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Batman vol 1
DC Comics
Batman vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1940
numeri rilasciati: 1-713
numeri catalogati: 715
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie regolare
Seconda serie dedicata a Batman che nasce nella primavera del 1940 come risposta alla popolarità del Crociato Incappucciato presentato per la prima volta su Detective Comics.
Sul primo numero della storica testata della DC Comics fa il suo esordio il letale Joker e la sensuale Catwoman.
La serie presenta inizialmente in ogni albo tre, quattro storie inedite assumendo presto la cadenza bimestrale e continuando ininterrottamente a presentare le avventure dela Cavaliere Oscuro per oltre settant'anni.
La serie si interrompe dopo 70 anni con il numero 713 per ripartire dal numero uno in Batman vol 2.
201 May 1968
Batman's Gangland Guardians!Gardner Fox / Chic Stone / Joe Certa / Joe Giella Batman # 36 (Mondadori)
202 Jun 1968
Gateway to Death!Gardner Fox / Chic Stone / Sid Greene Batman # 35 (Mondadori)
Menace of the Motorcycle Marauders!Mike Friedrich / Chic Stone / Joe Giella Batman # 37 (Mondadori)
203 Aug 1968
The 1,000 Secrets of the Batcave!Bill Finger / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney
The Birth of Batplane II!David Vern Reed / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Batman # 60 (Mondadori)
The Secret of Batman's Utility BeltDavid Vern Reed / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 447 (Mondadori)
The 100 Batarangs of BatmanBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
Secret of the BatmobileBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 112 (Mondadori)
The Flying Bat-CaveDavid Vern Reed / Lew Schwartz / Charles Paris Superalbo Nembo Kid # 39 (Mondadori)
204 Aug 1968
Operation: Blindfold!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 42 (Mondadori)
205 Sep 1968
Blind As a... Bat?Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 43 (Mondadori)
206 Nov 1968
Batman Walks the Last Mile!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 45 (Mondadori)
207 Dec 1968
The Doomsday Ball!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 49 (Mondadori)
208 Jan 1969
The Women in Batman's Life!E. Nelson Bridwell / Gil Kane / Jack Abel Batman # 52 (Mondadori)
The Secret Life of the Catwoman!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Lew Schwartz / Charles Paris Batman # 62 (Mondadori)
The Crimes of the Catwoman!Edmond Hamilton / Bob Kane / Charles Paris Oscar Bestsellers # 1483 (Mondadori)
Vicki Vale's Secret!David Vern Reed / Bob Kane / Lew Schwartz / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 359 (Mondadori)
The Menace of the FireflyBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 210 (Mondadori)
The Dilemma of the Detective's DaughterFrance Herron / Sheldon Moldoff / Joe Giella Albi del Falco # 475 (Mondadori)
209 Feb 1969
Jungle JeopardyFrank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 53 (Mondadori)
210 Mar 1969
The Case of the Purr-loined Pearl!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 56 (Mondadori)
211 May 1969
Batman's Big Blow-Off!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 71 (Mondadori)
212 Jun 1969
Baffling Deaths of the Crime-Czar!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 67 (Mondadori)
213 Jul 1969
The Origin of Robin!E. Nelson Bridwell / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito DC Anthology # 4 (Panini Comics)
Here Comes AlfredDonald Clough Cameron / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
The Game of DeathDavid Vern / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney inedito
The Man Behind the Red Hood!Bill Finger / Lew Schwartz / Win Mortimer / George Roussos I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
The Challenge of Clay-FaceBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris inedito
214 Aug 1969
Batman's Marriage Trap!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Joe Giella Batman # 68 (Mondadori)
215 Sep 1969
Call Me Master!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman # 70 (Mondadori)
216 Nov 1969
Angel Or Devil?Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman # 76 (Mondadori)
You Be the Detective!Ed Robbins Albi del Falco # 650 (Mondadori)
217 Dec 1969
One Bullet Too Many!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano I nostri immortali # 2 (Milano Libri Edizioni)
218 Jan 1970
Batman and Robin's Greatest MysteryEdmond Hamilton / Sheldon Moldoff / Stan Kaye inedito
The Hand from NowhereBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 231 (Mondadori)
The Man Who Couldn't Be Tried Twice!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Ray Burnley Albi del Falco # 143 (Mondadori)
The Body in the Bat-CaveBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 172 (Mondadori)
Sunday Newspaper Syndicated StripBill Finger / Jack Burnley / Charles Paris inedito
The League Against Batman!David Vern / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 461 (Mondadori)
219 Feb 1970
Death Casts the Deciding Vote!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman # 80 (Mondadori)
The Silent Night of the BatmanMike Friedrich / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman: La vendetta del Joker (Play Press)
220 Mar 1970
This Murder Has Been Pre-Recorded!Frank Robbins / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
221 May 1970
A Bat-Death For BatmanFrank Robbins / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
Hot Time In Gotham Town Tonight!Mike Friedrich / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
222 Jun 1970
Dead ... Till Proven Alive!Frank Robbins / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Cenisio) # 28 (Edizione Cenisio)
Case of No Consequence!Mike Friedrich / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
223 Jul 1970
City Without GunsBill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
Batman of the Mounties!David Vern Reed / Bob Kane / Lew Schwartz / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 411 (Mondadori)
The Mardi Gras MysteryBill Finger / Jack Burnley / Charles Paris inedito
Journey To the Top of the World!Bill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 162 (Mondadori)
Around the World in 8 DaysBill Finger / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 135 (Mondadori)
224 Aug 1970
Carnival of the CursedDennis O'Neil / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 2 (Williams Inteuropa)
225 Sep 1970
Wanted For Murder One, The BatmanDennis O'Neil / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 1 (Williams Inteuropa)
Shutdown On York Street!Mike Friedrich / Jerry Novick / Mike Esposito inedito
226 Nov 1970
The Man with Ten Eyes!Frank Robbins / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
227 Dec 1970
The Demon of Gothos Mansion!Dennis O'Neil / Jerry Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 10 (Williams Inteuropa)
Help Me, I Think I'm Dead!Mike Friedrich / Jerry Novick / Mike Esposito inedito
228 Jan 1971
Outlaw Town, U.S.A.!David Vern / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Batman (Williams - I) # 10 (Williams Inteuropa)
The Living Bat-Plane!Edmond Hamilton / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 164 (Mondadori)
The Duplicate Batman!David Vern / Sheldon Moldoff / Bill Elder Albi del Falco # 394 (Mondadori)
The Gotham City SafariBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 118 (Mondadori)
Prisoners of the Bat-CaveSheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 117 (Mondadori)
229 Feb 1971
Asylum of the Futurians!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 3 (Williams Inteuropa)
Temperature Boiling... and Rising!Mike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Frank Giacoia inedito
230 Mar 1971
Take-Over of Paradise!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
Danger Comes A-Looking!Mike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 2 (Williams Inteuropa)
231 May 1971
Blind Rage of the Ten-Eyed Man!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
Wiped Out!Mike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
232 Jun 1971
Daughter of the DemonDennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 7 (Williams Inteuropa)
233 Jul 1971
The Other Bruce WayneBill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 118 (Mondadori)
Bruce Wayne's Aunt Agatha!Bill Finger / Sheldon Moldoff / Stan Kaye Albi del Falco # 157 (Mondadori)
234 Aug 1971
Half an EvilDennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 11 (Williams Inteuropa)
Vengeance for a Cop!Mike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
235 Sep 1971
Swamp SinisterDennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - I) # 9 (Williams Inteuropa)
The Outcast SocietyMike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Superman Selezione # 6 (Editrice Cenisio)
236 Nov 1971
Wail of the Ghost-Bride!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 1 (Williams Inteuropa)
Rain Fire!Mike Friedrich / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Superman Selezione # 6 (Editrice Cenisio)
237 Dec 1971
Night of the Reaper!Dennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 12 (Williams Inteuropa)
238 Jan 1972
The Masterminds of Crime!David Vern Reed / Curt Swan / Curt Swan Albi del Falco # 416 (Mondadori)
The Doom Patrol: Part 1Bob Haney / Arnold Drake / Bruno Premiani inedito
Mr. Roulette's Greatest GambleDavid Vern / Dick Sprang / Charles Paris inedito
239 Feb 1972
Silent Night, Deadly Night!Dennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 8 (Williams Inteuropa)
Soul-Pit!Mike Friedrich / Rich Buckler / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 16 (Williams Inteuropa)
240 Mar 1972
Vengeance for a Dead Man!Dennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 2 (Williams Inteuropa)
Theater of the Mind!Mike Friedrich / Rich Buckler / Rich Buckler Batman (Williams - II) # 16 (Williams Inteuropa)
241 May 1972
At Dawn Dies Mary MacGuffin!Dennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 10 (Williams Inteuropa)
Secret of the Psychic Siren!Mike Friedrich / Rich Buckler / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 17 (Williams Inteuropa)
The Case of the Honest Crook!Bill Finger / Bob Kane / Jerry Robinson / George Roussos Batman (Williams - II) # 18 (Williams Inteuropa)
242 Jul 1972
Bruce Wayne… Rest in Peace!Dennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 15 (Williams Inteuropa)
Death-Point!Mike Friedrich / Rich Buckler / Dick Giordano inedito
243 Aug 1972
The Lazarus Pit!Dennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman: Il risveglio del Demone (Play Press)
244 Sep 1972
The Demon Lives Again!Dennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman: Il risveglio del Demone (Play Press)
The Teen-Age Trap!Elliot S. Maggin / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 19 (Williams Inteuropa)
245 Oct 1972
The Bruce Wayne Murder Case!Dennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman illustrato da Neal Adams (Planeta .. # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Who Stole the Gift from Nowhere!Elliot S. Maggin / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Cenisio) # 23 (Edizione Cenisio)
246 Dec 1972
How Many Ways Can a Robin Die?Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
247 Feb 1973
Merry ChristmasDennis O'Neil / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 19 (Williams Inteuropa)
... And a Deadly New Year!Dennis O'Neil / Dick Giordano Batman (Williams - II) # 19 (Williams Inteuropa)
248 Apr 1973
Death-Knell for a Traitor!Dennis O'Neil / Bob Brown / Dick Giordano inedito
The Immortals of Usen CastleElliot S. Maggin / Irv Novick / Frank McLaughlin Batman (Cenisio) # 32 (Edizione Cenisio)
249 Jun 1973
The Citadel of CrimeFrank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano inedito
Case of the Kidnaped Crusader!Elliot S. Maggin / Bob Brown / Frank McLaughlin Batman (Cenisio) # 27 (Edizione Cenisio)
250 Jul 1973
The Deadly Numbers Game!Frank Robbins / Irv Novick / Dick Giordano Le Grandi Storie Deluxe # 2 (Rw Lion)
Return of the Flying Grayson!Elliot S. Maggin / Irv Novick / Frank McLaughlin inedito
The Batman Nobody Knows!Frank Robbins / Dick Giordano / Dick Giordano Batman # 182 (Rw Lion)