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Police Comics Vol 1
Quality Comics
Police Comics Vol 1
Quality Comics
anno inizio serie: 1941
numeri rilasciati: 1-127
numeri catalogati: 127
formato: comic-book, 17X26
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Police Comics è una serie antologica pubblicata da Quality Comics durante l' età d'oro dei fumetti dal 1940 al 1950. Il primo numero ha visto tra gli altri il debutto di Plastic man di Jack Cole e The Spirit creato dal grande Will Eisner e Phantom Girl, molti di questi quando la DC Comics ha preso i diritti sono stati inseriti nel DC Universe.
101 Aug 1950
Covered Wagon to El DoradoJoe Millard / Jack Cole inedito
Baby DayHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
Artemus PeapWill Eisner / Jack Spranger / Will Eisner / Bob Palmer inedito
The Power of the DogJack Spranger inedito
102 Oct 1950
The Cold-Blooded CounterfeiterJoe Millard / Jack Cole inedito
Burglar-Proof HouseHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
Raul, Master of ArmsReed Crandall inedito
The Cop They Couldn't LickJoe Millard / Curt Swan inedito
A Granule of TimeWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Jerry Grandenetti / Will Eisner / Jerry Grandenetti inedito
103 Dec 1950
The Mad IrishmanJoe Millard / Gene Colan inedito
Badge of HonorJoe Millard inedito
Cop KillerJoe Millard / W.G. Hargis inedito
A Date With DeathJoe Millard inedito
Hot Rod Homicide inedito
104 Feb 1951
Handsome Hunk of HomicideJoe Millard inedito
Honolulu HomicideHarry Anderson inedito
The Hottest Corpse in TownJoe Millard / Sid Greene inedito
Beyond the Call of Duty inedito
Killers' Country ClubSam Citron inedito
105 Apr 1951
The Invisible Hands of Murder!Joe Millard inedito
The Death House at Bergenstrasse 13!Joe Millard inedito
The Strangest Murder CaseJoe Millard / W.G. Hargis inedito
The Heart of a HeroJoe Millard inedito
A Ghost Car on Route 13Joe Millard inedito
106 Jun 1951
Museum of MurderReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Mexican Slay Ride inedito
Birthday CorpseW.G. Hargis inedito
The Heart of a Cop inedito
A Mad-Dog Killer Is Loose inedito
107 Aug 1951
The Man with the Shrunken HeadReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Mayhem in MayalandJack Cole inedito
Rock Richards and Fox ReynoldsW.G. Hargis inedito
Rescue from the SkySam Citron inedito
The Butcher of Battle Mountain inedito
108 Oct 1951
The Headless Horse-PlayerReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Die YoungW.G. Hargis inedito
Ticket to DoomJack Cole inedito
Handsome Hogan inedito
109 Nov 1951
Blood on the Chinese FanJoe Millard / Reed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Case of the Zombie Fire-Bugs!Joe Millard / W.G. Hargis inedito
The Atomic Witch DoctorJoe Millard inedito
Noblesse ObligeJoe Millard inedito
110 Dec 1951
Murder with a BangReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Murder of a Little ManW.G. Hargis inedito
Green Is a Danger Signal! inedito
Pattern of Violence inedito
111 Jan 1952
Diana the Homicidal HuntressReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Barrel-Roll ShakedownW.G. Hargis inedito
Murder from Moscow inedito
The Matchbook of Doom inedito
112 Feb 1952
Corpse on the SidewalkReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Dead Man's ReturnW.G. Hargis inedito
The Doctor of Destruction! inedito
A Friend in Need inedito
113 Mar 1952
The Corpse with the Size 13 ShoeReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Walking DeathW.G. Hargis inedito
The Devil's AgentBill Woolfolk / Reed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Cops Are Courageous inedito
114 Apr 1952
The Blonde with Two Heads!Reed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Dead Men Tell No TalesW.G. Hargis inedito
Seeds of Slaughter inedito
Bribery in the Boys ClubJohn Forte inedito
115 May 1952
Don't Let Them Kill MeReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Red AvengerW.G. Hargis inedito
The Sign of the Red Bull! inedito
116 Jun 1952
The Stage was Set for MurderReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Unfinished MurderW.G. Hargis inedito
Two Bundles of Dynamite! inedito
Hijackers Incorporated inedito
117 Jul 1952
The Bullet Riddled BookkeeperReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Moonshine MurdersW.G. Hargis inedito
Stalin's Paymaster inedito
One Heroic HourJohn Forte inedito
118 Aug 1952
Case of the Absent CorpseBill Woolfolk / Reed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Fires for SaleW.G. Hargis inedito
International Frameup! inedito
Hard-Fisted Gary MaloneJohn Forte inedito
119 Sep 1952
A Fast and Bloody BuckReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Mystery of the Missing Shoes!W.G. Hargis inedito
The Doomed Legion! inedito
The Courage of a CopJohn Forte inedito
120 Oct 1952
Death and the DerelictReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Two-Legged TigressW.G. Hargis / John Prentice inedito
The Red Racket inedito
One Mad Night inedito
121 Nov 1952
Curse of the Clawed KillerBill Woolfolk / Reed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Death Stalks At Midnight!W.G. Hargis inedito
Suicide Mission! inedito
Dirty Mac's Last StandJohn Forte inedito
122 Dec 1952
The Lonely Hearts KillerJohn Forte / Charles Cuidera inedito
Monster's MaskW.G. Hargis inedito
The Red Robbers! inedito
Funeral for a Big ShotJohn Forte inedito
123 Jan 1953
Death Came ScreamingReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Halloween MurdersW.G. Hargis inedito
Terror Behind the Lines inedito
Bomb ScareJohn Forte inedito
124 Feb 1953
The Red Mermaid inedito
Conrad Drexel, Lady KillerW.G. Hargis inedito
M as in MurderReed Crandall / Charles Cuidera inedito
Corpse Number 97062John Forte inedito
125 Apr 1953
The Killer of King Arthur's CourtJoe Millard / John Forte inedito
UntitledJoe Millard / W.G. Hargis inedito
The Bloody Bomber of BelgradeJoe Millard / Sid Greene inedito
Flight Into HorrorJoe Millard inedito
126 Jun 1953
Hit and Run MurdersJohn Forte inedito
UntitledW.G. Hargis inedito
The House of Haunted HeadsSid Greene inedito
Four-Legged CopJohn Forte inedito
127 Oct 1953
Thunder in ThailandDan Zolnerowich inedito
The Dying SculpturesW.G. Hargis inedito
The Death DriversJohn Forte / Charles Cuidera inedito
The Haunted CopCharles Sultan inedito