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Strange Tales vol 1
Marvel Comics
Strange Tales vol 1
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1951
numeri rilasciati: 1-188
numeri catalogati: 188
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Human Torch, Doctor Strange, Warlock
tipologia: serie antologica
Strange Tales è una collana antologica nata negli anni cinquanta con il nome di Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror al cui interno venivano illustrate storie di mistero. fantascenza e terrore. All'inizio degli anni sessanta la collana inizia a ospitare delle serie regolari: tra il 1962 e il 1968 si susseguono la serie della Torcia Umana (#101/134). Dottor Strange (#110/168) e Nick Fury (#135/168).
Dal numero 168 la collana si interrompe per lanciare la testata dedicata al Dottor Strange.
Strange Tales
riprende dopo cinque anni seguendo la numerazione con cui si era fermata e presentando al suo interno le storie di Fratello Voodoo e Golem. Dal numero 178 per quattro albi la serie ospita Adam Warlock. per poi. dopo una manciata di ristampe del Dottor Strange. chiudere.
51 Oct 1956
(comic-story): The Insects!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(comic-story): Inside the Black BoxCarl Wessler / Herb Familton / Herb Familton inedito
(comic-story): No Place On Earth!Carl Wessler / Harry Lazarus / Harry Lazarus Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): He Stalks By Night!Bob Powell Fantastici Quattro # 162 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Blackout!Hy Fleishman / Hy Fleishman inedito
science fiction: The Thing in the Jungle!Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
52 Nov 1956
(comic-story): Simon's Stooge!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): Who Lurks There?Dave Berg / Dave Berg inedito
(comic-story): The Empty ChairCarl Wessler / Joe Orlando / Joe Orlando inedito
(comic-story): The Frightened ManCarl Wessler / Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Last of Professor HogarthEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
(comic-story): You Can't Find Me!Gray Morrow / Gray Morrow Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
53 Dec 1956
(comic-story): I Died Tomorrow!Pete Morisi / Pete Morisi Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): The Brute!Carl Wessler / John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): They Crawl By Night!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
(comic-story): What Stanley Saw!Carl Wessler / Angelo Torres Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): The Gray Thing!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Crushed Rocks!Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
54 Jan 1957
(comic-story): A Witch by NightJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
science fiction: The Long Sleep!Carl Wessler / Gray Morrow / Gray Morrow inedito
(comic-story): Something Strange on the Sand!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
(comic-story): Trapped in the Dark!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): The Man Who Talked!Bob Powell / Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Punishment of Paul Phillips!George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
55 Feb 1957
(comic-story): The Jack-In-The-BoxMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
(comic-story): Octopus!Carl Wessler / Tony DiPreta / Tony DiPreta inedito
science fiction: What Goes On Down There?John Giunta / John Giunta inedito
science fiction: Earth-Trap!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
(comic-story): Man Without Fear!Carl Wessler / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
science fiction: The Threat from the VoidPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
56 Mar 1957
(comic-story): Something Is on This Ship!Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
science fiction: The Metal Master!Vince Colletta / Vince Colletta inedito
(comic-story): More Than a Mortal!Pete Morisi / Pete Morisi inedito
(comic-story): Hide-Out!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
science fiction: Nothing Can Stop ItHoward O'Donnell / Howard O'Donnell inedito
science fiction: The Shock!Carl Wessler / Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
57 Apr 1957
(comic-story): You Used to Be Me!Manny Stallman / Manny Stallman inedito
(comic-story): Murder on His MindPete Morisi / Pete Morisi inedito
(comic-story): The Door That Wouldn't Open!Marvin Stein / Marvin Stein inedito
(comic-story): The Voice of Doom!Gray Morrow / Gray Morrow Le grandi storie # 3 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): Volcano!Richard Doxsee / Richard Doxsee inedito
(comic-story): It Walks in the Night!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
58 May 1957
(comic-story): He Floats Thru the AirAl Williamson / Ralph Mayo inedito
(comic-story): Menace from the Nether World!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
(comic-story): The Night of October Third!Dave Berg / Dave Berg inedito
(comic-story): Man LostPete Morisi / Pete Morisi inedito
(comic-story): No Place on Earth!John Giunta / John Giunta inedito
(comic-story): The Secret of the Black TubeCarl Wessler / Matt Baker / Matt Baker inedito
59 Jul 1957
horror: Help, Help!Gene Colan / Gene Colan inedito
science fiction: When the World Went Mad!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
horror: What Waits In the Dungeon?George Woodbridge / George Woodbridge inedito
horror: Trapped in the Burning SandsCarl Wessler / Doug Wildey / Doug Wildey inedito
horror: The Fearful Fate of Mr. FosterDan Loprino / Dan Loprino inedito
horror: The Death Mask!Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
60 Dec 1957
horror: With Just One StrokeJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
horror: Rude Awakening!George Woodbridge / George Woodbridge inedito
crime: The Final Shot!Carl Wessler / Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
science fiction: Child's Play!Ed Winiarski / Christopher Rule inedito
horror: The Puppet ManDan Loprino / Dan Loprino inedito
(comic-story): The Abyss!Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
61 Feb 1958
horror: The Laundry Machines!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
horror: The SpectreDick Giordano / Dick Giordano inedito
science fiction: The Disappearing Man!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
science fiction: Menace of the MirrorBernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
science fiction: Fear Walks on Four Feet!Carl Wessler / Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
horror: The Eyes That Never Close!Bernie Krigstein / Bernie Krigstein inedito
62 Apr 1958
science fiction: The Girl Who Walked Thru Stone!Ruben Moreira / Ruben Moreira inedito
(comic-story): The Man Nobody Knew!Carl Wessler / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
science fiction: The Invaders!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
science fiction: Filled With HateAngelo Torres / Angelo Torres inedito
horror: It Happened That NightHerb Familton / Herb Familton inedito
horror: Alone in the Night!Carl Wessler / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
63 Jun 1958
horror: He Never Came Out!Alfonso Greene / Alfonso Greene inedito
(comic-story): Uncork It... If You Dare!Howard O'Donnell / Howard O'Donnell inedito
science fiction: The Drowning Man!Christopher Rule / Christopher Rule inedito
science fiction: Flight Number Thirteen!Carl Wessler / Ruben Moreira / Ruben Moreira inedito
science fiction: The Melting PotJohn Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): Too Good to Be True!Don Perlin / Don Perlin inedito
64 Aug 1958
horror: The Secret Laboratory of Dr. DominoAl Williamson / Al Williamson inedito
science fiction: What Is Monium?John Forte / John Forte inedito
science fiction: So This Is Mars!Bob Powell inedito
(comic-story): The Silent City!Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
science fiction: What On Earth?Bob McCarty / Bob McCarty inedito
science fiction: The Last Warning!Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
65 Oct 1958
horror: Afraid To Open the Door!Dan Loprino / Dan Loprino inedito
(comic-story): The House That Cried!Carl Wessler / Christopher Rule / Christopher Rule inedito
(comic-story): The Ragged ManRichard Doxsee / Richard Doxsee inedito
horror: The Terrible Tree!John Forte / John Forte inedito
(comic-story): The Perfectly Frightened ManRobert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
horror: When the Curtain Falls!Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily inedito
66 Dec 1958
science fiction: The Ghost Came C.O.D.Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall inedito
horror: The Replacement!Alfonso Greene / Alfonso Greene inedito
(comic-story): The Voice of Fido!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
horror: It Waits Under the Sea!Al Eadeh / Al Eadeh inedito
science fiction: The Eerie Experiment!Robert Q. Sale / Robert Q. Sale inedito
science fiction: He Wore a Black BeardEd Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
67 Feb 1959
(science-fiction): Trapped Between Two Worlds!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): I Seek the Sea SerpentDon Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): I Was the Invisible Man!Jack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule Hulk e i Difensori # 10 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Man Who Never Was!Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos inedito
68 Apr 1959
science fiction: Last Warning--Evacuate Earth!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The Creatures from the Bottomless Pit!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Test Pilot!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Next Stop--Mars!Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Trapped In Tomorrow!John Buscema / John Buscema / Stan Goldberg inedito
69 Jun 1959
(science-fiction): The Man In The Iron BoxStan Lee / Bob Forgione / Bob Forgione inedito
(science-fiction): Rocket Ship X-200Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Journey into Nowhere!Stan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
(science-fiction): The World That Was Lost!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Threat from the 5th Dimension!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko
70 Aug 1959
science fiction: A Giant Walks the Earth!Jack Kirby / Christopher Rule / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Earth in Chains!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Ghost Ship!Carl Burgos / Carl Burgos / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Escape to Tomorrow!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: When Wakes the Sphinx!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg
71 Oct 1959
(science-fiction): I Dared To Defy Merlin's Black Magic!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Eureka Pocket # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): I Am The Man Who Will... Destroy Your World!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): When the Saucer Strikes!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): I Fought the Man Who Couldn't Be Killed!Stan Lee / Sol Brodsky / Sol Brodsky inedito
(science-fiction): I Am the Man Without a Face!Stan Lee / Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
72 Dec 1959
science fiction: I Fought the Colossus!Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: I Was Trapped on the Ghost Ship!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg
horror: I Am the Abominable Snowman!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): I Saw the Elephants' Graveyard!John Forte / John Forte / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Entered the...Doorway to Doom!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Eureka Pocket # 38 (Editoriale Corno)
73 Feb 1960
science fiction: Grottu, King of the Insects!Jack Kirby / Bill Everett / Stan Goldberg Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: I Saw the End of the World!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: I Was Captured by the Mole Men!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
science fiction: I Am a Walking Time BombPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
74 Apr 1960
science fiction: Gorgolla! The Living Gargoyle!!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg Marvel Omnibus # 171 (Panini Comics)
horror: Beware the Hands of HunduDon Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: I Was Trapped in the Nightmare WorldPaul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: When the Totem Walks!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
75 Jun 1960
science fiction: Taboo! The Thing From Murky Swamp!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Return of the Totem!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Doomsday!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Made The Hulk LiveDon Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
76 Aug 1960
science fiction: I Am Dragoom! The Flaming Invader!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Beware!! The Ghosts Surround Me!!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The Dummy and Me!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Found the Mad Universe!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
77 Oct 1960
science fiction: The Return of Taboo!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Am the Beast-Man!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Strange Magic of Master Khan!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Am I the...Unhuman?Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
78 Nov 1960
(comic-story): A Martian Walks Among Us!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The Fantastic Menace of Mento the MightyStan Lee / Larry Lieber / Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): The Gargoyle!Stan Lee / Larry Lieber / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): Dear Reader: What Would You Have Done if You Were the… Worm ManStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
79 Dec 1960
science fiction: I Was in the Clutches of the Living ShadowJack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Ghost of Grismore Castle!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Found the Perfect Hiding Place!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Thing on the MoonDon Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg
80 Jan 1961
horror: What? What? What Was Gargantus!Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg
science fiction: The Things from Dimension X!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg
science fiction: The Door They Dare Not Open!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: Trapped in the Room of ShadowsSteve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
81 Feb 1961
horror: The Scarecrow Walks!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: A Giant There Was!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: I Went Too Far Back!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Thing in the Cell!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
82 Mar 1961
science fiction: The Thing Called...It!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg
science fiction: The World BeyondStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: Fangs of the MonsterDon Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
83 Apr 1961
(comic-story): From Out of the Black Pit Came...Grogg!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: Masquerade PartyStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg
(comic-story): The Menace of Shandu!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
84 May 1961
science fiction: The Wonder of the Ages!!! Magneto!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Twelve Silent Men!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: They Met on Mars!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
85 Jun 1961
horror: The Return of Gargantus!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Man Who Fell!Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Ape ManStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Albi dei Super-Eroi # 43 (Editoriale Corno)
86 Jul 1961
science fiction: I Created Mechano!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): Georgie's Globe!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: Beware of Meeks Bringing Gifts!Jack Kirby / Sol Brodsky / Stan Goldberg inedito
87 Aug 1961
science fiction: The Return of...Grogg!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Lighthouse from Nowhere!Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Thor # 145 (Editoriale Corno)
horror: The Macabre Mirror!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
88 Sep 1961
(science-fiction): Zzutak!Steve Ditko / Jack Kirby / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): The Lifeless Man!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): Punishment!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
89 Oct 1961
(science-fiction): Fin Fang Foom!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers King-Size Kirby (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): The Green Things!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): The Touch of Midas!Stan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
90 Nov 1961
(science-fiction): Orggo... The Unconquerable!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): A Thousand Years LaterStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
(science-fiction): The Inhuman!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Germ WarfareStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
91 Dec 1961
(science-fiction): The Sacrifice!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / George Klein inedito
(science-fiction): The Coming of the GiantsStan Lee / Paul Reinman / Paul Reinman inedito
(science-fiction): The Mask of Morgumm!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): The Warning!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
92 Jan 1962
(science-fiction): The Thing Hunts for Me!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): The Man Who Shrunk the World!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Somewhere Sits a LamaStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Inside the Flying Saucer!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
93 Feb 1962
(science-fiction): When the Thing Runs Amok!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Earth Will Be Lost Tonight!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): Mister BlackStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck Eureka Pocket # 19 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Wax PeopleStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
94 Mar 1962
(science-fiction): I Was a Decoy for Pildorr: The Plunderer from Outer Space!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Joe Sinnott King-Size Kirby (Panini Comics)
(science-fiction): Save Me From the Weed!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Thor # 148 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): He Came from Nowhere!Stan Lee / George Tuska / Joe Sinnott SuperFumetti In Film # 11 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Help!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Capitan America # 91 (Editoriale Corno)
95 Apr 1962
(science-fiction): The Two-Headed Thing!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): The Monster Escapes!Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers inedito
(science-fiction): The Cave of Shaggdorr!Stan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): Do Not Panic!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
96 May 1962
(science-fiction): I Dream of DoomStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): The Impossible TunnelStan Lee / Jack Kirby / Bill Everett
(science-fiction): Beware the Future ManStan Lee / Don Heck / Don Heck inedito
(science-fiction): The ClockmakerStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko inedito
97 Jun 1962
science fiction: When a Planet Dies!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Madness!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): Goodbye to Linda BrownStan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg Spider-Man Collection # 40 (Marvel Italia)
(comic-story): Behind the Dreadful Door!Gene Colan / Gene Colan / Stan Goldberg inedito
98 Jul 1962
science fiction: No Human Can Beat Me!Jack Kirby / Paul Reinman / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: They Vanished Forever!Dick Ayers / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg
horror: The TV Fan!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
(comic-story): A Fortune in Beans!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
99 Aug 1962
science fiction: Mister Morgan's MonsterJack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Day Before Doomsday!Jack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
horror: The Man in the Glass Cage!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: A Switch in Time!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito
100 Sep 1962
horror: The Man in the Crazy MazeJack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Imitation ManJack Kirby / Dick Ayers / Stan Goldberg
science fiction: Beware the Uboongi!Don Heck / Don Heck / Stan Goldberg inedito
science fiction: The Mighty Oak!Stan Lee / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko / Stan Goldberg inedito