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Detective Comics vol 1 # 9
Copertina di Creig Flessel

Detective Comics vol 1 # 9

DC Comics Novembre 1937
Speed Saunders
Case of the Hobo Hero
Gardner Fox (script) / Creig Flessel (art)
6 pagine
Larry Steele
Mistery of the Wholesale Kidnappings (Part 5)
Will Ely (script) / Will Ely (art)
6 pagine
Cosmo, the Phantom of Disguise
Death in the Radio-Studio
Sven Elven (art)
6 pagine
Bruce Nelson
The Blood of the Lotus (Part 1)
Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson (script) / Tom Hickey (art)
6 pagine

The Johnson Mistery
Russell Cole (script) / Russell Cole (art)
6 pagine
Bart Regan, Spy
The Vanishing of R-42
Jerry Siegel (script) / Joe Shuster (art)
6 pagine
Buck Marshall
Silver and Lead
Homer Fleming (script) / Homer Fleming (art)
6 pagine
Slam Bradley
The Human Fly
Jerry Siegel (script) / Joe Shuster (art)
6 pagine