smalle inedito
The Galleon in the Desert!Ed Smalle inedito
147 Aug 1950
Superman Becomes Miss LovelornEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 54 (Mondadori)
Heroes Out of the PastEdmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Doorway to DangerEd Smalle inedito
The Horse That Could TalkEd Herron / Dan Barry / Dan Barry inedito
148 Sep 1950
Superman, Indian Chief!Edmond Hamilton / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 454 (Mondadori)
The Gypsies of Space!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Big Cats!Ed Smalle inedito
The Big House Balladeers!Donald Clough Cameron / Dan Barry inedito
149 Oct 1950
The Courtship on Krypton!Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
Tommy Tomorrow, Movie Hero!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Play Ball!Ed Smalle inedito
Wheels for a Hero!Dan Barry inedito
150 Nov 1950
The Secret of the 6 Superman Statues!Dorothy Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Forgotten Heroes of Space!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Bare Hands!Ed Smalle inedito
Six Slugs for the Vigilante!Dan Barry inedito