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eotvos su Marvel Graphic Novel: Conan of the Isles # 1, eotvos su L'Eternauta # 101, eotvos su Bizarre Adventures # 25, nuvolablu su , nuvolablu su L'Eternauta # 101,


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2000 A.D. # 717
Copertina di Steve Yeowell

2000 A.D. # 717

Fleetway Febbraio 1991
Judge Dredd
Death Aid Interlude: Fixing Daddy
John Wagner (script) / Gary Caldwell (art)
Brigand Doom
Brigand Doom 1ª parte
Alan McKenzie (script) / Doug D'Antiquis (art)
Rogue Trooper (Friday)
The Golden Fox Rebellion 6ª parte
Michael Fleisher (script) / Ron Smith (art)
Judge Dredd
2000AD Star Scan
Ron Smith (art)
Judge Anderson
Engram 6ª parte
Alan Grant (script) / David Roach (art)
Tharg's Future Shocks
It's Alive!
John Tomlinson (script) / Mick Austin (art)