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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
1 Jun 1938
Superman, Champion of the Oppressed!Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster Albi del Falco # 558 (Mondadori)
The 4-G Gang Part 1Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
The Mystery of the Freight Train RobberiesGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
(Untitled)Russell Cole / Russell Cole Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 1Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
The Light Heavyweight ChampionshipGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
The International Jewel ThiefWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
Murder in EnglandKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily Action Comics 1 Edizione Speciale (Mondadori)
2 Jul 1938
War In San MonteJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster I nostri immortali # 1 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
The ShipwreckWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Glass ArmGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Keep OffRussell Cole / Russell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 2Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Sealed City Part 1Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
VindicationLeo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 2Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Haunted FarmGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
3 Aug 1938
The Blackely Mine DisasterJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster Superman # 134 (Rw Lion)
Murder at the Blue Bird Dance PalaceWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Win a DoubleheaderGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
City ParkRussell Cole / Russell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 3Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Sealed City Part 2Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 3Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Death From the AirGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
4 Sep 1938
Superman Plays FootballJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster Superman # 134 (Rw Lion)
The 4-G Gang Part 4Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The All-Star AthleteGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Menace of the HillsRussell Cole / Russell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 4Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Sealed City Part 3Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Brady's RevengeWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Protection RacketLeo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia inedito
The Night Club MurderFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
5 Oct 1938
Superman And The DamJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The 4-G Gang Part 5 Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Newport Silver Cup RacesGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
2 Miles to DoverRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 5Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Nestralian SpyKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Gentleman Jack, the Bank Robber Part 1Will Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Egyptian WizardFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
6 Nov 1938
Superman's Phony ManagerJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster / Paul J. Lauretta DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The 4-G Gang Part 6Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Hunting TripGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Gone StraightRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 6Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Duoble Trouble Part 1Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Gentleman Jack, the Bank Robber Part 2Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Emerald of CheopsFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
7 Dec 1938
Superman Joins the CircusJerry Siegel / Wayne Boring / Wayne Boring / Paul J. Lauretta DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The 4-G Gang Part 7Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
County Football ChampionshipGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 7Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Double Trouble Part 2 Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Five Point Bank HoldupWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Zulu Diamond MineFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
8 Jan 1939
Superman In The SlumsJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster / Paul J. Lauretta DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The 4-G Gang Part 8Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Inter-Ski TournamentGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 8Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Dr. Kichung's Apes Part 1Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Marijuana FarmersWill Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Indian PrinceGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
9 Feb 1939
Wanted: SupermanJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Wayne Boring / Joe Shuster / Wayne Boring DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Lefty Laroway Gang Part 1 Will Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Ice Boat RaceFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 9Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Dr. Kichung's Apes Part 2Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 9 Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Mad LamaGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
10 Mar 1939
Superman Goes to PrisonJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Wayne Boring / Joe Shuster / Wayne Boring / Paul J. Lauretta DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Lefty Laroway Gang Part 2Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Intercity Basketball TournamentGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 10Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Queen of the Malays Part 1Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 10Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Treasure of Ghengis KhanGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
11 Apr 1939
Superman And The Black Gold SwindleJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Joe Shuster DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Lefty Laroway Gang Part 3Will Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
ShanghaiedGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 11Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Queen of the Malays Part 2Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 11Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Sea GhostGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
12 May 1939
Superman Declares War on Reckless DriversJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy / Joe Shuster DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Lefty Laroway Gang Part 4Will Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Death to Don LuisGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 12Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Queen of the Malays Part 3Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 12Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Land of the Fourth DimensionGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
13 Jun 1939
Superman vs. the Cab Protective LeagueJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy / Joe Shuster DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Ibor Jewel CurseWill Ely / Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
The Journey Home Part 1Gardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 13Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Ace Of SpadesKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 13Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Swamp Of SatanGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
14 Jul 1939
Superman Meets the Ultra-HumaniteJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Journey Home Part 2Gardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 14Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Pharaoh's Treasure Part 1Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Miss Abelard AffairKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The 4-G Gang Part 14Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Fountain of YouthGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
15 Aug 1939
Superman on the High SeasJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Warehouse RobberiesGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 15Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Pharaoh's Treasure Part 2Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Devone DiamondBernard Baily / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Killer KeefeHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Ice MenaceGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
16 Sep 1939
Superman and the Numbers RacketJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
BodyguardGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 16Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Pharaoh's Treasure Part 3Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
Double AgentKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Trouble at the Box-MHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Terror from SaturnGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
17 Oct 1939
The Return of the Ultra-HumaniteJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
On The RanchGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Adventures of Marco Polo Part 17Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Cult of the Tiger Part 1Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Return of the Gorrah Part 1Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Stage Hold-upHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Peril of OphirGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
18 Nov 1939
Superman's Super-CampaignJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
Old EliasGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The FrameHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Cult of the Tiger Part 2Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Return of the Gorrah Part 2Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Captured PlanesBert Christman / Bert Christman / Bert Christman inedito
The Atlantis MysteryGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
19 Dec 1939
Superman and the Purple PlagueJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 14 (Panini Comics)
The Train RobberyGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Boot ThievesHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Ivory Safari Part 1Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Zombies Part 1Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Murder In The AirBert Christman / Bert Christman / Bert Christman inedito
The Gorilla KingGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
20 Jan 1940
Superman and the Screen SirenJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
At the Air ShowGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Murder in Rattlesnake CanyonHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Ivory Safari, Part 2Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
The Zombies, Part 2Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Aerial SurveyBert Christman / Bert Christman inedito
The Moon MenGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
21 Feb 1940
The Atomic DisintegratorJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
The Florida Handicap RaceGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
(untitled)Homer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
The Gun-Running RacketSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Doll MurdersKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Lost Scot Gold Mine, Part 1Bert Christman / Bert Christman inedito
The Deaths on the MoorGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
22 Mar 1940
Europe at War, Part 1Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy Cosmo Comics # 71 (Editoriale Cosmo )
Volunteer FiremanGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Murder at the Slash-D RanchHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Beauty Was the BeastSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Island DemonKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Lost Scot Gold Mine, Part 2Bert Christman / Bert Christman inedito
Wet PaintFred Schwab / Fred Schwab / Fred Schwab inedito
The "Mask"Gardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
23 Apr 1940
Europe at War, Part 2Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy Superman # 103 (Rw Lion)
Trouble at the MineFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Dead Men Tell No TalesSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Lost City of GoldGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Man with the Rubber FaceKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Revolution in Verdania, Part 1Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Treasure TowerGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
24 May 1940
Carnahan's HeirJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
Spring TrainingFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Escape from the IslandSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Stolen GoldGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Invisible SteamKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Revolution in Verdania, Part 2Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Magician MurderGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
25 Jun 1940
Amnesiac RobbersJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Paul Cassidy DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
Enemy SubFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Captured by Captain RuffSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Living StatuesGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The KidnappingKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Calero the Rebel LeaderSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The One Man Crime WaveGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
26 Jul 1940
Professor Cobalt's ClinicJerry Siegel / Paul J. Lauretta / Paul Cassidy / Joe Shuster DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
Trapped in the SnowFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
RescuedSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
Ingrid Svenson's InheritanceGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Introducing "Miss X"Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Claim JumpersSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Jagtooth Gold MineGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
27 Aug 1940
(untitled)Jerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy / Dennis Neville DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
The Track Meet FixFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Fight to the FinishSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Blue RaiderGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Return of the Gorrah!!Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Hollywood AdvisorSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Vanished ExplorerGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
28 Sep 1940
The Strongarm AssaultsJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley / Jack Burnley DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
The Southpaw inedito
The ChaseSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Easter Island GodsGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Gorrah's Blackmail RacketKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Hollywood Jewel Theft RingSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Gringo GangGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
29 Oct 1940
The Life Insurance ConJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley / Jack Burnley DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
(untitled)George Papp / George Papp inedito
The Red Raiders!Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
(untitled)Gardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
(untitled)Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
(untitled)Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
(untitled)Gardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
30 Nov 1940
The Midsummer SnowstormJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley / Jack Burnley DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
(untitled)George Papp / George Papp inedito
(untitled)Sheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
(untitled)Gardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
(untitled)Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
Death on the Set!George Papp / George Papp inedito
Mottled DeathGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
31 Dec 1940
In the Grip of MorpheusJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley / Jack Burnley DC Classic # 24 (Panini Comics)
The Unconscious Tip-OffGeorge Papp / George Papp inedito
Escape from the MineSheldon Moldoff / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
The Hidden City of DeathGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Fake-Accident RacketKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Missing ArchaeologistGeorge Papp / George Papp inedito
European WarGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
32 Feb 1941
The Preston Gambling RacketJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley inedito
The Escaped ConvictsGeorge Papp inedito
Single CombatSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Dali LamaGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Ranch's MineralsKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Treacherous ForemanGeorge Papp inedito
The Antigravity MachineGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
33 Feb 1941
The Lumber Millionaire's WillJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley inedito
The Gas RifleGeorge Papp inedito
The Capture of the Queen of the SeasSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Treasure of Kublai KhanGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Origin of Mr. AmericaKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
Mr. ZGeorge Papp inedito
The Platinum IdolGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
34 Mar 1941
The Coal Mine HeiressJerry Siegel / Jack Burnley inedito
The Sailing SpiesGeorge Papp inedito
Trapped on the JunkSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Treasure of Kublai Khan, Part 2Gardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Munitions MagnateKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Giant of the LumberjacksGeorge Papp inedito
Get Zatara Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
35 Apr 1941
The Worthless Gold MineJerry Siegel / Wayne Boring inedito
The Kidnapped GirlGeorge Papp inedito
Fire on BoardSheldon Moldoff inedito
The South American IndiansGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The SpiderKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Panama CanalGeorge Papp inedito
The InheritanceGardner Fox / Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
36 May 1941
Fifth ColumnistsJerry Siegel / Wayne Boring / Joe Shuster inedito
The Fur ThievesGeorge Papp inedito
Return to SpainSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Mountain of GoldGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
BlackmailKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Central American GeneralGeorge Papp inedito
The Dude Ranch KidnappersGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
37 Jun 1941
Commissioner KentJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy inedito
The Playboy's Gambling RingGeorge Papp inedito
The Lost City of AtlantisGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Spy B-7Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Italian OfficerFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Baseball FixersGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
38 Jul 1941
Hypnosis by RadioJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Slim is KidnappedGeorge Papp inedito
Don De AvilaSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Treacherous Ministers of AtlantisGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Gorrah Strikes at LibrariesKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Mines of OphirFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Rolling Fireball MenaceGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
39 Aug 1941
The Radioactive ManJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak / Siegel and Shuster Studio inedito
The Jailed StarGeorge Papp inedito
Escape from the PalaceSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Medicine ThiefGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Vs. the Fifth ColumnistsKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
UntitledFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Zin DiamondGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
40 Sep 1941
The Billionaire's DaughterJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
The Summer JobGeorge Papp inedito
The Death of AvillaSheldon Moldoff inedito
In the Bering StraitsGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Purple GangKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Adventure of the Prehistoric Valley!Fred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Duped DaughterGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
41 Oct 1941
The SaboteurJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy inedito
Tuerto the BanditGeorge Papp inedito
The Albino PriestessSheldon Moldoff inedito
The Cleveland Air RacesGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Gold Bullion TheftKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
Jungle DrumsFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Rival RanchersGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
42 Nov 1941
The Empire in the SkyJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak inedito
The Origin of the VigilanteMort Weisinger / Mort Meskin
The Ship SpiesSheldon Moldoff inedito
Revolution in Central America!Gardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Origin of FatmanKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
[untitled]Fred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Man Who Could Control MindsGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
43 Dec 1941
The Pilot's RevengeJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Billy Gunn's MineMort Meskin inedito
The Adventure of the Ancient AirplaneGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Giant PuppetsKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
UntitledFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Boss of Forrest CityJoseph Sulman inedito
44 Jan 1942
The Caveman CriminalJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak / Ed Dobrotka inedito
Galloping GoldMort Weisinger / Mort Meskin inedito
The Diamond MinesGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Circus SaboteursKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
UntitledFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
Theft by RocketGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
45 Mar 1942
Superman's ArkEd Dobrotka / Jerry Siegel / Leo Nowak inedito
The Head!Mort Weisinger / Mort Meskin / George Roussos inedito
The City with the Golden DomesGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
... versus The Thunderbolt!Ken Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Haunted CastleFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Cobra Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
46 Mar 1942
The Devil's PlaygroundJerry Siegel / Paul Cassidy inedito
Crimes in ColorMort Weisinger / Mort Meskin inedito
The DjinnGardner Fox / Chad Grothkopf inedito
The Iron GiantKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
UntitledFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
Zatara versus HitlerGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
47 Apr 1942
PowerstoneJerry Siegel / John Sikela / John Sikela Superman # 20 (Edizione Cenisio)
The Green Cowled MenaceMort Weisinger / Mort Meskin / Mort Meskin inedito
Go to WarGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Skeletons in ArmorKen Fitch / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
The Red KhanFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
Nargo, the Ruler of AtlantisGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman / Joseph Sulman inedito
48 May 1942
The Adventure of the Merchant of MurderJerry Siegel / John Sikela inedito
Crime's CaravanMort Meskin inedito
The Adventure of the Secret SubmarineGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Pied Piper of DoomKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
Suddenly at WarFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Case of the Maddening MusicGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
49 Jun 1942
The Puzzler!Jerry Siegel / John Sikela / Ed Dobrotka inedito
The Rainbow ManMort Meskin inedito
The Mystery of the Meandering MansionGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
The Crime MachineKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Last ShipmentFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Story of the Magical MobstersGardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito
50 Jul 1942
The Professional Baseball PlayerJerry Siegel / Leo Nowak / Ed Dobrotka inedito
The Man Who Came Back!Joe Samachson / Mort Meskin / Cliff Young inedito
The Island Where Time Stood StillGardner Fox / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
BlackmailKen Fitch / Bernard Baily inedito
The Man of a Thousand LivesFred Ray / Fred Ray inedito
The Case of the Man Who Could Not Die!!Gardner Fox / Joseph Sulman inedito