Superman and Supergirl
Superman Presents Supergirl to the World!, Part 1: The World's Greatest Heroine!
Jerry Siegel (script) / Jim Mooney (art)
Superman Presents Supergirl to the World!, Part 1: The World's Greatest Heroine!
Jerry Siegel (script) / Jim Mooney (art)
12 pagine
da Action Comics Vol 1 # 285, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1962)
Prima storia di Superman realizzata in Italia per la Mondadori
14 pagine

Sbatti Flash in prima pagina!
John Broome (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / Joe Giella (inks)
Sbatti Flash in prima pagina!
John Broome (script) / Carmine Infantino (art) / Joe Giella (inks)
12 pagine
da The Flash Vol 1 # 126, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1962)

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