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What The?
Marvel Comics
What The?
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1988
numeri rilasciati: 1-26
numeri catalogati: 26
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Seconda serie satirica della Marvel, dopo Not Brand Echh degli anni sessanta, che ha presentato delle brevi parodie umoristico-demenziali dei supereroi.
1 Aug 1988
Pulverizer: Account's Overdrawn ... Checks Returned For Lack Of FundsPeter Gillis / Hilary Barta / John Severin Star Magazine # 9 (Star Comics)
Bower Brats: The Bower Brats Meet Clunk And DagnabbitTerry Austin / June Brigman / June Brigman inedito
The Unnecessary X-Persons And The New Pubescents: When Titans Bunch !Peter Gillis / Jon Bogdanove / Al Milgrom Marvel Mania # 5 (Marvel Italia)
All The Villains In (And Off) The World: Secret Wars IIIGwen Dibley / Steve Ditko / John Severin Star Magazine # 9 (Star Comics)
(comic story): The Armor That Made a Man Out of MacMarc Siry / Marc Siry / Marc Siry / Marc Siry inedito
2 Sep 1988
Superbman Vs The Fantastical Four: My Badguy... My Enemy !John Byrne / John Byrne / Jerry Ordway / Petra Scotese Star Magazine # 2 (Star Comics)
Knick Furey: The Retirement Of Knick Furey, Ex-Agent Of SHEELD !Fred Hembeck / John Severin / John Severin inedito
Woof 'R' Eam: Woof 'R' Eam!Al Milgrom / Mike Mignola / Al Williamson / Petra Scotese Star Magazine # 1 (Star Comics)
Doctor Deranged: Doctor DerangedPeter Gillis / Phil Foglio / Phil Foglio / Bob Sharen inedito
(comic story): Terry Austin's Famous Inker's School Talent TestTerry Austin / Terry Austin / Bret Blevins / Fred Hembeck / Terry Austin inedito
3 Oct 1988
Spider-Ham: NevermoreGlenn Herdling / Alex Saviuk / Bob McLeod / Janet Jackson Spider-Man: L'ultima caccia di Kraven .. (Panini Comics)
The Vizzion And The Scarlett Wench: Homecoming Around AgainRichard Howell / Richard Howell / Joe Sinnott / Janet Jackson inedito
Bat-Man: The Birth of a HeroPeter David / Todd McFarlane / Todd McFarlane Star Magazine # 11 (Star Comics)
Scaredevil: Fed Up!Fred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck / Gregory Wright Fantastici Quattro # 46 (Star Comics)
(comic story): Mutant Beach Party!Kurt Busiek / Kyle Baker / Kyle Baker / Gregory Wright inedito
(comic story): One Day in the Comics ShopKurt Busiek / James Fry / Hector Collazo / Gregory Wright inedito
(comic story): Marvel Super-Heroes with Pet Partners?Richard Howell / Richard Howell / Richard Howell inedito
Bullish Bulletins: (untitled)Marc Siry / Marc Siry / Marc Siry inedito
(comic story): The Insult That Made a Man Out of NorrinSholly Fisch / Marc Siry / Marc Siry / Marc Siry inedito
4 Nov 1988
(comic story): Mutant Beach Party Chapter 2: The Fall on the Mutants!Kurt Busiek / Kyle Baker / Kyle Baker / Gregory Wright inedito
Doctor Deranged: The Wacky Disciple of Doctor DerangedFred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck / George Roussos inedito
(comic story): Lone Wolvie and Chris inedito
(comic story): Hard BallScott Lobdell / Gary Fields / Gary Fields / Gregory Wright inedito
Forbush Man: The Last Charlie AmericaScott Lobdell / Ron Zalme / Ron Zalme / Gregory Wright inedito
Starchy: Four Pages with StarchyDavid Schwartz / David Schwartz / Jon D'Agostino / Gregory Wright inedito
(comic story): What If Shang-Chew Were a Fast Food Cook?Michael Eury / David Day / Dan Day / Gregory Wright inedito
(comic story): When Titans Clash!Peter David / Gary Fields / Gary Fields / Gregory Wright inedito
Captain America: (untitled)Marc Siry / Marc Siry / Hector Collazo / Gregory Wright inedito
(comic story): An Important Message for the Readers of What The--?Fred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck / Fred Hembeck inedito
5 Jul 1989
Bulk: This Man, That Monster--That Man, This Monster--This Man, Some Other Monster!Peter Gillis / Erik Larsen / Al Gordon L'Uomo Ragno/Spider-Man # 78 (Star Comics)
(comic story): You Bet Your DignityTerry Austin / Jim Lee / Al Williamson / Gregory Wright Marvel Omnibus # 20 (Panini Comics)
(comic story): The Alien-ated LegionChuck Dixon / Larry Stroman / Al Williamson / Janet Jackson inedito
(comic story): Ill-Conceived Character CouplingsJim Lee / Jim Lee / Al Milgrom Marvel Mania # 8 (Marvel Italia)
Mighty Sore: He's Mighty Sore in: Lo! If This Be Not My Father, My Enemy...!Peter Gillis / Whilce Portacio / Al Milgrom Star Magazine # 9 (Star Comics)
Pulverizer, Wulvoream: "Wake Up and Shoot the Coffee"Doug Rice / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / John Wellington inedito
6 Jan 1990
(comic story): Smacks of Vengeance!Terry Austin / John Byrne / John Byrne Star Magazine # 9 (Star Comics)
Pulveriser: Origin of the PulverizerDoug Rice / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta Star Magazine # 14 (Star Comics)
Sore, God of Blunder!: Sore Wants a Haircut!Howard Mackie / Adam Blaustein / Chris Ivy inedito
Man-Thang: Adventure Into Boredom FearPeter Gillis / Doug Rice / Hilary Barta inedito
7 Apr 1990
Revengers: Us Against Them!Scott Lobdell / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
(comic story): Merry Mutant MelodiesJeff Albrecht / Kelly Corvese / Kelly Corvese inedito
Awful Flight: Awful FlightMarc McLaurin / Don Hudson / Jeff Albrecht inedito
Patsy Walker: Patsy WalkerRichard Howell / Richard Howell / Richard Howell inedito
8 Jul 1990
Forbush-Man: Return of the Forbush-ManAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti inedito
(comic story): --After HoursScott Lobdell / Dale Keown / Harry Candelario / Nel Yomtov inedito
Goon Knight: Goon KnightSholly Fisch / Win Mortimer / Win Mortimer inedito
Son of Satan: The Son of Satan CensoredKurt Busiek / James Fry / Brad Joyce / Kris Renkewitz inedito
9 Oct 1990
Wolvie: Gone Fishin'Peter David / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
Black 'n Blue Panther: Panther's PestDon McGregor / Mike Harris / Tom Palmer inedito
Hotel Galacticus: Breakfast is ServedScott Lobdell / Dave Hoover / Dave Hoover inedito
Obscurity Legion: Second GuessesScott Lobdell / Scott Lobdell / Dennis Jensen inedito
10 Jan 1991
Santa Doom: I'll Be Doom For ChristmasScott Lobdell / John Byrne / John Byrne Star Magazine # 15 (Star Comics)
Milk and Cookies: To Save You, Why Must I Floss?Sholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
Chaplain America: Chap's New PartnerBarry Dutter / Win Mortimer / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson inedito
(comic story): AyehearyaBill Wray / Bill Wray / Bill Wray Star Magazine # 18 (Star Comics)
11 Mar 1991
Daredevil: Okay, So It's Not Such A Wonderful LifeScott Lobdell / Lee Weeks / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Rob Liefeld / Ron Wilson / Andy Kubert / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith Williams / Al Milgrom Star Magazine # 20 (Star Comics)
(comic story): What is Your New Years Resolution?Darren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
She-Bulk: This Man, This MealRob Tokar / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Daniel Vozzo inedito
(comic story): Hazards of Being a Super-HeroRoger Brown / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Roger Brown inedito
Bud's Suds: Auld Lang SyneScott Lobdell / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Kelly Corvese inedito
12 May 1991
Moanin' the Bavarian: Moanin' the BavarianBill Wray / Bill Wray / Hilary Barta / Bill Wray inedito
Cronan the Beerbarian: Cronan the BeerbarianBarry Dutter / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Ed Lazellari inedito
Forbush Man: Forbush Man in the Ravaged LandAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Evelyn Stein inedito
Iwanda Newhouse, The Vision: Married with SuperpowersRurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
The Thing: Love is a Many Splintered ThingDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
(comic story): Dear MarbleSholly Fisch / Aaron Lopresti / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Kelly Corvese inedito
13 Jul 1991
Silver Burper: Silver BurperStan Lee / Bob Wiacek / Marie Javins inedito
Bratman: Bratman 2 The Movie inedito
Pulverizer: Let the Punisher Fit the Clown!Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg inedito
Fantastic Four: An Eye for an EyepatchSteve Proudfoot / Jim Warden / Joe Quesada / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Daniel Vozzo inedito
14 Sep 1991
Spittle-man: TangledBill Wray / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Marie Javins Star Magazine # 41 (Star Comics)
(comic story): Super-Villain Dating GameDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck / Marie Javins inedito
(comic story): Hazards of Being a Super-HeroRoger Brown / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Daniel Vozzo inedito
Visionary and the Scarlet Itch: Brain GamesSholly Fisch / Win Mortimer / Win Mortimer / Kelly Corvese inedito
Forbush Man: Forbush, P. I.Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Evelyn Stein inedito
Milk and Cookies: Jurassic ClassicSholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Daniel Vozzo inedito
15 Nov 1991
(comic story): The Strange Young Fighting FrogsCharles Santino / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Freddie Mendez inedito
Wolverina: The Land SharkScott Lobdell / Rurik Tyler / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Freddie Mendez inedito
Captain Ultra: So How Goes the WarScott Lobdell / Dennis Jensen / George Wildman inedito
Moon Nut: You Know You've Been Reading Too Many Comic Books When...Barry Dutter / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Marie Javins inedito
Tony Stork: Tony Stork Spring/Summer Fashion CatalogDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
Iron Man: The RescueRoger Brown / Joe Quesada / Michael White / Rob Tokar inedito
(comic story): Trouble in a FlashRoger Brown / Eric Doescher / Eric Doescher / Rob Tokar inedito
(comic story): The Giant Man-Eating Mutant Sea MonkeeDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
16 Jan 1992
(comic story): Ock Around the Christmas TreeScott Lobdell / Marie Severin / Marie Severin inedito
Milk and Cookies: The Grinch Who Swiped ChanukaSholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Kelly Corvese inedito
The Watcher: Someone To Watch Over MeBarry Dutter / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Daniel Vozzo inedito
(comic story): Are You Man Enough to Enter the House of Misery?Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Daniel Vozzo inedito
(comic story): What The..?! Marble Superheroes Got For X-MasDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
(comic story): Monsterous Marble MirthDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
17 Mar 1992
Wolverweenie and the Pulverizer: Teaming Up For The MoneyHilary Barta / Peter Gillis / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / Bill Wray Gli Incredibili X-Men # 45 (Star Comics)
(comic story): The StorytellerBarry Dutter / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Daniel Vozzo inedito
Fantastical Four: World Tour 1992Kurt Busiek / Richard Howell / Richard Howell / Brad Joyce / Oliver Kammel inedito
The Sleepgawker: Where Ogles the Sleepgawker?Scott Lobdell / David Day / Dan Day / Dan Day / David Day / Marie Javins inedito
Sub-mariner: Top Ten Things the Sub-Mariner Does for FunBarry Dutter / Ralph Cabrera / Michael White / Kelly Corvese inedito
(comic story): Super Hero FunniesRoger Brown / Eric Doescher / Eric Doescher / Kelly Corvese inedito
18 May 1992
Charlie America: What if... Charlie America Landed on - Finnigan's Island?Seth Kruchkow / Michael Higgins / Marie Severin / Marie Severin / Marie Severin inedito
Spider-ham: Hoagy's Space ArkBarry Dutter / John Costanza / George Wildman / Glynis Oliver Wein / Glynis Oliver inedito
Doc Simpson: Psychiatrist to the Super-HeroesBarry Dutter / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Daniel Vozzo inedito
(comic story): Down on the Marbel FarmDarren Auck / Darren Auck / Darren Auck inedito
(comic story): Star TrashAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti inedito
(comic story): Top Ten Favorite TV Shows of the Marvel HeroesBarry Dutter / Darren Auck / Dan DeCarlo / Rob Tokar inedito
(comic story): Marvel Clearance Sale!Marc Siry / Marc Siry / Marc Siry inedito
19 Jul 1992
Ghost Writer, Pulverizer and Wolvie: Discharm SchoolScott Lobdell / Rick Stasi / Mike DeCarlo / Kelly Corvese inedito
(comic story): The Malted FalconSholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Steve Montano / Kelly Corvese inedito
Dr. Deranged: In Search of CleanexDoug Rice / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / Hilary Barta / Paul Mounts Star Magazine # 31 (Star Comics)
Knick Furey: When Worlds ClydeDoug Rice / Doug Rice / Hilary Barta / Paul Mounts Star Magazine # 29 (Star Comics)
Peter Parker: What if... Peter Parker Had Not Been Bitten by a Radioactive Spider and Become Spider-Man?George Beliardo / Mike DeCarlo / Steve Montano inedito
Dr. Furey, Nick Deranged: Deranged Tales 666Doug Rice / Hilary Barta inedito
20 Aug 1992
Forbush Man: The Infinity Wart Saga Part 1Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Paul Becton inedito
Milk and Cookies: Lo, There Shall Come a ForbushSholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Tom Vincent inedito
Spider-ham: Pork For Dinner, Milk and Cookies for DessertBarry Dutter / John Costanza / George Wildman inedito
Wolverina: Leadress of the PackScott Lobdell / Dennis Jensen / Barbara Kaalberg / Paul Becton inedito
(comic story): Lloyd Lampuskus LifeguardBarry Dutter / Mike DeCarlo / Mike DeCarlo / Kelly Corvese inedito
21 Sep 1992
Weapon X: Weapon X, Lies and VideotapeDoug Rice / Hilary Barta / Joe Staton / Hilary Barta inedito
(comic story): Who Was That Skrull I Saw You With Last Night?Ed Lazellari / Darren Auck / Darren Auck / Mike DeCarlo / Ed Lazellari inedito
(comic story): What The...Is It?Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
Sheeza-hulk: Be My Valentine..or ElseRusty Haller / Rusty Haller / Michael White / Marie Javins inedito
(comic story): Driving MedoozySholly Fisch / Marie Severin / Marie Severin / Marie Severin inedito
(comic story): Mutant MishapsTodd Nauck / Todd Nauck / Todd Nauck inedito
22 Oct 1992
Pulverizer and Wolverweenie: Nine Lives Hath the CataclysmDoug Rice / Hilary Barta / Joe Staton / Hilary Barta inedito
(comic story): Guidance CounselorSholly Fisch / George Wildman / George Wildman / Suzanne Gaffney inedito
Spider-ham: What Goes Up Must Come DownBarry Dutter / John Costanza / John Costanza inedito
(comic story): Hazards of Being a Super VillainRoger Brown / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler inedito
(comic story): Salem's PotAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Evelyn Stein inedito
Captain America: Captains Outrageous!Barry Dutter / Joe Quesada / Joe Rubinstein / Ed Lazellari inedito
23 Nov 1992
Superb-Pro: The Drop-kick That Lifts Your... Um... SpiritHilary Barta / Doug Rice / Rurik Tyler / Hilary Barta / Ed Lazellari inedito
The New Worriers: What I Did Over Summer VacationScott Lobdell / Howard Bender / George Wildman / Ed Lazellari inedito
Forbush Man: How To Draw Other Comics the Marble WaySholly Fisch / James Fry / Mike DeCarlo / Paul Becton inedito
Forbush Man: What If Forbush Man Were a Real Super Hero?Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Kelly Corvese inedito
Nick Furious: Guided MishapDan Slott / Alex Morrissey / Alex Morrissey / Mike DeCarlo / Paul Becton inedito
(comic story): The Insult That Made Mac a Blood-Sucking Freak!Barry Dutter / Ralph Cabrera / Ralph Cabrera / Paul Becton inedito
24 Dec 1992
(comic story): The Infinity MittenHilary Barta / Doug Rice / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Ed Lazellari inedito
Spider-ham: The Green Gobbler ReturnsBarry Dutter / John Costanza / John Costanza / Steve Buccellato inedito
Obnoxio the Clown: House of Whacks!Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg / Alan Kupperberg inedito
(comic story): Bulk vs Thang (For the Umpteenth Time)Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Paul Becton inedito
(comic story): Who Knows What Creature Sleeps in the Bed?Paul Curtis / Andrew Pepoy / Michael White / Ed Lazellari inedito
(comic story): Misprints in the Comics...John Lewandowski / George Wildman / Jack Abel / Ed Lazellari inedito
(comic story): Zoids Would-be Marvel Super-Heroes and Villains Who Never Quite Made It inedito
25 Jul 1993
(comic story): The X-Men ClassicBarry Dutter / Marie Severin / Marie Severin / Marie Severin inedito
The Eccentrics: Milk RunMike Kanterovich / Tom Brevoort / Manny Galan / Steve Montano inedito
(comic story): Ecchs-ForceAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Mark Bernardo inedito
Bratman and Bunny: (untitled)Terry Collins / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Marie Severin / Marie Severin inedito
(comic story): Graudians of the CrosswalkScott Lobdell / Manny Galan / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Tom Vincent inedito
(comic story): A Salute to the Silver AgeBarry Dutter / John Costanza / Keith Williams / Ed Lazellari inedito
The Eccentrics: The Eccentrics Part 2Mike Kanterovich / Tom Brevoort / Manny Galan / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson / Mark Bernardo inedito
Mutant Mishaps: Father Knows Beast!Manny Galan / Manny Galan / Manny Galan inedito
Mutant Mishaps: Too Many Telepaths!Todd Nauck / Todd Nauck / Todd Nauck inedito
Silver Age Silliness: (untitled)Rusty Haller / Rusty Haller / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson inedito
(comic story): When Super Heroes Have a Bad Day!Gary Fields / Joe Quesada / Mike DeCarlo inedito
Mutant Mishaps: Professor X Gets Put on a Mailing ListManny Galan / Manny Galan / Manny Galan inedito
Mutant Mishaps: (untitled)Manny Galan / Manny Galan / Manny Galan inedito
Silver Age Sillines: (untitled)Rusty Haller / Rusty Haller / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson inedito
Mutant Mishaps: (untitled)Manny Galan / Manny Galan / Manny Galan inedito
(comic story): Top Ten TV Episodes... ...That Don't Feature Mutants!!!Barry Dutter / Darren Auck / Mike DeCarlo / Mark Bernardo inedito
(comic story): Great X-Men in HistoryEric Doescher / Eric Doescher / Eric Doescher inedito
26 Dec 1993
Spider-ham: Spider-Ham 2099Barry Dutter / John Costanza / Marie Severin / Ed Lazellari inedito
Silver Burper: The Origin of the Silver BurperStan Lee / Bob Wiacek / John Severin / Marie Severin inedito
Inedible Bulk: Beware the Hicks-MenDoug Rice / Angel Medina / Bill Anderson / Paul Mounts inedito
The Unhumans: What Would Happen if the Unhumans Tried to Meet the Fantastical Four For Their Arrival on the Moon?John Lewandowski / George Wildman / George Wildman / Paul Becton inedito
(comic story): An Abhorrent AffairScott Lobdell / Rick Parker / Rick Parker / Ovi Hondru inedito
Fantastic Four: What If the Fantastic Four Stayed in the Movie Biz?Manny Galan / Dan Slott / Manny Galan / Mike DeCarlo / Mark Bernardo inedito
(comic story): To Save Me, Why Must I Kill Me?Sholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Paul Becton inedito
Forbush Man: Dumsday: The Death of Forbush ManAaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Aaron Lopresti / Marie Severin inedito
RoboCob: RoboCobJean-Marc Toussaint / Jean-Marc Toussaint / Jean-Marc Toussaint / Renee Witterstaetter inedito
Hank Pym: Hank Pym's Super Market CouponsRurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Mark Bernardo inedito
Milk and Cookies: It's Our Third Story, So We Have to Face -- Galacticus!Sholly Fisch / Rurik Tyler / Rurik Tyler / Mark Bernardo inedito
(comic story): MemoriesRusty Haller / Rusty Haller / Michael White / Paul Becton inedito
Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman: When Sue Was Bored or What's Good for a Goose...Roger Brown / Joe Quesada / Keith S. Wilson / Keith Wilson inedito
Captain America: Top Ten Other Uses for Captain America's ShieldBarry Dutter / Michael White / Michael White / Mark Bernardo inedito
(comic story): 2099: A Marvel UpdateEric Doescher / Eric Doescher / Eric Doescher / Ed Lazellari inedito
Forbush Man: Death of Forbush ManDoug Rice / Doug Rice / Doug Rice inedito