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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
151 Dec 1950
Superman's Super-Magic ShowEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 46 (Mondadori)
The Great Space MirrorEdmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Touchdown in the DesertEd Smalle inedito
The Battling Buckaroo Of Gila GapDonald Clough Cameron / Dan Barry inedito
(untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
(untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff
(untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
152 Jan 1951
The Sleep That Lasted 1000 YearsDorothy Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 524 (Mondadori)
The Ark of Space!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Secret of the Invisible Map!Ed Smalle inedito
City of the Chiefs!Bob Brown inedito
153 Feb 1951
The 100 Deaths of Clark Kent!Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 444 (Mondadori)
Castaway World!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Diamond Doom!Ed Smalle inedito
The Three Dead Letters!Bob Brown inedito
154 Mar 1951
Miss Robinson Crusoe!Dorothy Woolfolk / Al Plastino inedito
The Pest of the Planeteers!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Octopus League!Ed Smalle inedito
The Covered Wagon Cavalcade!Bob Brown inedito
155 Apr 1951
The Cover Girl Mystery!John Broome / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 468 (Mondadori)
The Two Tommy Tomorrows!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Sands of Death!Ed Smalle inedito
The Gun That Killed the Vigilante!Bob Brown inedito
156 May 1951
The Girl Of Steel!Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 51 (Mondadori)
World of the Metal MenCurt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Pipeline Peril!Ed Smalle inedito
Jim Bridger 1804-1881Al McLean / Al McLean inedito
Jerry the JitterbugHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Varsity VicHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Riddle Of The Rainbow Man!Bob Brown inedito
PegHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
157 Jun 1951
The Superman Who Couldn't Fly!Bill Finger / Al Plastino inedito
Bodyguard to a Billion!Ed Smalle inedito
The Interplanetary Baby-Sitter!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Impossible Escapes!Dick Wood / Bob Brown inedito
158 Jul 1951
The Kid From KryptonWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 1 (Mondadori)
Vanishing ConvoyEd Smalle / Ed Smalle inedito
The Secret Of Planetoid XCurt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Prairie Troubadour Takes OverGeorge Roussos / George Roussos inedito
159 Aug 1951
The Man Who Owned SupermanJohn Broome / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 442 (Mondadori)
Showdown in Suez!Ed Smalle inedito
The Planeteer from the Past!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Trigger Trail of "Wild" Eddie Meeks!Bob Brown inedito
160 Sep 1951
Superman's Aunt Minerva!Dorothy Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 436 (Mondadori)
The Mystery of the Little Worlds!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Crime Circus!Ed Smalle inedito
The Capture of the Four Aces!Dick Wood / Bob Brown inedito
161 Oct 1951
Exit -- Superman!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 438 (Mondadori)
The Pirate Planeteer!Edmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Sabotage in Sarawak! inedito
The Duplicate Crimes!Dick Wood / Bob Brown
162 Nov 1951
It!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 439 (Mondadori)
The Interplanetary Restaurant!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Mission of Mystery!Ed Smalle inedito
A Horse for Vigilante!Bob Brown inedito
163 Dec 1951
The Girl of TomorrowWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 8 (Mondadori)
The Junkman of Space!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Bandit GhostEd Smalle inedito
The Strangest Posse in the WorldBob Brown inedito
164 Jan 1952
Superman's Hall of Trophies!Bill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Superalbo Nembo Kid # 50 (Mondadori)
The Ape Man of BorneoJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Interplanetary Pet Show!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Vigilante vs. the Prairie Troubadour!Bob Brown inedito
165 Feb 1952
The Man Who Conquered Superman!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 50 (Mondadori)
The Bank Of The FutureCurt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Blind Man's BluffJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Second VigilanteBob Brown inedito
166 Mar 1952
The Three Scoops of Death!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 506 (Mondadori)
The Earth-Bound Planeteer!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Mission to MalayaJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Trickster of Deep River County!Bob Brown inedito
167 Apr 1952
The Machines Of CrimeWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 58 (Mondadori)
The Man Who Stopped Space FlightEdmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The King Of The BanditsJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Outlaw EditorBob Brown inedito
168 May 1952
The Menace of Planet Z!Bill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Meteor Mystery!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
Congo Bill's Last Fight!Jack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
Outlaws for Sale!Bob Brown inedito
169 Jun 1952
Caveman Clark KentAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 28 (Mondadori)
Spaceman by ProxyCurt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
The Pursuit of Congo BillJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Phantom SheriffBob Brown inedito
170 Jul 1952
The Mad Artist of MetropolisAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 32 (Mondadori)
The Great Brain of SpaceJohn Fischetti / Curt Swan inedito
The Gold That Changed to LeadJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The King of HandcuffsBob Brown inedito
171 Aug 1952
The Secrets of Superman!John Broome / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye inedito
The Invaders of Indigo Island!Jack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Phantom Space Ship!Curt Swan / John Fischetti inedito
A Cell for Vigilante!Bob Brown inedito
172 Sep 1952
Lois Lane... WitchAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 7 (Mondadori)
Survival in the snow! inedito
The eye of space!Jim Mooney inedito
The killer horse of Hollow Hills!Bob Brown inedito
173 Oct 1952
Superman's Invulnerable Foe!Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 497 (Mondadori)
Crown of Ahagg!Ed Smalle inedito
The Death Ships from the Past!Jim Mooney inedito
The Vigilante Museum!Bob Brown inedito
174 Nov 1952
The Man Who Shackled SupermanBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 10 (Mondadori)
Safaris for SaleEd Smalle
The Lost Secret of SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Lady SharpshooterBob Brown inedito
175 Dec 1952
5 Against SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 25 (Mondadori)
Killer's BodyguardEd Smalle inedito
The Statue from SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Sailor on HorsebackBob Brown inedito
176 Jan 1953
Muscles for MoneyAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 30 (Mondadori)
The Man-Eater Of MandalaoJack Miller / Ed Smalle
The End Of The PlaneteersJim Mooney inedito
The Impossible LegendDick Wood / Bob Brown inedito
177 Feb 1953
Anti-Superman WeaponAl Plastino Albi del Falco # 27 (Mondadori)
I Rode With the Outlaw CameleersJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Children from SpaceJim Mooney inedito
Five Bandannas for VigilanteBob Brown inedito
178 Mar 1953
The Sandman of CrimeWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 26 (Mondadori)
Congorilla!Ed Smalle inedito
The Problem Pet from SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Outlaw StallionBob Brown inedito
179 Apr 1953
Super ManorWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 25 (Mondadori)
I Mined for Diamonds and DeathEd Smalle inedito
The Secret of Adventure MoonJim Mooney inedito
Mountie for a DayBob Brown inedito
180 May 1953
The Super TelethonBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 23 (Mondadori)
The Outlaw King of the Congo inedito
The Easter Island of SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Lawman Without a FriendBob Brown inedito
181 Jun 1953
The New SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 17 (Mondadori)
Congo Bill -- CowardJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Space-Mail MysteryJim Mooney inedito
The Forgotten Men of Ghost TownBob Brown inedito
182 Jul 1953
The return of planet KryptonBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 17 (Mondadori)
The Quiz Game of DeathJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Jinx PlanetOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Amazing Crimes of the LariatBob Brown inedito
183 Aug 1953
The Perfect Plot to Kill SupermanBill Woolfolk / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 11 (Mondadori)
The Stamp of DoomJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Showboat of SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Jinx SaddleBob Brown inedito
184 Sep 1953
The Covered Wagon of DoomBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 8 (Mondadori)
The forgotten man of the jungleJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Holidays of TomorrowJim Mooney inedito
The Crime RhymesBob Brown inedito
185 Oct 1953
Superman's Million-Dollar Photos!Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 9 (Mondadori)
The Hidden CityJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Cosmic Jigsaw PuzzleJim Mooney inedito
The Treasure of Get-Rich CreekBob Brown inedito
186 Nov 1953
Haunted SupermanEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 32 (Mondadori)
Suicide SafariJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Hotrods of SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Race to Old ForgeHoward Sherman inedito
187 Dec 1953
Superman's New Super PowersWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 31 (Mondadori)
The Plot to Capture the CrownJack Miller inedito
The Gifts from SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Man Who Killed VigilanteHoward Sherman inedito
188 Jan 1954
The Spectral SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 18 (Mondadori)
Sinbad the KillerJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
The Rebus of SpaceJim Mooney inedito
The Reformed Owlhoot Club!Dick Wood / Howard Sherman
189 Feb 1954
Clark Kent's New Mother and FatherEdmond Hamilton / Curt Swan / Ray Burnley Albi del Falco # 24 (Mondadori)
The Mail-Order HunterJack Miller
The Forbidden WorldJim Mooney inedito
The One-Armed BanditHoward Sherman inedito
190 Mar 1954
The Boy Who Saved SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 22 (Mondadori)
The Man Who Wanted To Die A HeroEd Smalle
The Hunters of the FutureJim Mooney inedito
Vigilante's Adopted TribeHoward Sherman inedito
191 Apr 1954
Calling Doctor SupermanEdmond Hamilton / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 26 (Mondadori)
Janu, the Jungle BoyJack Miller / Ed Smalle inedito
Nine Worlds HotelEdmond Hamilton / Jim Mooney inedito
The Purple Raiders of Cripple HillHoward Sherman inedito
192 May 1954
The Man Who Sped Up SupermanWayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 18 (Mondadori)
Bad Boys of the JungleEd Smalle inedito
The Singing SpacemanJim Mooney inedito
The Red Dust Bandit
193 Jun 1954
The Golden SupermanAl Plastino / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 30 (Mondadori)
No Guns for Congo BillEd Smalle / Ed Smalle inedito
The Living ToysJim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Broadway PosseDick Wood / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman Superman # 7 (Editrice Cenisio)
194 Jul 1954
The Outlaws from KryptonStan Kaye / Bill Finger / Wayne Boring Albi del Falco # 15 (Mondadori)
The Bare-Handed HunterEd Smalle inedito
The Impossible Space ShipJim Mooney inedito
The Unlucky HorseshoeHoward Sherman inedito
195 Aug 1954
Lois Lane -- WantedBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 14 (Mondadori)
The Safari of Young JanuEd Smalle inedito
The Time Vault WorldOtto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
The Counterfeit VigilanteHoward Sherman inedito
196 Sep 1954
The Adventures of Mental ManBill Finger / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 21 (Mondadori)
The Jungle CircusEd Smalle inedito
The World Series of TomorrowJim Mooney inedito
Foreign CorrespondentHoward Sherman inedito
197 Oct 1954
The Stolen 'S' ShirtsBill Finger / Al Plastino Albi del Falco # 25 (Mondadori)
The Chimp Who Became a KingEd Smalle inedito
The Masked GladiatorHoward Sherman inedito
198 Nov 1954
The Six Lives Of Lois Lane!Bill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring Albi del Falco # 22 (Mondadori)
Janu's Jungle RomanceJack Miller / Ed Smalle / Ed Smalle inedito
Stand-In for the Prairie TroubadourHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
199 Dec 1954
The Phantom SupermanBill Woolfolk / Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 21 (Mondadori)
The Interplanetary BankJim Mooney inedito
The School for HuntersJack Miller / Ed Smalle
200 Jan 1955
Tests of a Warrior!Wayne Boring / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 32 (Mondadori)
The Human Circus!Otto Binder / Jim Mooney inedito
Bombo, Killer of the Jungle!Ed Smalle inedito