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2000 A.D.
2000 A.D.
anno inizio serie: 1977
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1851
formato: brossurato
nazione: UK
tipologia: serie antologica
2000 A.D. è una rivista settimanale antologico di fumetti di fantascienza britannica fondata nel 1977 dai fumettisti John Wagner, Pat Mills e Kelvin Gosnell. Dal numero 86 al 126 varia il nome in "2000 AD and Starlord"; dal 127 al 177 si chiama "2000 AD and Tornado", dal 178 in poi tornerà a chiamarsi "2000 AD". Dal numero 536 cambia il publisher, da "IPC" passa a "Fleetway Publications" fino al numero 1013. A partire dal numero 1014 il publisher diventa "Egmont Fleetway Ltd" fino al numero 1204. Dal numero 1205 il publisher passa a Egmont UK fino al numero 1262. Dal numero 1263 viene pubblicato da "Rebellion".
1 Feb 1977
Invasion!: The Resistance Part 1Pat Mills / Jesus Blasco inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 1Pat Mills / Joan Boix
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 1Ken Armstrong / Pat Mills / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Vulcan Part 1Pat Mills / Enio Legisamón
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 1Tom Tully / Pat Mills / Dave Gibbons
2 Mar 1977
Invasion!: The Resistance Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Jesus Blasco inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 2Ken Armstrong / Joan Boix
M.A.C.H. 1: Vulcan Part 2Robert Flynn / Enio Legisamón
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 2Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 2Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons
Judge Dredd: Judge WhiteyPeter Harris / Mike McMahon / Carlos Ezquerra
3 Mar 1977
Invasion!: The Resistance Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Jesus Blasco inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 3Ken Armstrong / Ramon Solá
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 3Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 3Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: BattleshipNick Allen / Massimo Belardinelli
Judge Dredd: The New YouKelvin Gosnell / Mike McMahon
4 Mar 1977
Invasion!: The Resistance Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Pat Wright inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 4Ken Armstrong / Ramon Solá
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 4Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 4Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: To Kill A PresidentPat Mills / Enio Legisamón inedito
Judge Dredd: The Brotherhood of DarknessMalcolm Shaw / Mike McMahon
5 Mar 1977
Invasion!: The Resistance Part 5Gerry Finley-Day / Juan Sarompas / Juan Sarompas inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 5Studio Giolitti / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 5Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 5Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: ProbesnatchNick Allen / John Cooper / John Cooper
Judge Dredd: KrongMalcolm Shaw / Carlos Ezquerra / Carlos Ezquerra / Carlos Ezquerra
6 Apr 1977
Invasion!: WembleyGerry Finley-Day / Ian Kennedy / Ian Kennedy
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 6Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 6Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 6Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Himmler's GoldPat Mills / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Judge Dredd: Frankenstein IIMalcolm Shaw / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon
7 Apr 1977
Invasion!: Train StoryPat Mills / Juan Sarompas inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 7Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 7Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 7Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: BoliviaPat Mills / Enio Legisamón inedito
Judge Dredd: The Statue of JudgementMalcolm Shaw / Mike McMahon
8 Apr 1977
Invasion!: ConcordeGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 8Ken Armstrong / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 8Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 8Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Spain KidnapNick Allen / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Judge Dredd: Antique Car HeistCharles Herring / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
9 Apr 1977
Invasion!: ShipsGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 9Studio Giolitti / Joan Boix inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 9Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 9Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Our Man in TurkostanJohn Wagner / John Cooper inedito
Judge Dredd: RobotsJohn Wagner / Ron Turner
10 Apr 1977
Invasion!: Dartmoor Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Eric Bradbury inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 10Studio Giolitti / Joan Boix inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 10Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 10Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: On the Roof of the WorldPat Mills / Enio Legisamón inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 1John Wagner / Carlos Ezquerra
11 May 1977
Invasion!: Dartmoor, Part 2Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 11Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 2John Wagner / Ron Turner / Ron Turner inedito
Dan Dare: Dan Dare Part 11Kelvin Gosnell / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Operation Death-Drive!Roy Preston / Barrie Mitchell / Barrie Mitchell inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 11Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
12 May 1977
Invasion!: Death Line Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 12Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 12Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 1Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: The Laser HoundCharles Herring / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 3John Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
13 May 1977
Invasion!: The Doomsdale Scenario Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 13Studio Giolitti / Félix Carrión / Félix Carrión inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 13Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 2Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: AirshipNick Allen / Jesus Redondo / Jesus Redondo inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 4John Wagner / Ron Turner / Ron Turner inedito
14 May 1977
Invasion!: The Doomsdale Scenario Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 14Kelvin Gosnell / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 14Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World, Part 3Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Chinese FormulaGerry Finley-Day / Bob Karp / Bob Karp inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 5John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
15 Jun 1977
Invasion!: The Doomsdale Scenario Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 15Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 15Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 4Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: YetiPeter Harris / Jaime Marzal Canós / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 6John Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
16 Jun 1977
Invasion!: Bounty HunterGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 16Kelvin Gosnell / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 16Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 5Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: CapitolJohn Wagner / P. Martinez Henares / P. Martinez Henares inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 7John Wagner / Ron Turner / Ron Turner inedito
17 Jun 1977
Invasion!: Slaves inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 17Kelvin Gosnell / Félix Carrión / Félix Carrión inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 17Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 6Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: SpotboxNick Allen / Jesus Redondo / Jesus Redondo inedito
Judge Dredd: Robot Wars, Part 8John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
18 Jun 1977
Inuyasha: BreakoutGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 18Pat Mills / Félix Carrión / Félix Carrión inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 18Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 7Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Skyscraper TerroristsNick Allen / Jaime Marzal Canós / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Judge Dredd: BrainbloomsJohn Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
19 Jul 1977
Invasion!: The Road to HellGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Flesh: Flesh Book 1 Part 19Pat Mills / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 19Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 8Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Corporal TanakaRobert Flynn / Luis Collado / Luis Collado inedito
Judge Dredd: Mugger's MoonGerry Finley-Day / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
20 Jul 1977
Shako: Shako, Part 1Pat Mills / John Wagner / Ramon Solá inedito
Invasion!: Hell's AngelsGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 20Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 9Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: TokyoRogan (Steve MacManus) / César López inedito
Judge Dredd: The Comic PusherJohn Wagner / Mike McMahon
21 Jul 1977
Invasion!: SandringhamGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 2Pat Mills / John Wagner / Juan Arancio / Juan Arancio inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 21Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 10Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: RecluseNick Allen / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Judge Dredd: The Solar SniperGerry Finley-Day / Ron Turner / Ron Turner inedito
22 Jul 1977
Invasion!: Cheddar GorgeNick Allen / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 3Pat Mills / John Wagner / Juan Arancio / Juan Arancio inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes, Part 22Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 11Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Arab StoryNick Allen / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Judge Dredd: Mr BuzzzJohn Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
23 Jul 1977
Invasion!: Tyne TunnelGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 23 inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 3Pat Mills / John Wagner / Juan Arancio / Juan Arancio inedito
Dan Dare: Hollow World Part 12Steve Moore / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Spy PlaneRobert Flynn / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Judge Dredd: Smoker's CrimeGerry Finley-Day / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
24 Aug 1977
Invasion!: Hadrian's WallGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 24Tom Tully / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 4Pat Mills / John Wagner / Juan Arancio / Juan Arancio inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: King KaratRoy Preston / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Tharg the Mighty: Tharg and the IntruderKevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Judge Dredd: The Wreath MurdersMalcolm Shaw / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
25 Aug 1977
Invasion!: NovatownGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: Harlem Heroes Part 25Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Shako: The Night of the White Bear!John Wagner / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: King of the WorldSteve Moore / Joaquín Blázquez / Joaquín Blázquez inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Terror TrainNick Allen / Pierre Frisano / Pierre Frisano inedito
Judge Dredd: You Bet Your LifeBrennan Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
26 Aug 1977
Invasion!: The Waterspeed KingGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: (senza titolo)Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Shako: (senza titolo)John Wagner / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Food for ThoughtSteve Moore / Horacio Lalia / Horacio Lalia inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: The Gods ThemselvesRogan (Steve MacManus) / Jaime Marzal Canós / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Judge Dredd: The Dream PalaceJohn Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
27 Aug 1977
Invasion!: The Gorbals Ghetto!Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: (untitled)Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Shako: (untitled)John Wagner / Ramon Solá inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: First ContactAlan Hebden / Medraho inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: The Planet Killers (Part 1)Pat Mills / Jesus Redondo inedito
Judge Dredd: The Academy of Law, Part 1John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Mike McMahon
28 Sep 1977
Invasion!: (Untitled)Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino inedito
Judge Dredd: The Academy of Law, Part 2John Wagner / Mike McMahon
Shako: (untitled)John Wagner / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Legion Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: The Planet Killers (Part 2)Pat Mills / Jesus Blasco inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: WingsKevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
29 Sep 1977
Invasion!: Dirty Jocks, Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Luis Collado inedito
Judge Dredd: The Neon KnightsPat Mills / Ian Gibson
Shako: Shako, Part 10John Wagner / Ramon Solá inedito
Dan Dare: Legion, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: The Planet Killers, Part 3Pat Mills / Jesus Redondo inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Just like Home!Peter Harris / Ron Turner inedito
30 Sep 1977
Invasion!: Dirty Jocks, Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Judge Dredd: The Return of RicoPat Mills / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon
Shako: Shako, Part 11John Wagner / César López / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Legion Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: UFO, Part 1Pat Mills / Carlos Freixas / Carlos Freixas inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Beautiful WorldPeter Harris / Ron Turner / Ron Turner inedito
31 Sep 1977
Invasion!: Dirty Jocks, Part 5Gerry Finley-Day / Luis Collado inedito
Judge Dredd: Devil's IslandGerry Finley-Day / Ian Gibson
Shako: Shako, Part 12John Wagner / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Legion, Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: UFO, Part 2Pat Mills / Carlos Freixas inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: A Promised Land!Horacio Lalia inedito
32 Oct 1977
Invasion!: Volgess, Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey inedito
Judge Dredd: KomputelRobert Flynn / Mike McMahon
Shako: Shako, Part 13John Wagner / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Legion, Part 5Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: UFO, Part 3Pat Mills / Carlos Freixas inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Excursion, Part 1Peter Harris / Horacio Lalia inedito
33 Oct 1977
Invasion!: Volgess, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Judge Dredd: Walter's Secret JobJohn Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 14John Wagner / César López / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Legion, Part 6Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: UFO, Part 4Pat Mills / Carlos Freixas / Carlos Freixas inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Excursion, Part 2Peter Harris / Horacio Lalia / Horacio Lalia inedito
34 Oct 1977
Invasion!: CollaboratorNick Flynn / Luis Collado / Luis Collado inedito
Judge Dredd: Mutie the Pig, Part 1John Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 15John Wagner / César López / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Greenworld, Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Everest, Part 1Scott Goodall / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: FangsChris Lowder / Carlos Ezquerra / Carlos Ezquerra
35 Oct 1977
Invasion!: New RecruitsGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Judge Dredd: Mutie the Pig, Part 2John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Shako: Shako, Part 16John Wagner / César López / César López inedito
Dan Dare: Greenworld, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Brian Bolland / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Everest, Part 2Scott Goodall / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: The Ultimate WarriorRobert Flynn / Jaime Marzal Canós / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
36 Oct 1977
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 1Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Invasion!: Jump JetChris Lowder / Ian Kennedy
Tharg's Future-Shocks : Play Pool!Kelvin Gosnell / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Woman, Part 1Alan Hebden / Leopold Sanchez / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Judge Dredd: The Troggies, Part 1John Wagner / Ian Gibson
37 Nov 1977
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 2Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Judge Dredd: The Troggies, Part 2John Wagner / Mike McMahon
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 1Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Woman, Part 2Alan Hebden / Leopold Sanchez inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Robot RepairsRobert Flynn / Brett Ewins / Brendan McCarthy inedito
38 Nov 1977
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 3Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
Judge Dredd: Billy JonesJohn Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Woman, Part 3Alan Hebden / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Robot Repairs, Part 2Robert Flynn / Brett Ewins / Brendan McCarthy inedito
39 Nov 1977
Judge Dredd: The Ape GangJohn Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Woman, Part 4Alan Hebden / Leopoldo Sánchez / Leopoldo Sánchez inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 4Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
40 Nov 1977
Judge Dredd: The Mega-City 5000, Part 1John Wagner / Bill Ward / Bill Ward inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Space ProspectorMartin Lock / Trevor Goring / Trevor Goring inedito
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 5Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Death Ray, Part 1Alan Hebden / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 5Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
41 Dec 1977
Judge Dredd: The Mega-City 5000, Part 2John Wagner / Brian Bolland / Brian Bolland inedito
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 5Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars: Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, Part 1Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: The RuntsSteve Moore / Pat Wright / Pat Wright inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 6Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Death Ray, Part 2Alan Hebden / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 6Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
42 Dec 1977
Judge Dredd: Luna-1John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Time PastMartin Lock / José Ferrér / José Ferrér inedito
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 6Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars: Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, Part 2Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 7Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Death Ray, Part 3Alan Hebden / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós / Leopoldo Sánchez / Jaime Marzal Canós inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 7Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
43 Dec 1977
Judge Dredd: Showdown on Luna-1John Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon inedito
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 7Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Bonjo from Beyond the StarS: Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, Part 2Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer Part 8Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: Mach One - Minus OneRogan (Steve MacManus) / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: InfernoTom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
44 Dec 1977
Judge Dredd: Red ChristmasJohn Wagner / Mike McMahon / Mike McMahon
Invasion!: The Prince, Part 8Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars: Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, Part 3Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 9Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Zero, Part 2Rogan (Steve MacManus) / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 9Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
45 Dec 1977
Judge Dredd: 22nd Century Futsie!John Wagner / Ian Gibson
Invasion!: The Return of RosaGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino inedito
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 10Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Killer CarRobert Flynn / Mike Dorey inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Zero, Part 3Rogan (Steve MacManus) / Ramon Solá inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 10Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
46 Jan 1978
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 11Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Time WasMartin Lock / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars: The Lab of the Diabolical Dr. Lu-NeyKevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
M.A.C.H. 1: M.A.C.H. Zero, Part 4Rogan (Steve MacManus) / Ramon Solá / Ramon Solá inedito
Judge Dredd: Meet Mr. MoonieJohn Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Invasion!: Deadlier Than the MaleGerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 11Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
47 Jan 1978
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 12Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
The Visible Man: Visible Man, Part 1Pat Mills / Carlos Trigo / Carlos Trigo inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Enemy AgentNick Tufnell / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Judge Dredd: Let the Land Race Begin!John Wagner / Brian Bolland / Brian Bolland
Invasion!: Escape from Liverpool, Part 1: The Liverpool ConnectionGerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 12Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
48 Jan 1978
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 13Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
The Visible Man: The Visible Man, Part 2Pat Mills / Carlos Trigo / Carlos Trigo inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: SubstituteRobert Flynn / Giorgio Giorgetti / Giorgio Giorgetti inedito
Bonjo From Beyond The Stars: (senza titolo)Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Judge Dredd: The Oxygen Desert, Part 1John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Invasion!: Escape from Liverpool, Part 2Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 13Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
49 Jan 1978
Dan Dare: Starslayer. Part 14Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: Fly GuySteve Moore / José Ferrér / José Ferrér inedito
The Visible Man: The Visible Man, Part 3Pat Mills / José Pérez Montero / José Pérez Montero inedito
Bonjo from beyond the Stars: (senza titolo)Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Judge Dredd: The Oxygen Desert, Part 2John Wagner / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Invasion!: Escape from Liverpool, Part 3Gerry Finley-Day / Carlos Pino / Carlos Pino inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 14Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito
50 Feb 1978
Dan Dare: Starslayer, Part 15Gerry Finley-Day / Dave Gibbons / Dave Gibbons inedito
The Visible Man: The Visible Man, Part 4Pat Mills / José Pérez Montero / José Pérez Montero inedito
Walter the Wobot: (senza titolo)Joe Collins / Ian Gibson / Ian Gibson inedito
Tharg's Future-Shocks: The GuardianMike Cruden / John Cooper / John Cooper inedito
Judge Dredd: The First Lunar OlympicsJohn Wagner / Brian Bolland / Brian Bolland
Bonjo from beyond the Stars: (senza titolo)Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill / Kevin O'Neill inedito
Invasion!: Escape from Liverpool, Part 4Gerry Finley-Day / Mike Dorey / Mike Dorey inedito
Harlem Heroes: Inferno, Part 15Tom Tully / Massimo Belardinelli / Massimo Belardinelli inedito