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The Brave and the Bold vol 1
DC Comics
The Brave and the Bold vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1955
numeri rilasciati: 1-200
numeri catalogati: 200
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica nata nell'agosto del 1955 e proseguita per 200 numeri, fino al luglio del 1983.
Inizialmente la serie ospitava storie del Principe Vichingo, del Cavaliere Silente, del Gladiatore Dorato e di Robin Hood.
Dal numero 25 la serie si rinnovò, ospitando nuovi personaggi come la Squadra Suicida o Hawkman, mentre dal numero 50 iniziò ad ospitare team-up tra gli eroi DC. Dal 1965 fino al 1983 ospitò sempre Batman ed un comprimario.
51 Dec 1963
Aquaman and Hawkman: Fury of the Exiled CreatureBob Haney / Howard Purcell / Howard Purcell inedito
52 Feb 1964
Sgt. Rock, Haunted Tank and Johnny Cloud : Suicide Mission! Save Him or Kill Him!Robert Kanigher / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert inedito
53 Apr 1964
The Atom & The Flash: The Challenge of the Expanding WorldBob Haney / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Albi del Falco # 449 (Mondadori)
54 Jun 1964
Kid Flash, Aqualad and Robin: The Thousand-and-One Dooms of Mr. TwisterBob Haney / Bruno Premiani / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 450 (Mondadori)
55 Aug 1964
Metal Men and Atom: Revenge of the Robot RejectBob Haney / Ramona Fradon / Charles Paris inedito
56 Oct 1964
Flash and Manhunter from Mars: Raid of the Mutant MaraudersBob Haney / Bernard Baily / Bernard Baily Superalbo Nembo Kid # 66 (Mondadori)
57 Dec 1964
Metamorpho the Element Man: The Origin of MetamorphoBob Haney / Ramona Fradon / Charles Paris inedito
58 Feb 1965
Metamorpho the Element Man: The Junk Yard of DoomBob Haney / Ramona Fradon / Charles Paris inedito
59 Apr 1965
Batman and Green Lantern: The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander(Table of Contents)Bob Haney / Ramona Fradon / Charles Paris Albi del Falco # 489 (Mondadori)
60 Jun 1965
Teen Titans: The Astounding Separated ManBob Haney / Bruno Premiani / Bruno Premiani Classici DC: Giovani Titani # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
61 Aug 1965
Starman and Black Canary: Mastermind of MenacesGardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Murphy Anderson
62 Oct 1965
Starman and Black Canary: The Big Super-Hero HuntGardner Fox / Murphy Anderson / Murphy Anderson inedito
63 Dec 1965
Supergirl and Wonder Woman: The Revolt of the Super-ChicksBob Haney / John Rosenberger / John Rosenberger inedito
64 Feb 1966
Batman and Eclipso : Batman versus EclipsoBob Haney / Win Mortimer / Win Mortimer Albi del Falco # 531 (Mondadori)
65 Apr 1966
Flash and Doom Patrol: Alias Negative ManBob Haney / Dick Giordano / Sal Trapani inedito
66 Jun 1966
Metamorpho and Metal Men: Wreck the Renegade RobotsBob Haney / Mike Sekowsky / Mike Esposito inedito
67 Aug 1966
Batman and Flash: The Death of the FlashBob Haney / Carmine Infantino / Charles Paris inedito
68 Oct 1966
Batman and Metamorpho: Alias the Bat-HulkBob Haney / Mike Sekowsky / Mike Esposito Albi del Falco # 551 (Mondadori)
69 Dec 1966
Batman and Green Lantern: War of the Cosmic AvengerBob Haney / Win Mortimer / Win Mortimer Batman # 10 (Mondadori)
70 Feb 1967
Batman and Hawkman: Cancelled: 2 Super-Heroes!Bob Haney / Johnny Craig / Charles Cuidera Batman # 17 (Mondadori)
71 Apr 1967
Batman and Green Arrow: The Wrath Of The ThunderbirdBob Haney / George Papp / George Papp Batman # 26 (Mondadori)
72 Jun 1967
Spectre and Flash: Phantom Flash, Cosmic TraitorBob Haney / Carmine Infantino / Charles Cuidera inedito
73 Aug 1967
Aquaman and Atom: Galg the DestroyerBob Haney / Howard Purcell / Sal Trapani inedito
74 Oct 1967
Batman and Metal Men: Rampant Run the RobotsBob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito Batman # 27 (Mondadori)
75 Dec 1967
Batman and Spectre: The scene: Gotham City's Chinatown!Bob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito Batman # 25 (Mondadori)
76 Feb 1968
Batman and Plastic Man: Doom, What Is Thy Shape?Bob Haney / Mike Sekowsky / Jack Abel Batman # 32 (Mondadori)
Robin: The Man Called 50-50David Vern Reed / Jim Mooney / Jim Mooney Batman # 36 (Mondadori)
77 Apr 1968
Batman and Atom: So Thunders the Cannoneer!Bob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito Batman # 39 (Mondadori)
78 Jun 1968
Batman,Wonder Woman and Batgirl: In the Coils of Copperhead!Bob Haney / Bob Brown / Bob Brown DC Classic # 2 (Panini Comics)
79 Aug 1968
Batman and Deadman: The Track of the HookBob Haney / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Batman # 51 (Mondadori)
80 Oct 1968
Batman and Creeper: And Hellgrammite Is His Name!Bob Haney / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman # 54 (Mondadori)
81 Dec 1968
Batman and Flash: But Bork Can Hurt You!Bob Haney / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano / Vince Colletta Batman # 52 (Mondadori)
82 Feb 1969
Batman and Aquaman: The Sleepwalker from the Sea!Bob Haney / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Batman: Una città  spaventata (Play Press)
83 Apr 1969
Batman and Teen Titans: Punish Not My Evil SonBob Haney / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Batman: Una città  spaventata (Play Press)
84 Jun 1969
Batman and Sgt. Rock: The Angel, the Rock and the CowlBob Haney / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Batman # 66 (Mondadori)
85 Aug 1969
Batman and Green Arrow: The Senator's Been Shot!Bob Haney / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano Batman: Acque Rosse Morte Scarlatta .. (Play Press)
86 Oct 1969
Batman and Deadman: You Can't Hide from a Deadman!Bob Haney / Neal Adams / Neal Adams DC Comics Presenta # 5 (Comic Art)
87 Dec 1969
Batman and Wonder Woman: The Widow-Maker!Mike Sekowsky / Mike Sekowsky / Dick Giordano DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
88 Feb 1970
Batman and Wildcat: Count Ten...and Die!Bob Haney / Irv Novick / Mike Esposito DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
89 Apr 1970
Batman and Phantom Stranger: Arise Ye Ghosts of GothamBob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
90 Jun 1970
Batman and Adam Strange: You Only Die Twice!Bob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
91 Aug 1970
Batman and Black Canary: A Cold Corpse for the CollectorBob Haney / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
92 Oct 1970
Batman and Bat-Squad: Night Wears a Scarlet Shroud!Bob Haney / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
93 Dec 1970
Batman and House of Mystery: Red Water Crimson DeathDennis O'Neil / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Batman: Acque Rosse Morte Scarlatta .. (Play Press)
94 Feb 1971
Batman and Teen Titans: Rebels in the StreetsBob Haney / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy Classici DC: Giovani Titani # 3 (Planeta DeAgostini)
95 Apr 1971
Batman and Plastic Man: C.O.D. Corpse on DeliveryBob Haney / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
96 Jun 1971
Batman and Sgt. Rock: The Striped Pants War!Bob Haney / Nick Cardy / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
97 Aug 1971
Batman and Wildcat: The Smile of Choclotan!Bob Haney / Bob Brown / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 10 (Panini Comics)
98 Oct 1971
Batman and Phantom Stranger: Mansion of the Misbegotten!Bob Haney / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo Classici DC: Batman, The Brave and .. # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Phantom Stranger: The Killer Shadow!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Sy Barry / Joe Giella inedito
99 Dec 1971
Batman and Flash: The Man Who Murdered the Past!Bob Haney / Bob Brown / Nick Cardy DC Classic # 18 (Panini Comics)
100 Feb 1972
Batman and 4 Famous Co-Stars: The Warrior in a Wheel-ChairBob Haney / Jim Aparo / Jim Aparo Classici DC: Batman, The Brave and .. # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)