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What The? # 18
Copertina di Aaron Lopresti

What The? # 18

Marvel Comics Maggio 1992
Charlie America
What if... Charlie America Landed on - Finnigan's Island?
Seth Kruchkow (script) / Michael Higgins (script) / Marie Severin (art) / Marie Severin (inks) / Marie Severin (colors)
8 pagine
Hoagy's Space Ark
Barry Dutter (script) / John Costanza (art) / George Wildman (inks) / Glynis Oliver Wein (colors) / Glynis Oliver (colors)
5 pagine
Doc Simpson
Psychiatrist to the Super-Heroes
Barry Dutter (script) / Keith S. Wilson (art) / Keith Wilson (art) / Keith S. Wilson (inks) / Keith Wilson (inks) / Daniel Vozzo (colors)
6 pagine
(comic story)
Down on the Marbel Farm
Darren Auck (script) / Darren Auck (art) / Darren Auck (inks)
4 pagine
(comic story)
Star Trash
Aaron Lopresti (script) / Aaron Lopresti (art) / Aaron Lopresti (inks)
8 pagine
(comic story)
Top Ten Favorite TV Shows of the Marvel Heroes
Barry Dutter (script) / Darren Auck (art) / Dan DeCarlo (inks) / Rob Tokar (colors)
1 pagine
(comic story)
Marvel Clearance Sale!
Marc Siry (script) / Marc Siry (art) / Marc Siry (inks)
1 pagine