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Play Book # 15
Copertina di Joe Kubert

Play Book # 15 | Hawkman

Play Press Luglio 1991
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 34
La Creatura dalle Mille Forme!
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
25 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 34, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1961)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 35
La minaccia di Matter Master!
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
12 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 35, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1961)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 35
La Valle degli Uomini Svanenti
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
13 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 35, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1961)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 36
Gli Strani incantesimi dello Stregone!
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
13 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 36, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1961)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 36
Shadow-Thief of Midway City!
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
12 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 36, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1961)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 42
La Minaccia dei Predoni Libellula
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
25 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 42, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1962)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 43
I predoni mascherati della Terra!
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
25 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 43, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1962)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 44
Giorno Impossibile sulla Terra
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
12 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 44, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1962)
The Brave and the Bold vol  1 # 44
Gli Uomini che Mossero il Mondo
Gardner Fox (script) / Joe Kubert (art) / Joe Kubert (inks)
13 pagine

da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 44, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1962)