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Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
Detective Comics vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1937
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 964
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Batman
tipologia: serie antologica
Detective Comics è una delle serie più longeve nel panorama supereroico statunitense. Originariamente concepita come un antologico, specializzata in storie di genere hard boiled, nel numero 27 fa la sua prima comparsa l'oscuro vendicatore di nome Batman che divenne ben presto il protagonista indiscusso della testata.
581 Dec 1987
Batman: One Out Of Two ... Isn't BadMike W. Barr / Jim Baikie / Pablo Marcos Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 6 (Glénat)
582 Jan 1988
Batman: Sole SurvivorMary Jo Duffy / Norm Breyfogle / Pablo Marcos Justice League # 16/17 (Play Press)
583 Feb 1988
Batman: FeverJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Kim DeMulder Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 15 (Glénat)
584 Mar 1988
Batman: Fever Break!John Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 16 (Glénat)
585 Apr 1988
Batman: The RatcatcherJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Ricardo Villagran Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 17 (Glénat)
586 May 1988
Batman: Rat TrapJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 18 (Glénat)
587 Jun 1988
Batman: Night People, Part 1Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 20 (Glénat)
588 Jul 1988
Batman: Night People, Part 2: The Corrosive ManJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 20 (Glénat)
589 Aug 1988
Batman: Night People, Part 3: The Burning PitJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 21 (Glénat)
Batman: For The Love Of IvyLewis Klahr / Steve Piersall / Dean Haspiel / Denis Rodier inedito
590 Sep 1988
Batman: An American Batman In LondonJohn Wagner / Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 19 (Glénat)
591 Oct 1988
Batman: Aborigine!Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 21 (Glénat)
592 Nov 1988
Batman: The Fear, Part 1Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 22 (Glénat)
593 Dec 1988
Batman: The Fear, Part 2: Diary Of A MadmanAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 22 (Glénat)
594 Dec 1988
Batman: EcstasyAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Norm Breyfogle Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 23 (Glénat)
595 Jan 1989
Batman: Our Man In HavanaAlan Grant / Irv Novick / Steve Mitchell American Heroes # 15 (Play Press)
Batman: Cold CutsJeff O'Hare / Roderick Delgado / Jerry Acerno inedito
596 Jan 1989
Batman: Video NastiesAlan Grant / Eduardo Barreto / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 27 (Glénat)
597 Feb 1989
Batman: Private ViewingAlan Grant / Eduardo Barreto / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 28 (Glénat)
598 Mar 1989
Batman: The Sleep of Reason [Blind Justice:Chapter One]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Frank McLaughlin Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 30 (Glénat)
Batman: The Kindness of Strangers [Blind Justice:Chapter Two]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Frank McLaughlin Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 30 (Glénat)
Batman: The Price of Knowledge [Blind Justice:Chapter Three]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Frank McLaughlin Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 30 (Glénat)
599 Apr 1989
Batman: Citizen Wayne [Blind Justice:Chapter four]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Frank McLaughlin Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 31 (Glénat)
600 May 1989
Batman: Hidden Agendas [Blind Justice:Chapter Five]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Frank McLaughlin Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 31 (Glénat)
Batman: Covert Operations [Blind Justice:Chapter Six]Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 32 (Glénat)
Batman: Ulterior Motives [Blind Justice:Chapter Seven]Sam Hamm / Sam Hamm / Denys Cowan / Denys Cowan / Dick Giordano / Dick Giordano Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 32 (Glénat)
601 Jun 1989
Batman: Tulpa, Part 1: Monster MakerAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 37 (Glénat)
602 Jul 1989
Batman: Tulpa, Part 2: Night MovesAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 38 (Glénat)
603 Aug 1989
Batman: Tulpa, Part 3: When Demons Clash!Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 38 (Glénat)
604 Sep 1989
Batman: The Mud Pack, Part 1 : Men Of ClayAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 39 (Glénat)
605 Sep 1989
Batman: The Mud Pack, Part 2 : Heart Of Steel, Feet Of Clay?Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 39 (Glénat)
606 Oct 1989
Batman: The Mud Pack, Part 3 : Killer Clay!Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 40 (Glénat)
607 Oct 1989
Batman: The Mud Pack, Part 4 : The China Clay SyndromeAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman - Nuove e vecchie superstorie .. # 40 (Glénat)
608 Nov 1989
Batman: Anarky In Gotham City, Part 1: Letters To The EditorAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
609 Dec 1989
Batman: Anarky In Gotham City, Part 2: Facts About BatsAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
610 Jan 1990
Batman: Snow And Ice, Part 1: Ode To A PenguinAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
611 Feb 1990
Batman: Snow And Ice, Part 2: Bird Of Ill OmenAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
612 Mar 1990
Batman: CatsAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
613 Apr 1990
Batman: TrashAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
614 May 1990
Batman: Street DemonzAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
615 Jun 1990
Batman: The Penguin Affair, Part 2: Bird Of Ill Omen!Alan Grant / Marv Wolfman / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman Arkham # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
616 Jun 1990
Batman: Stone KillerAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
617 Jul 1990
Batman: A Clash of SymbolsAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
618 Jul 1990
Batman: Rite Of Passage, Part 1: Shadow On The SunAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Dick Giordano Universo DC: Robin # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
619 Aug 1990
Batman: Rite Of Passage, Part 2: Beyond Belief!Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Universo DC: Robin # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
620 Aug 1990
Batman: Rite Of Passage, Part 3: Make Me A HeroAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Universo DC: Robin # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
621 Sep 1990
Batman: Rite Of Passage, Part 4: Trial By Fire Make Me A HeroAlan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Universo DC: Robin # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
622 Oct 1990
Batman: Dark Genesis!John Ostrander / Flint Henry / Mike McKone / Flint Henry / José Marzan Jr inedito
623 Nov 1990
Batman: Death Of InnocenceJohn Ostrander / Flint Henry / Mike McKone / Flint Henry / José Marzan Jr inedito
624 Dec 1990
Batman: Bitter VictoryJohn Ostrander / Flint Henry / Mike McKone / Flint Henry / José Marzan Jr inedito
625 Jan 1991
Batman: AbattoirMarv Wolfman / Jim Aparo / Mike DeCarlo inedito
626 Feb 1991
Batman: Return To The ElectrocutionerMarv Wolfman / Jim Aparo / Mike DeCarlo inedito
627 Mar 1991
Batman: The Case Of The Chemical Syndicate, pt 1Marv Wolfman / Jim Aparo / Mike DeCarlo inedito
Batman: The Case Of The Chemical Syndicate, pt 2Alan Grant / Norm Breyfogle / Steve Mitchell Batman di Norm Breyfogle # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
628 Apr 1991
Batman: HeartsMarv Wolfman / Jim Aparo / Mike DeCarlo inedito
629 May 1991
Batman: The Hungry Grass!Peter Milligan / Jim Aparo / Steve Leialoha DC Miniserie # 64 (Rw Lion)
630 Jun 1991
Batman: And The Executioner Wore Stiletto HeelsPeter Milligan / Jim Aparo / Mike DeCarlo DC Miniserie # 64 (Rw Lion)