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Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1937
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 964
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie antologica
Detective Comics è una delle serie più longeve nel panorama supereroico statunitense. Originariamente concepita come un antologico, specializzata in storie di genere hard boiled, nel numero 27 fa la sua prima comparsa l'oscuro vendicatore di nome Batman che divenne ben presto il protagonista indiscusso della testata.
281 Jul 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: Batman, RobotBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 246 (Mondadori)
Jail Jests: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Girl Who Became a SorceressRuben Moreira inedito
Strange Laws: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Menace of MarsvilleJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 302 (Mondadori)
282 Aug 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: Batman's Interplanetary RivalBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 8 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Mirages That Went MadRuben Moreira inedito
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Girl with the Martian PowersJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 20 (Mondadori)
283 Sep 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Phantom of Gotham CitySheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 251 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: Captives on the MoonRuben Moreira inedito
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Amazing One-Man CrewJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 18 (Mondadori)
284 Oct 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Negative BatmanSheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 10 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: Roy Raymond's Deadly PowersRuben Moreira inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Courtship of J'onn J'onzzDave Wood / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 285 (Mondadori)
285 Nov 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Mystery of the Man-BeastBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 260 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Good-Luck ProphetJack Miller / Ruben Moreira inedito
Warden Willis: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Menace of the Martian Mandrills!Jack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 440 (Mondadori)
286 Dec 1960
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Doomed BatwomanSheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 265 (Mondadori)
Spike: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Legend That Came to LifeJack Miller / Ruben Moreira inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: His Majesty, John JonesJoe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 15 (Mondadori)
287 Jan 1961
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Raven and the WaspBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 266 (Mondadori)
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Wizard KingJack Miller / Ruben Moreira inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz's Kid BrotherDave Wood / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 284 (Mondadori)
288 Feb 1961
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Menace of the Multiple CreatureBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 270 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Girl with the Deadly GazeRuben Moreira inedito
Jail Jests: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Case of the Honest SwindlerJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 321 (Mondadori)
289 Mar 1961
Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder: The Bat-Mite BanditsBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 293 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Deadly Designs from SpaceJack Miller / Ruben Moreira inedito
Warden Willis: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz -- Witch DoctorJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 19 (Mondadori)
290 Apr 1961
Batman and Robin: Robin's RobotBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 278 (Mondadori)
Strange Old Laws: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Roy Raymond TV Detective: The Curse of King NeptuneRuben Moreira inedito
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: Lights, Camera and DoomJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 327 (Mondadori)
291 May 1961
Batman and Robin: The Creature from the Bat-CaveBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Second Martian ManhunterJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 16 (Mondadori)
Warden Willis: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Roy Raymond TV Detective: Roy Raymond's Betrayal!Ruben Moreira inedito
292 Jun 1961
Batman and Robin: The Colossus of Gotham CityGardner Fox / Sheldon Moldoff / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 285 (Mondadori)
Roy Raymond: The Man Who Unearthed Doom!Ruben Moreira / Ruben Moreira inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Ex-Convicts ClubJack Miller / Joe Certa / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 21 (Mondadori)
293 Jul 1961
Batman and Robin: Prisoners of the Dark WorldBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Sensational Sea ScoopsJack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
Jail Jests: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Girl-Hero ContestJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 17 (Mondadori)
294 Aug 1961
Batman and Robin: The Villain of 100 ElementsBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff Superalbo Nembo Kid # 18 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Fantastic Fish That Defeated AquamanJack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Martian WeaklingArnold Drake / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 424 (Mondadori)
295 Sep 1961
Batman and Robin: The Secret of the Beast PaintingsBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Batman # 31 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Martian Show-OffJack Miller / Joe Certa / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 297 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Curse Of The Sea HermitGeorge Kashdan / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
296 Oct 1961
Batman and Robin: The Menace of the Planet-MasterBill Finger / Jim Mooney / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 300 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Alien BodyguardJack Miller / Joe Certa / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 303 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Mystery of Demon Island!Jack Miller / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
297 Nov 1961
Batman and Robin: The Beast of Koba BayBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz vs. the VigilantesJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 306 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: Aqualad, Stand-In for a StarJack Miller / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
298 Dec 1961
Batman and Robin: The Challenge of Clay-FaceBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Man Who Impersonated J'onn J'onzzJack Miller / Joe Certa / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 314 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Secret Sentry Of The SeaNick Cardy / Nick Cardy inedito
299 Jan 1962
Batman and Robin: Prey of the Alien HuntersJim Mooney Superalbo Nembo Kid # 23 (Mondadori)
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: Bodyguard for a SpyJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 326 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: Aquaman's Secret TeacherNick Cardy inedito
300 Feb 1962
Batman and Robin: The Bizarre Polka-Dot ManBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 24 (Mondadori)
Lefty Looie: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The J'onn J'onzz MuseumJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 317 (Mondadori)
Aquaman and Aqualad: The Mystery of the Undersea SafariJack Miller / Nick Cardy inedito
301 Mar 1962
Batman and Robin: The Condemned BatmanBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 25 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Mystery of the Martian MaraudersJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 323 (Mondadori)
302 Apr 1962
Batman and Robin: The Bronze MenaceBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff Albi del Falco # 328 (Mondadori)
Warden Willis: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Crime King of Mount OlympusJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 26 (Mondadori)
303 May 1962
Batman and Robin: Murder in Skyland!Bill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 335 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Great J'onn J'onzz HuntJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 340 (Mondadori)
304 Jun 1962
Batman and Robin: The Return of Clay-FaceBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 546 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Crime CollegeJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 338 (Mondadori)
305 Jul 1962
Batman and Robin: Targets of the Alien Z-RayArnold Drake / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz Vs. FuturemanJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 343 (Mondadori)
306 Aug 1962
Batman and Robin: The Wizard of 1,000 MenacesBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 29 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Last Days of J'onn J'onzzJack Miller / Joe Certa inedito
307 Sep 1962
Batman and Robin: Alpha, the Experimental Man!Bill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 31 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: Alias Scarface ScanlonJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 347 (Mondadori)
308 Oct 1962
Batman and Robin: The Flame-MasterBill Finger / Dick Sprang / Sheldon Moldoff Albi del Falco # 356 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Day John Jones Vanished!Jack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 354 (Mondadori)
309 Nov 1962
Batman and Robin: The Mystery of the Mardi Gras MurdersBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 354 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Man Who Saved EarthJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 32 (Mondadori)
310 Dec 1962
Batman and Robin: Bat-Mite's Super-Circus!Bill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Miniature ManhunterJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 365 (Mondadori)
311 Jan 1963
Batman and Robin: Challenge of the Cat-Man!Bill Finger / Jim Mooney Albi del Falco # 363 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Invaders from the Space WarpJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 34 (Mondadori)
312 Feb 1963
Batman and Robin: The Secret of Clayface's PowerBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 537 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz's Pesky PartnerJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 368 (Mondadori)
313 Mar 1963
Batman and Robin: The Mystery of the $1,000,000 Treasure HuntDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 372 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Wizard Who Conquered J'onn J'onzzJoe Certa Albi del Falco # 371 (Mondadori)
314 Apr 1963
Batman and Robin: Murder in MovielandBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 37 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz vs. John JonesJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 376 (Mondadori)
315 May 1963
Batman and Robin: The Jungle Man of Gotham CityDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 381 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Man of 1,000 DisguisesJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 380 (Mondadori)
316 Jun 1963
Batman and Robin: Double Batman vs. Double XDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 384 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Bandits with Super-PowersJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 39 (Mondadori)
317 Jul 1963
Batman and Robin: The Secrets of the Flying Bat-CaveBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 386 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Challenge of the Alien RobotsJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 385 (Mondadori)
318 Aug 1963
Batman and Robin: The Cat-Man Strikes BackBill Finger / Jim Mooney / Sheldon Moldoff / Mike Esposito Superalbo Nembo Kid # 41 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz' Enemy -- ZookJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 390 (Mondadori)
319 Sep 1963
Batman and Robin: The Fantastic Dr. No-FaceDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 397 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: J'onn J'onzz -- Wizard of 1463Jack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 42 (Mondadori)
320 Oct 1963
Batman and Robin: The Mummy Crime-FightersDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 396 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Case of the Golden EagleBob Haney / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 396 (Mondadori)
321 Nov 1963
Batman and Robin: The Terrible Trio!Dave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 404 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Cosmic CreatureJack Miller / Joe Certa inedito
322 Dec 1963
Batman and Robin: The Bizarre Batman GenieDave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 413 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Man Who Destroyed J'onn J'onzzJack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 414 (Mondadori)
323 Jan 1964
Batman and Robin: The Zodiac Master!Dave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 408 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Hobby MissionsJack Miller / Joe Certa Superalbo Nembo Kid # 46 (Mondadori)
324 Feb 1964
Batman and Robin: Menace of the Robot Brain!Dave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 425 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Beast Who Was J'onn J'onzzJack Miller / Joe Certa inedito
325 Mar 1964
Batman and Robin: The Strange Lives of the Cat-ManBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 421 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Hero of 500 B.C.Jack Miller / Joe Certa Albi del Falco # 419 (Mondadori)
326 Apr 1964
Batman and Robin: Captives of the Alien Zoo!Dave Wood / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 455 (Mondadori)
John Jones Manhunter from Mars: The Death of John Jones, DetectiveJack Miller / Joe Certa inedito
327 May 1964
Batman and Robin: Mystery Of The Menacing Mask!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 438 (Mondadori)
Elongated Man: Ten Miles to Nowhere!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Carmine Infantino Albi del Falco # 536 (Mondadori)
328 Jun 1964
Batman and Robin: Gotham Gang Line-Up!Jack Schiff / Sheldon Moldoff / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 448 (Mondadori)
Elongated Man: Curious Case of the Barn-Door Bandit!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Carmine Infantino inedito
329 Jul 1964
Batman and Robin: Castle with Wall-to-Wall Danger!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 454 (Mondadori)
Elongated Man: Puzzle of the Purple Pony!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Carmine Infantino inedito
330 Aug 1964
Batman and Robin: The Fallen Idol of Gotham CityJack Schiff / Sheldon Moldoff / Joe Giella Superalbo Nembo Kid # 56 (Mondadori)
Elongated Man: Desert Double-Cross!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Carmine Infantino Albi del Falco # 540 (Mondadori)