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The Brave and the Bold vol 1
DC Comics
The Brave and the Bold vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1955
numeri rilasciati: 1-200
numeri catalogati: 200
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica nata nell'agosto del 1955 e proseguita per 200 numeri, fino al luglio del 1983.
Inizialmente la serie ospitava storie del Principe Vichingo, del Cavaliere Silente, del Gladiatore Dorato e di Robin Hood.
Dal numero 25 la serie si rinnovò, ospitando nuovi personaggi come la Squadra Suicida o Hawkman, mentre dal numero 50 iniziò ad ospitare team-up tra gli eroi DC. Dal 1965 fino al 1983 ospitò sempre Batman ed un comprimario.
1 Jun 1955
The Golden Gladiator: The Thunder of the Chariots!Ed Herron / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: Battle for the Dragon Ship!Robert Kanigher / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: The Sea RoversRobert Kanigher / Jerry Grandenetti inedito
The Silent Knight: Duel in Forest Perilous!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Laughing Arena: (untitled)Irwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
2 Aug 1955
The Golden Gladiator: The Sword of Attila!Ed Herron / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: The Threat of the Phantom Vikings!Robert Kanigher / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Laughing ArenaIrwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
Knights of the Square Table: (untitled)Irwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
The Silent Knight: Knight for a Day!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
3 Oct 1955
The Golden Gladiator: The Invisible Wall!Ed Herron / Russ Heath inedito
Knights of the Square Table: (untitled)Irwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
The Viking Prince: The Hammer of Thor!Bill Finger / Joe Kubert inedito
The Silent Knight: Challenge of the Black Lance!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
4 Dec 1955
The Silent Knight: The Robber Baron of Forest PerilousRobert Kanigher inedito
Knights of the Square Table: (untitled)Irwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
The Viking Prince: The Whirling Warriors!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Laughing Arena: (untitled)Irwin Hasen / Irwin Hasen inedito
The Golden Gladiator: Captive Champion!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
5 Feb 1956
Robin Hood: The Blind Bowman!Bill Finger / Irv Novick inedito
The Viking Prince: The Ice Dragon!Bill Finger / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Hunting Hawks!Ross Andru / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
The Silent Knight: The Shield of Terror!Robert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
6 Apr 1956
Robin Hood: The Battle of the Kites!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
The Golden Gladiator: The Battle of the Pyramid!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
The Silent Knight: The Hooded Terror!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
7 Jun 1956
The Silent Knight: The Duel of the Double Identities!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Robin Hood: The Forest of Traps!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
Knights of the Square Table: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
The Viking Prince: Invasion of the Sea EaglesBob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
8 Aug 1956
Robin Hood: The Challenge of the Grim Jester!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: The Outcast Viking!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
The Silent Knight: The Secret of the Arabian Horse!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
9 Oct 1956
Robin Hood: Three Arrows against Doom!Bob Haney / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: Peril of the Burning Sea!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: The First CommandosRoss Andru / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
The Silent Knight: The Tale of the Falcon and the StallionRobert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
10 Dec 1956
Robin Hood: The King of the Sea!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: Secret of the Feather-Men's Ship!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
The Silent Knight: Challenge of the Round Table!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
11 Feb 1957
Robin Hood: Robin Hood vs the Merrie Men!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: The Terror Stone!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Target ShootingJulius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Viking Prince: The Forest of Fearful Traps!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
12 Apr 1957
Robin Hood: The Apple of Peril!Bob Haney / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: Monster of the Viking Sea!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Knight-Time!Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Silent Knight: Shadow of the Silent KnightRobert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Comic story: Strange Arrow BeliefsJulius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
13 Jun 1957
The Silent Knight: The Silent Knight vs. the Sleeping Knights!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Comic Story: Strange Arrow Beliefs!Julius Schwartz / Sheldon Moldoff inedito
Knight Time!: (untitled)Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Viking Prince: Fighting Figurehead!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Robin Hood: King Robin, the 1st!Bill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
14 Aug 1957
The Silent Knight: The Armor of Doom!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Strange Arrow Beliefs!: (untitled)Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Viking Prince: The Ghost Ship!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Robin Hood: The Secret of Sherwood ForestBill Finger / Russ Heath inedito
15 Oct 1957
The Silent Knight: The Three Flaming Dooms!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Comic Story: Feudal EntertainmentJulius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
Robin Hood: The Bow That Couldn't Be Bent!Bob Haney / Russ Heath inedito
The Viking Prince: The Viking GenieBill Finger / Joe Kubert inedito
16 Dec 1957
The Silent Knight: Trap of Sir Hawk!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
The Viking Prince: The Viking and the Mermaid! inedito
Casey the Cop: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
17 Feb 1958
The Viking Prince: The Lady of the LakeBob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic Story: In Feudal Times!Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Silent Knight: Triple-Threat Tournament!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
18 Apr 1958
The Viking Prince: Threat of the Ice KingBob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Knights' Helmets: (untitled)Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Silent Knight: The Double Decoy!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
19 Jun 1958
The Viking Prince: The Challenge of the Flying HorseBob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic Story: Tournament of Knights!Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Silent Knight: The End of the Silent Knight! inedito
20 Aug 1958
The Silent Knight: The Haunted Castle!, part oneRobert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
The Silent Knight: The Haunted Castle!, Part TwoRobert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
The Viking Prince: The Secret of Odin's Cup!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
21 Oct 1958
The Silent Knight: The Sword in the Lake!Robert Kanigher / Irv Novick inedito
Comic Story: Medieval ShieldsJulius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
The Viking Prince: The Viking and the Firebird!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
22 Dec 1958
The Viking Prince: The Invisible Viking!Bill Finger / Joe Kubert inedito
The Silent Knight: Challenge of the Sinister Queens!, part oneRobert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
The Silent Knight: Challenge of the Sinister Queens!, Part TwoRobert Kanigher / Russ Heath inedito
Gems of Destiny!: (untitled)Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
23 Feb 1959
The Viking Prince: Origin of the Viking Prince!, part 1Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
The Viking Prince: Origin of the Viking Prince!, Part 2Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Famous Sailing Ships Throughout the World!Bob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
The Viking Prince: The Figurehead of the Burning Sea!Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
24 Apr 1959
The Viking Prince: Trail of the Black Falcon!, part 1Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
The Viking Prince: Trail of the Black Falcon!, part 2Bob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic story: Viking TrainingBob Haney / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
The Viking Prince: Curse of the Dragon's MoonBob Haney / Joe Kubert inedito
25 Jun 1959
Suicide Squad [Task Force X] : The Three Waves of Doom!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
26 Aug 1959
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: The Sun Curse!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Serpent in the Subway!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
27 Oct 1959
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: The Creature of Ghost Lake!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
28 Feb 1960
Justice League of America: Starro the Conqueror!Gardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs / Joe Giella / Murphy Anderson DC Comics Story # 7 (Rw Lion)
29 Mar 1960
Justice League of America: Challenge of the Weapons Master!Gardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs / Joe Giella DC Showcase Presenta # 2 (Editoriale Cosmo )
30 Apr 1960
Justice League of America: Case of the Stolen Super Powers!Gardner Fox / Mike Sekowsky / Bernard Sachs DC Showcase Presenta # 2 (Editoriale Cosmo )
31 Jun 1960
Cave Carson: The Secret Beneath the Earth, Chapter 1Ed Herron / Bruno Premiani inedito
Comic Story: Spelunking around the WorldBernard Baily inedito
Cave Carson: The Incredible Lava Creature, Chapter 2Ed Herron / Bruno Premiani inedito
Cave Carson: The Magnetic Monster, Chapter 3Ed Herron / Bruno Premiani inedito
32 Aug 1960
Cave Carson: The City 100 Miles Down, Chapter 1Ed Herron / Bernard Baily inedito
Homer: Homer Goes UndergroundHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Cave Carson: The Beast Brigade, Chapter 2Ed Herron / Bernard Baily inedito
Moolah the Mystic : (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Cave Carson: The Mole vs. the Enemy Sun, Chapter 3Ed Herron / Bernard Baily inedito
33 Oct 1960
Cave Carson: The Alien Robots from Inner Space, Chapter 1Dave Wood / Bernard Baily inedito
Cave Carson: The Battle of the Giant Robots, Chapter 2Dave Wood / Bernard Baily inedito
Homer Goes Underground: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Cave Carson: Subterranean Showdown, Chapter 3Dave Wood / Bernard Baily inedito
34 Feb 1961
Hawkman: Creature of a Thousand Shapes!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
(comic-story): Weather Birds! inedito
35 Apr 1961
Hawkman: Menace of the Matter Master!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
What's the Difference Between...: [Dog Track - Wolf Track - Coyote Track]Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
Hawkman: Valley of Vanishing MenGardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
(comic-story): Eagle Dance!Julius Schwartz / Morris Waldinger / Tommy Nicolosi inedito
36 Jun 1961
Hawkman: Strange Spells of the Sorcerer!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
(comic-story): Strange Bird Beliefs inedito
Hawkman: Shadow-Thief of Midway City!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
37 Jun 1961
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Raid of the Dinosaurs!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Threat of the Giant Eye!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
38 Aug 1961
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Master of the Dinosaurs!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Menace of the Mirage People!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
39 Oct 1961
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Prisoners of the Dinosaur Zoo!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
Task Force X; Suicide Squad: Rain of Fire!Robert Kanigher / Ross Andru / Mike Esposito inedito
40 Dec 1961
Cave Carson: Three Caverns of DoomEd Herron / Joe Kubert inedito
Comic Story: Peter Puptent, ExplorerHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Cave Carson: The Creature from the Egg, Chapter 2Ed Herron / Joe Kubert inedito
Cave Carson: The Menace of the Rock Monsters, Chapter 3Ed Herron / Joe Kubert inedito
41 Feb 1962
Cave Carson: The Raiders from the Secret World, Chapter 1Jack Miller / Mort Meskin inedito
Cave Carson: Prisoners of the Under-World, Chapter 2Jack Miller / Mort Meskin inedito
Comic story: Mining LoreHenry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Homer: (untitled)Henry Boltinoff / Henry Boltinoff inedito
Cave Carson: Fugitives from the Alien Frame-Up, Chapter 3Jack Miller / Mort Meskin inedito
42 Jun 1962
Hawkman: The Menace of the Dragonfly RaidersGardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
(comic-story): Strange Bird Beliefs inedito
43 Aug 1962
Hawkman: The Masked Marauders of Earth!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
(comic-story): Strange Bird Beliefs inedito
44 Oct 1962
Hawkman: Earth's Impossible Day!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
What's the Difference Between...: Butterfly... Moth... inedito
Hawkman: The Men Who Moved the World!Gardner Fox / Joe Kubert / Joe Kubert Play Book # 15 (Play Press)
45 Oct 1962
Strange Sports Stories: Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Strange Sports Stories: Goliath of the Gridiron!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
46 Feb 1963
Strange Sports Stories: The Hot-Shot HoopstersGardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella Comix # 1 (Mondadori)
Strange Sports Stories: Danger on the Martian Links!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
47 Feb 1963
Strange Sports Stories: The Phantom Prizefighter!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
Strange Sports Stories: Saga of the Secret Sportsmen!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
48 Jun 1963
Strange Sports Stories: The Man Who Drove through Time!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Sid Greene Comix # 3 (Mondadori)
Strange Sports Stories: Duel of the Star Champions!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
49 Aug 1963
Strange Sports Stories: Gorilla Wonders of the Diamond!Gardner Fox / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella Comix # 2 (Mondadori)
Strange Sports Stories: Warrior of the Weightless World!John Broome / Carmine Infantino / Joe Giella inedito
50 Oct 1963
Green Arrow and Manhunter from Mars: Wanted.. the Capsule Master!Bob Haney / George Roussos / George Roussos Superalbo Nembo Kid # 44 (Mondadori)