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Deboroh su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, gionnistorm su Cosmo Serie Rossa # 3, majinberto su Disney Special Events # 48SP, Deboroh su The Intimates # 11, Guardian su The Intimates # 11,


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Action Comics Vol 1 # 171
Copertina di Win Mortimer

Action Comics Vol 1 # 171

DC Comics Agosto 1952
The Secrets of Superman!
John Broome (script) / Wayne Boring (art) / Stan Kaye (inks)
12 pagine
Congo Bill
The Invaders of Indigo Island!
Jack Miller (script) / Ed Smalle (art)
6 pagine
Tommy Tomorrow
The Phantom Space Ship!
Curt Swan (art) / John Fischetti (inks)
6 pagine
A Cell for Vigilante!
Bob Brown (art)
8 pagine