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Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1937
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 965
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie antologica
Detective Comics è una delle serie più longeve nel panorama supereroico statunitense. Originariamente concepita come un antologico, specializzata in storie di genere hard boiled, nel numero 27 fa la sua prima comparsa l'oscuro vendicatore di nome Batman che divenne ben presto il protagonista indiscusso della testata.
1 Mar 1937
Speed Saunders of the River Patrol: The Murders of Cap'n ScumE.C. Stoner / E.C. Stoner / Creig Flessel inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Rhanqwa PearlsSven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bret Lawton: The Peruvian Mine Murders (Part 1)Creig Flessel inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red DragonMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Gumshoe Gus: The Gotlotz JewelsBill Patrick / Bill Patrick inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Balinoff Case (Part 1)Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Eagle-Eye Jake: The Gotrox PearlsRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Buck Marshall: The Bar S RustlersHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: The Streets of ChinatownJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
2 Apr 1937
Slam Bradley: Skyscraper DeathJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: The Sage City Bank HoldupHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Gumshoe Gus: The DIsappearing DuckBill Patrick / Bill Patrick inedito
Bret Lawton: The Peruvian Mine Murders (Part 2)Creig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
(comic-story): Room FifteenRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Balinoff Case (Part 2)Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Murphy: Mail Order Murphy inedito
Mr. Chang: The Narcotic RingEd Winiarski inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom Disguise: The Olive Oil CounterfeitersSven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 2)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
3 May 1937
Speed Saunders, River Patrol: A Stowaway In NeedCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Hope Hazard, G-Woman: The Air Mail MisteryAlex Lovy inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom Disguise: The Kidnapping of Angus MacDonaldMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Dragon (Part 3)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Lazy Smith: The Wales CaseRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Nearly-WedsJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: Bullets in the DarkHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: Slam Delivers the MessageJerry Siegel / Jim Bettersworth inedito
4 Jun 1937
Speed Saunders: The Mistery of San Jose IslandGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Rajah's RubySven Elven inedito
Buck Marshall: Death MessageHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 4)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Sure-Fire McGee: The Bumps MisteryRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Balinoff Case (Part 4)Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Mr. Chang: The Bloody WillEd Winiarski inedito
Slam Bradley: The Hollywood MurdersJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
5 Jul 1937
Slam Bradley: Undercover in Grade SchoolJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: The Path of ThornsHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 5)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Luke: The Elm Park MisteryRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Balinoff Case (Part 5)Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Cosmo, the Pahntom of Disguise: The Dope TorpedoSven Elven inedito
Larry Steele: Mistery of the Wholesale KidnappingsWill Ely / Will Ely inedito
Speed Saunders: A Most Fishy RobberyGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
6 Aug 1937
Speed Saunders: The Mistery of the Lost ApeCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele: Mistery of the Wholesale Kidnappings (Part 2)Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Disappearing DiamondsSven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 6)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Gunshoe Gus: A Bum DisguiseBill Patrick / Bill Patrick inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Investigation of Captain HanleyJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Mr. Chang: The Mad ScientistEd Winiarski inedito
Slam Bradley: In MexicoJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
7 Sep 1937
Slam Bradley: In Atlantic CityJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Premonition of Emil RogelloSven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 7)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Gumshoe Gus: The Mistery PlayBill Patrick / Bill Patrick inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Colossus DisasterJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: A Report--In DetailHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Larry Steele: Mistery of the Wholesale Kidnappings (Part 3)Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Speed Saunders: At the RodeoGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
8 Oct 1937
Speed Saunders: The River PatrolGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele: Mistery of the Wholesale Kidnappings (Part 3)Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Disappearance of Carl HuntleySven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Claws of the Red Dragon (Part 8)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
(action-comics): Bloodhound BrownRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Phony Pierre BlancJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: Lucky HunchHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: The HillbilliesJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
9 Nov 1937
Speed Saunders: Case of the Hobo HeroGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele: Mistery of the Wholesale Kidnappings (Part 5)Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Death in the Radio-StudioSven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Blood of the Lotus (Part 1)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
: The Johnson MisteryRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Bart Regan, Spy: The Vanishing of R-42Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: Silver and LeadHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: The Human FlyJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
10 Dec 1937
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: Mistery at Oak GablesGardner Fox / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele: The Nick Orsatti Case (Part 1)Will Ely / Will Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Curse of the Indian MummySven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Blood of the Lotus (Part 2)Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
: Handcuff HawkinsRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Nart Regan, Spy: To Sink the ATLANTISJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall: Trail of YellowHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: In The RingJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
11 Jan 1938
Speed Saunders of the River Police: The Anarchist Submarine PlotCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Nick Orsatti Case, Part 2Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Phony Murder of Sir Fenton CarsleySven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: Bulls EyeMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Comic story: The Willow Lane MysteryRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Spy: The Atlantis AftermathJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: In the BagHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: The Flying CircusJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic story: Sir Hubert Wilkens Famous Arctic ExplorerBill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
12 Feb 1938
Speed Saunders: The Indian Oil Well MysteryCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele: The Nick Orsatti Case, Part 3Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Larry Steele: The Jenks Kidnapping Case, Part 1Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Bruce Nelson: Murder in the Clouds, Part 1Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Comic story: The Adams CaseRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Spy: Assassins in the Rue MolinJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Sabotaged NewspaperSven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: The LumberjacksJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic story: Floyd Stimson Official Parachute TesterBill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
13 Mar 1938
Speed Saunders: The Little Tomm Murder CaseCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Jenks Kidnapping Case, Part 2Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Killer ClownSven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: Murder in the Clouds, Part IIMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Spy: The Peter Rawley CaseJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic story: The Pine Road MysteryRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Crooked TrailHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Slam Bradley: At SeaJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
14 Apr 1938
Speed Saunders: The Mystery of Hondoku IsleCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
The Law at Work: Eddie DollBill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Framing the FramersHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Jenks Kidnapping Case, Part 3Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Bruce Nelson: Too Many Crooks, Part 1Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Comic story: The Black CaseRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Spy: The Golden RayJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic Story: Hot Trail HoganRussell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Poultry RacketeersMalcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: Up NorthJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic story: Quentin Roosevelt, Heroic FighterBill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
15 May 1938
Speed Saunders: The Mystery of the Darby PearlsCreig Flessel / Creig Flessel inedito
Oscar the Gumshoe: (untitled)Bob Kane / Bob Kane inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Heels and ToesHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Plot to Kill Larry Steele, Part 1Bill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
Bruce Nelson: Too Many Crooks, Part 2Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson / Tom Hickey inedito
Spy: Mr. DeathJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
"Bring 'Em In" Brannigan: (untitled)Russell Cole / Russell Cole inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Plane Crash MysterySven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: The Lady-KillerJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster inedito
Comic Story: Ruth Harkness: Her Adventures in the Far EastBill Ely / Bill Ely inedito
27 May 1939
The Bat-Man: The Case of the Chemical SyndicateBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Killers of KurdistanGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Bullet BluffHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Spy: The Mysterious MurdersJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Murder on the Ocean Line DocksJim Chambers / Jim Chambers / Jim Chambers inedito
Bruce Nelson: The New Orleans Mardi Gras Murders, Part 1Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
The Mysterious Doctor Fu Manchu: (untitled)Leo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Illegal AliensSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: The Murderer on VacationJerry Siegel / Jerry Siegel / Jerry Siegel inedito
28 Jun 1939
The Bat-Man: Frenchy Blake's Jewel GangBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 1 (Glénat)
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: Dope RingFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Killing by ProxyHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Spy: Saboteurs Bob SteamerJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
The Crimson Avenger: The Bagilan RubyJim Chambers / Jim Chambers / Jim Chambers inedito
Bruce Nelson: (untitled)Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Doctor Fu Manchu: (untitled)Sax Rohmer / Leo O'Mealia / Leo O'Mealia inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Truxon Hall Fox HuntSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: The Whitethorne InheritanceJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
29 Jul 1939
The Bat-Man: The Batman Meets Doctor DeathGardner Fox / Bob Kane / Bob Kane I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Murder of Ace MullinsWill Ely / Will Ely inedito
Spy: (untitled)Jerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
The Crimson Avenger : (untitled)Jim Chambers / Jim Chambers / Jim Chambers inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Perfect CrimeFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Bruce Nelson: (untitled)Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: (untitled)Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: (untitled)Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
30 Aug 1939
The Batman: The Return of Doctor DeathGardner Fox / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 3 (Glénat)
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Finger of DoomHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Spy: The Dictator of the United StatesJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: The Old Man and the KidWill Ely / Will Ely inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Crossbow MysteryFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Bruce Nelson: The Tea RacketeersTom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Imperial Insurance SwindleSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Slam Bradley: The Granville Insane AsylumJerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
31 Sep 1939
Batman: Batman Versus The Vampire, Part 1Bill Finger / Gardner Fox / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 4 (Glénat)
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Killer's BaitHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
(spy story): The Mystery PlaneJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: Mrs. VelvetKen Ernst / Ken Ernst inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Mammoth MysteryFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Bruce Nelson: Friday the ThirteenthTom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Dr. DupreSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
32 Oct 1939
Batman: Batman Versus The Vampire, Part 2Gardner Fox / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 5 (Glénat)
Spy: (untitled)Jerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: The Last ActHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: Doris DumontKen Ernst / Ken Ernst inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Skull-Face CultFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Governor AssasinatedSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: Rosemary BlaineTom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Slam Bradley: The Wrong Guy]Jerry Siegel / Joe Shuster / Joe Shuster inedito
33 Nov 1939
Batman: The Batman Wars Against The Dirigible Of DoomGardner Fox / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 6 (Glénat)
(spy Comic): Thoria Invades LuxenJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Mine of MysteryHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Larry Steele, Private Detective: (untitled)Ken Ernst / Ken Ernst inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Northwoods MysteryFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise : The Sewer RobberiesSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The White Goddess, Part 1Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Slam Bradley: Shorty Swallows a DiamondJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
34 Dec 1939
Batman: Peril In ParisGardner Fox / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 7 (Glénat)
Spy: The Ambassador to BolariaJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: The Last TrickHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Steve Malone, District Attorney: The Cleaner Protective AssociationGardner Fox / Don Lynch / Don Lynch inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator : The Spy MysteryFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Secret Treaty]Sven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The White Goddess, Part 1Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
35 Jan 1940
Batman: The Case Of The Ruby IdolBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Sheldon Moldoff Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 8 (Glénat)
Spy: The Unknown SubJerry Siegel / Maurice Kashuba / Maurice Kashuba inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective : Branded YellowHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Steve Malone, District Attorney: The Kidnapping RacketGardner Fox / Don Lynch / Don Lynch inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator : The Voodoo VengeanceFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Strange Death of Doctor DupreSven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: The White Goddess, Part 2Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
Slam Bradley : In the Foreign LegionJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
36 Feb 1940
Batman: Professor Hugo StrangeBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 9 (Glénat)
Spy: The RantorJerry Siegel / Maurice Kashuba / Maurice Kashuba inedito
Buck Marshall, Range Detective: Claim of SatanHomer Fleming / Homer Fleming inedito
Steve Malone, District Attorney: Rocky RomanDon Lynch / Don Lynch inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The SpiderGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: The Purple MesaSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
Bruce Nelson: A Weekend Party at the Mountain LodgeTom Hickey / Tom Hickey / Tom Hickey inedito
37 Mar 1940
Batman: The SpiesBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 10 (Glénat)
Spy: The Ring of DeathJerry Siegel / Maurice Kashuba / Maurice Kashuba inedito
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise: Mutiny on the Sea SwanSven Elven / Sven Elven / Sven Elven inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Laura Burlingame's Been KidnappedJim Chambers / Harry Lucey / Harry Lucey inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Crime RoundupGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Steve Malone, District Attorney: Miss Cooper Is KidnappedDon Lynch / Don Lynch inedito
Cliff Crosby: Judge CarsonChad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Slam Bradley : A Dynamite GiftJerry Siegel / Mart Bailey / Mart Bailey inedito
38 Apr 1940
Batman: Introducing Robin, The Boy WonderBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
Spy: The Electrical AssassinJerry Siegel / Maurice Kashuba / Maurice Kashuba inedito
Red Logan: Dr. HydkilKen Ernst / Ken Ernst inedito
The Crimson Avenger: Phoney Jewel RobberyJack Lehti / Jack Lehti / Jack Lehti inedito
Speed Saunders, Ace Investigator: The Kidnapped SingerGardner Fox / Fred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Steve Malone, District Attorney: The Gambler's ProtectorDon Lynch / Don Lynch inedito
Cliff Crosby: At The Arctic CircleChad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf / Chad Grothkopf inedito
Slam Bradley : The Big FireJerry Siegel / Dennis Neville / Dennis Neville inedito
39 May 1940
Batman and Robin: The Horde Of The Green Dragon!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 12 (Glénat)
40 Jun 1940
Batman and Robin: Beware Of ClayfaceBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
41 Jul 1940
Batman and Robin: A Master MurdererBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 14 (Glénat)
42 Aug 1940
Batman and Robin: The Case Of The Prophetic Pictures!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 23 (Glénat)
43 Sep 1940
Batman and Robin: The Case Of The City Of TerrorBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 24 (Glénat)
44 Oct 1940
Batman and Robin: The Land Behind The LightBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 25 (Glénat)
45 Nov 1940
Batman and Robin: The Case Of The Laughing Death!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 31 (Glénat)
46 Dec 1940
Batman and Robin: Professor Strange's Fear DustBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 32 (Glénat)
47 Jan 1941
Batman and Robin: Money Can't Buy HappinessBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 33 (Glénat)
48 Feb 1941
Batman and Robin: The Secret CavernBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 34 (Glénat)
49 Mar 1941
Batman and Robin: Clayface Walks AgainBob Kane / Bill Finger / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 37 (Glénat)
50 Apr 1941
Batman and Robin: The Case Of The Three DevilsBill Finger / Bob Kane / Bob Kane Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 38 (Glénat)
51 May 1941
Batman and Robin: The Case Of The Mystery CarnivalBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
52 Jun 1941
Batman and Robin: The Secret Of The Jade BoxBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
53 Jul 1941
Batman and Robin: Viola VaneBill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
54 Aug 1941
Batman and Robin: Hook Morgan And His Harbor PiratesBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
55 Sep 1941
Batman: The Brain Burglar!Bill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
56 Oct 1941
Batman and Robin: The Stone Idol!Bill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 4 (Play Press)
57 Nov 1941
Batman and Robin: Twenty-Four Hours To LiveBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
58 Dec 1941
Batman: One Of The Most Perfect Frame-UpsBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
59 Jan 1942
Batman: The King Of The JungleBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
60 Feb 1942
Batman: Case Of The Costume-Clad KillersJack Schiff / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)
61 Mar 1942
Batman and Robin: The Three RacketeersBill Finger / Bob Kane Gli Archivi di Batman # 5 (Play Press)