Utenti registrati: 5869

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lordjulius / freethud / Alias129 / Crimen2007 / Silus / femo / DetectiveOscuro / max2001

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eotvos su Marvel Graphic Novel: Conan of the Isles # 1, eotvos su L'Eternauta # 101, eotvos su Bizarre Adventures # 25, nuvolablu su , nuvolablu su L'Eternauta # 101,


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Action Comics Vol 1 # 69
Copertina di Wayne Boring

Action Comics Vol 1 # 69

DC Comics Marzo 1944
The Lost-and-Found Mystery
Jerry Siegel (script) / Sam Citron (art) / Don Komisarow (inks)
12 pagine
The Little Men Who Were There
Joe Samachson (script) / Mort Meskin (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
10 pagine
Congo Bill
Kangaroo Capers!
Ed Smalle (art)
6 pagine
Traitor's Bait
Joe Greene (script) / Bernard Baily (art)
8 pagine
East Meets West
Joseph Sulman (art)
8 pagine