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Heroes for Hire Vol 2
Marvel Comics
Heroes for Hire Vol 2
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 2006
numeri rilasciati: 1-15
numeri catalogati: 15
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie dedicata al nuovo gruppo di "eroi a pagamento" guidato da Misty Knight e Collen Wing.
La serie inizialemente è legata a "Civil War" per concludersi dopo quindici numeri con gli eventi legati a "World War Hulk".
1 Oct 2006
Taking It To The Streets, Part 1Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Billy Tucci / Tom Palmer Marvel Monster Edition # 9 (Marvel Italia)
2 Nov 2006
Taking It To The Streets, Part 2Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Billy Tucci / Tom Palmer / Francis Portela Marvel Monster Edition # 9 (Marvel Italia)
3 Dec 2006
Civil DisobedienceJustin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Billy Tucci / Francis Portela / Tom Palmer Marvel Monster Edition # 9 (Marvel Italia)
4 Jan 2007
(untitled)Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Billy Tucci / Francis Portela / Tom Palmer / Terry Pallot inedito
5 Feb 2007
(untitled)Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Francis Portela / Terry Pallot inedito
6 Mar 2007
Guns, Gems, Robots and Terrorists!Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti / Zeb Wells / Al Rio / Scott Koblish / Tom Palmer inedito
7 Apr 2007
(untitled)Justin Gray / Al Rio / Terry Pallot / Tom Palmer inedito
8 May 2007
(untitled)Zeb Wells / Al Rio / Scott Koblish inedito
9 Jun 2007
(untitled)Zeb Wells / Clay Mann / Terry Pallot inedito
10 Jul 2007
(untitled)Zeb Wells / Clay Mann / Terry Pallot inedito
11 Aug 2007
InfestationZeb Wells / Clay Mann / Terry Pallot inedito
Killer Instincts, Part 1Fred Van Lente / Jon Bosco / Terry Pallot inedito
12 Sep 2007
SubjugationZeb Wells / Clay Mann / Terry Pallot inedito
Killer Instincts, Part 2Fred Van Lente / Jon Bosco / Terry Pallot inedito
13 Oct 2007
IncarcerationZeb Wells / Clay Mann / Terry Pallot inedito
Killer Instincts, Part 3Fred Van Lente / Jon Bosco / Terry Pallot inedito
14 Dec 2007
ProcreationZeb Wells / Clay Mann / Alvin Lee / Terry Pallot inedito
15 Jan 2008
ExterminationZeb Wells / James Cordeiro / Ale Garza / Leonard Kirk / Alvin Lee / Terry Pallot inedito