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Batman World # 17

Batman World # 17 | Cappuccio Rosso e i Fuorilegge, vol 4

Rw Lion Agosto 2013
Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 0
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Everyone Has to Start Somewhere
Scott Lobdell (script) / Pascual Ferry (art) / Ig Guara (art) / Brett Booth (art)
20 pagine

da Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 0, DC Comics - USA (Set 2012)
Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 13
Red Hood and the Outlaws
The Moon's Up, and the Sun's Down... and a Thousand Starry Eyes Have Caught Me Dying!
Scott Lobdell (script) / Timothy Green II (art) / Timothy Green II (inks)
20 pagine

da Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 13, DC Comics - USA (Ott 2012)
Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 14
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Up, Up and Away...My Beautiful, My Beautiful Balloon!
Scott Lobdell (script) / Pascal Alixe (art) / Pascal Alixe (inks)
20 pagine

da Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 14, DC Comics - USA (Nov 2012)
Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 15
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Death of the Family: It Only Hurts When You Laugh
Scott Lobdell (script) / Timothy Green II (art) / Wayne Faucher (inks)
20 pagine

da Red Hood And The Outlaws vol 1 # 15, DC Comics - USA (Dic 2012)