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Albi del Falco # 120

Albi del Falco # 120 | Il gorilla di Krypton

Mondadori Agosto 1958
Action Comics Vol 1 # 238
The Super-Gorilla from Krypton
Otto Binder (script) / Wayne Boring (art) / Stan Kaye (inks)
12 pagine

da Action Comics Vol 1 # 238, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1958)
Batman vol 1 # 113
Batman and Robin
Batman, The Superman of Planet X!
France Herron (script) / Dick Sprang (art) / Charles Paris (inks)
10 pagine

da Batman vol 1 # 113, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1958)
Batman vol 1 # 98
The Desert Island Batman
Edmond Hamilton (script) / Sheldon Moldoff (art) / Charles Paris (inks)
8 pagine

da Batman vol 1 # 98, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1956)