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What The? # 17
Copertina di Hilary Barta

What The? # 17

Marvel Comics Marzo 1992
Wolverweenie and the Pulverizer
Teaming Up For The Money (Insieme per i soldi)
Hilary Barta (script) / Peter Gillis (script) / Hilary Barta (art) / Hilary Barta (inks) / Bill Wray (colors)
8 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Gli Incredibili X-Men # 45 - Cavalieri di Madripoor, Star Comics (Apr 1994)
(comic story)
The Storyteller
Barry Dutter (script) / Keith S. Wilson (art) / Keith Wilson (art) / Keith S. Wilson (inks) / Keith Wilson (inks) / Daniel Vozzo (colors)
6 pagine
Fantastical Four
World Tour 1992
Kurt Busiek (script) / Richard Howell (script) / Richard Howell (art) / Brad Joyce (inks) / Oliver Kammel (colors)
10 pagine
The Sleepgawker
Where Ogles the Sleepgawker?
Scott Lobdell (script) / David Day (art) / Dan Day (art) / Dan Day (inks) / David Day (inks) / Marie Javins (colors)
6 pagine
Top Ten Things the Sub-Mariner Does for Fun
Barry Dutter (script) / Ralph Cabrera (art) / Michael White (inks) / Kelly Corvese (colors)
1 pagine
(comic story)
Super Hero Funnies
Roger Brown (script) / Eric Doescher (art) / Eric Doescher (inks) / Kelly Corvese (colors)
1 pagine