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Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1937
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 964
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie antologica
Detective Comics è una delle serie più longeve nel panorama supereroico statunitense. Originariamente concepita come un antologico, specializzata in storie di genere hard boiled, nel numero 27 fa la sua prima comparsa l'oscuro vendicatore di nome Batman che divenne ben presto il protagonista indiscusso della testata.
62 Apr 1942
Batman: Laugh, Town, LaughBill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
63 May 1942
Batman and Robin: A Gentleman In GothamBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
64 Jun 1942
Batman: The Joker Walks The Last MileBill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
65 Jul 1942
Batman: The Cop Who Hated The BatmanJoe Greene / Jack Burnley / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
66 Aug 1942
Batman: The Crimes of Two-FaceBill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
Boy Commandos: The Sphinx SpeaksJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Joe Simon inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Murder Will OutJack Lehti / Jack Lehti / Charles Paris inedito
Spy: Little Discs of DeathLouis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
Air Wave: The Adventure of the Shooting SpooksMurray Boltinoff / Harris Levy / Charles Paris inedito
Slam Bradley: Case of the Dripping DrumHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
67 Sep 1942
Batman and Robin: Crime’s Early Bird!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
68 Oct 1942
Batman: The Man Who Led a Double LifeBill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
The Boy Commandos: The Treachery of OsukiJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Joe Simon inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Dead Men Do Tell TalesJack Lehti / Jack Lehti / Charles Paris inedito
Spy: Adventure of the Peglegged WildcatPierce Rice / Arturo Cazeneuve inedito
Air Wave: The Case of the Talking GunMurray Boltinoff / Harris Levy / Charles Paris inedito
Slam Bradley: The Case of the Cultured CrooksHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
69 Nov 1942
Batman and Robin: The Harlequin's Hoax!Joe Greene / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
70 Dec 1942
Batman and Robin: The Man Who Could Read Minds!Donald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 6 (Play Press)
71 Jan 1943
Batman: Crime A Day!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
72 Feb 1943
Batman and Robin: License For Larceny.Joe Samachson / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
73 Mar 1943
Batman and Robin: The Scarecrow Returns.Donald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
74 Apr 1943
Batman: Tweedledum And Tweedledee!Donald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / Charles Paris Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
The Boy Commandos: The Trial of Captain CarterJack Kirby / Jack Kirby / Joe Simon inedito
The Crimson Avenger: The Case of the Kid ReportersJack Lehti / Jack Lehti / Charles Paris inedito
Spy: The Treachery at the WaterfrontChuck Winter inedito
Air Wave: Man Who Avoided Metal!Lee Harris / Charles Paris inedito
Slam Bradley: The Adventure of the Wooden Indians!Howard Sherman inedito
75 May 1943
Batman and Robin: Robber BaronDonald Clough Cameron / Jack Burnley / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
76 Jun 1943
Batman and Robin: Slay 'Em With FlowersHorace L. Gold / Jerry Robinson / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
77 Jul 1943
Batman and Robin: Crime ClinicBill Finger / Bob Kane / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 7 (Play Press)
78 Aug 1943
Batman and Robin: The Bond WagonJoe Greene / Jack Burnley / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
79 Sep 1943
Batman and Robin: Destiny's AuctionDonald Clough Cameron / Jerry Robinson / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
80 Oct 1943
Batman and Robin: The End of Two-Face!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
81 Nov 1943
Batman and Robin: The Cavalier Of Crime!Donald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
82 Dec 1943
Batman and Robin: Quarterback of CrimeDonald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
83 Jan 1944
Batman and Robin: The Triumph of Cholly the ChimpDonald Clough Cameron / Jack Burnley / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
84 Feb 1944
Batman and Robin: Artists in VillainyMort Weisinger / Ed Kressy / Dick Sprang / Dick Sprang Gli Archivi di Batman # 8 (Play Press)
85 Mar 1944
Batman: The Joker's DoubleBill Finger / Ed Kressy / Dick Sprang / Dick Sprang DC Anthology # 2 (Panini Comics)
Three-Ring Binks: The Amazing BicyclonicJack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
Crimson Avenger: The Lone Wolf's Number!John Daly inedito
Slam Bradley: The Perfumed Diamonds!Martin Naydel inedito
Air Wave: The Short Wave of Crime!Joe Samachson / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
Boy Commandos: Curtain Call for ActionJack Kirby / Joe Simon / Jack Kirby / Joe Simon / George Klein inedito
86 Apr 1944
Batman: Danger Strikes Three!Donald Clough Cameron / Dick Sprang / Dick Sprang I Classici del Fumetto di Repubblica .. # 24 (Panini Comics)
Air Wave: Mr Smith Gets the Bird!George Roussos / George Roussos / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
The Crimson Avenger: School for Scoops!Joe Samachson / John Daly / John Daly inedito
Slam Bradley: General Lee Comes to TownMartin Naydel / Martin Naydel inedito
Three-Ring Binks: The Mighty MitesJack Farr / Jack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
The Boy Commandos: Log of a Lifeboat!Louis Cazeneuve / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
87 May 1944
Batman with Robin: The Man of a Thousand UmbrellasJoseph Greene / Dick Sprang inedito
Air Wave: Professor Long Sells Air Wave Short!Joe Samachson / George Roussos / George Roussos inedito
"Three Ring" Binks: Blazin' Brody the Fire EaterJack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Smugglers' Song!John Daly inedito
Slam Bradley: Tuition Free!Martin Naydel inedito
The Boy Commandos: King Brooklyn the Foist!Joe Samachson / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
88 Jun 1944
Batman with Robin: The Merchants of Misery!Joseph Greene / Ed Kressy / Dick Sprang / Dick Sprang inedito
Shorty: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Air Wave: Underworld Jam Session!George Roussos / George Roussos
"Three Ring" Binks: Mar-Vee-Ello the MagicianJack Farr / Jack Farr inedito
The Crimson Avenger: The Impostor of Newspaper Row!Joe Samachson / John Daly inedito
Slam Bradley: Futures for Sale!Martin Naydel inedito
Boy Commandos: Battle of Wales!Joseph Greene / Louis Cazeneuve inedito
138 Jun 1948
Batman with Robin: The Invisible Crimes!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang inedito
Robotman: The Inside Story of Robotman!Otto Binder / Jimmy Thompson
Slam Bradley: Shorty Meets the Champ!Howard Sherman inedito
Shorty: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Boy Commandos: The Mystery of the Mary Celeste II!Curt Swan / Steve Brodie inedito
Daffy & Doodle: (untitled)Lit-Win / Lit-Win inedito
140 Oct 1948
Batman: The RiddlerBill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
Robotman: Robotman's Double TroubleOtto Binder / Jimmy Thompson / Jimmy Thompson inedito
Slam Bradley: Dog for a DayHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Boy Commandos: The Dictator from AlcatrazCurt Swan / Curt Swan inedito
148 May 1949
Batman and Robin: The Experiment of Professor ZeroBill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Batman # 2 (Mondadori)
Robotman: The Metal Man's SportsathonJimmy Thompson / Jimmy Thompson inedito
Slam Bradley: A Bicycle Built for SleuthsHoward Sherman / Howard Sherman inedito
The Boy Commandos: The King of the AnimalsCarmine Infantino / George Klein inedito
160 Jun 1950
Batman and Robin: The Globe-Trotter of Crime!Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Chair That Told the Future!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Renegade Robot!Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Flying Indians!Donald Clough Cameron / Carmine Infantino inedito
161 Jul 1950
Batman and Robin: The Men Who Died on Time!Bob Kane / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Human Super Weapon!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: Diamond Key to Doom!Tom Cooke inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Two Detectives Named Smith!Donald Clough Cameron / Leonard Starr inedito
162 Aug 1950
Batman and Robin: The Law of the Iron Road!Bob Kane / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Valley of Giant InsectsDan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Disjointed RobotmanTom Cooke inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Cowboys and Indians!Donald Clough Cameron / Leonard Starr inedito
163 Sep 1950
Batman and Robin: The Man Who Feared Metal!Bill Finger / Jim Mooney / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Anti-Gravity Man!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: Robotman Meets Robotrobber!Lee Elias inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: As Long as the Grass Shall Grow!Donald Clough Cameron / Bruno Premiani inedito
164 Oct 1950
Batman and Robin: Untold Tales of the Bat-Signal!Bob Kane / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 492 (Mondadori)
Impossible-- But True: The Case of the Talking Dead!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Robot-mobileLee Elias inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Warriors in Wampum!Donald Clough Cameron / Bruno Premiani inedito
165 Nov 1950
Batman and Robin: The Strange Costumes of Batman!Edmond Hamilton / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 491 (Mondadori)
Impossible-- But True: The Man Who Never Slept!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: One-Man Fire Department!Lee Elias inedito
Dover and Clover: Cabbages and Kale!Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Riddle of Fort Brave!Donald Clough Cameron / Bruno Premiani inedito
166 Dec 1950
Batman and Robin: The Man with a Million Faces!Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Machine from Which No Man Can Hide!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Robot Robberies!Lee Elias inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Indian Who Had to Get Rich!Donald Clough Cameron / Bruno Premiani inedito
167 Jan 1951
Batman and Robin: Bodyguards to Cleopatra!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The People Who Couldn't Grow Old!Dan Barry inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Killer Cougar of Shoe Mountain!Bruno Premiani inedito
Robotman: The Captured Brain!Frank Bolle inedito
168 Feb 1951
Batman and Robin: The Man Behind the Red Hood!Bill Finger / Lew Schwartz / Win Mortimer / George Roussos I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
Impossible But True: The Electric Thinking Cap!Dan Barry / Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Return of the Iron Man!Frank Bolle / Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Ten Little IndiansBruno Premiani / Bruno Premiani inedito
169 Apr 1951
Batman and Robin: Boss of the Big House!Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Charles Paris / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Man Who Could Live Under Water!Dan Barry / Dan Barry / Ramona Fradon inedito
Robotman: Robotman, Actor!Frank Bolle / Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Big Pow-Wow!Bruno Premiani / Bruno Premiani inedito
170 May 1951
Batman and Robin: The Flying Dutchman II!Bob Kane / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Ship That Defied TimeDan Barry / Ramona Fradon inedito
Robotman: The Racing Robot-Car!Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Sheriff Who Was Blind!Bruno Premiani inedito
171 May 1951
Batman and Robin: The Menace of the Giant Birds!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Amazing Mr. Planet!Dan Barry inedito
Robotman: The Powerless Robot!Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Indian Posse!Bruno Premiani inedito
172 Jun 1951
Batman and Robin: The Outlaw Who Had Nine Lives!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Robotman: Three Clues to Crime!Frank Bolle inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Human Clock!Dan Barry inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Phantom Brave!Bruno Premiani inedito
173 Jul 1951
Batman and Robin: Batman's Double!Bob Kane / Charles Paris inedito
Robotman: The Terrible Toys of Dr. Morro!Frank Bolle inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Man with the Golden Touch!Dan Barry inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Chief of Police!Bruno Premiani inedito
174 Aug 1951
Batman and Robin: The Park Avenue Kid!Bill Finger / Bob Kane inedito
Robotman: The Strange Bodies of RobotmanFrank Bolle inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Man with the Bullet-Proof Heart! inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Legend of the Stalking Ghost!Bruno Premiani inedito
175 Sep 1951
Batman and Robin: The Underworld Bank!Dick Sprang / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 432 (Mondadori)
Robotman: The Boy Who Re-Made Robotman!Frank Bolle inedito
Impossible-- But True: The Ghost of Station WBT!Ruben Moreira inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Wampum WigwamLeonard Starr inedito
176 Oct 1951
Batman and Robin: The Underworld Crime Committee!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang Albi del Falco # 423 (Mondadori)
Impossible-- But True: The Man Who Was 300,000 Years Old!Ruben Moreira inedito
Robotman: The Testing of Robotman!Jerry Coleman / Frank Bolle
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Grass from the Sky!Leonard Starr inedito
177 Nov 1951
Batman and Robin: The Robberies in the Bat-Cave!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 375 (Mondadori)
Impossible-- But True: The Man No Prison Door Could Hold!Ruben Moreira inedito
Robotman: Robotman Meets Robotgirl!Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: Trail of the Secret Cave!Leonard Starr inedito
178 Dec 1951
Batman and Robin: The Defeat of Batman!Bob Kane / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 378 (Mondadori)
Impossible-- But True: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes!Ruben Moreira inedito
Robotman: The Robot Ghost!Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Tenderfoot Deputy!Leonard Starr inedito
179 Jan 1952
Batman and Robin: Mayor Bruce Wayne!David Vern Reed / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 458 (Mondadori)
Impossible... But True : The Luckiest Man on Earth!Ruben Moreira / Ruben Moreira inedito
Robotman: Robotman CrusoeFrank Bolle / Frank Bolle inedito
Pow-Wow Smith, Indian Lawman: The Reforming of Little ElkLeonard Starr / Leonard Starr inedito