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Action Comics Vol 1 # 49
Copertina di Fred Ray

Action Comics Vol 1 # 49

DC Comics Giugno 1942
The Puzzler!
Jerry Siegel (script) / John Sikela (art) / Ed Dobrotka (inks)
13 pagine
The Rainbow Man
Mort Meskin (art)
12 pagine
Three Aces
The Mystery of the Meandering Mansion
Gardner Fox (script) / Louis Cazeneuve (art)
6 pagine
Mr. America
The Crime Machine
Ken Fitch (script) / Bernard Baily (art)
8 pagine
Congo Bill
The Last Shipment
Fred Ray (script) / Fred Ray (art)
6 pagine
The Story of the Magical Mobsters
Gardner Fox (script) / Joseph Sulman (art)
9 pagine