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Police Comics Vol 1
Quality Comics
Police Comics Vol 1
Quality Comics
anno inizio serie: 1941
numeri rilasciati: 1-127
numeri catalogati: 127
formato: comic-book, 17X26
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Police Comics è una serie antologica pubblicata da Quality Comics durante l' età d'oro dei fumetti dal 1940 al 1950. Il primo numero ha visto tra gli altri il debutto di Plastic man di Jack Cole e The Spirit creato dal grande Will Eisner e Phantom Girl, molti di questi quando la DC Comics ha preso i diritti sono stati inseriti nel DC Universe.
1 Aug 1941
Introducing the FirebrandS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Origin of 711George E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Attack of Ali HaridWitmer Williams inedito
The Legend of the Black BaronVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Origin of Plastic ManJack Cole / Jack Cole
The Redemption of Steele KerriganAl Bryant inedito
The Alien Smuggling RacketFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Vengeance!Robert M.Hyatt inedito
The Coming of the Phantom LadyArt Peddy inedito
The Origin of the Human BombPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
2 Sep 1941
The Revolt of General MuerteS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Retribution of Looey LutzGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Mosquito Boat RaidsClark Williams / Clark Williams inedito
Tamara -- Marked for MurderVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
Duelling the Dope SmugglersJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The HijackerAl Bryant / Al Bryant inedito
The Hogan BrothersFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Kidnapped AmbassadorArt Peddy inedito
Evil on Calona IslandPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
3 Oct 1941
Boss Slane, TraitorJerry Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
Rock Gatty's 'Impossible' KillingGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Hand of BiroVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Pinball RacketJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Motorcycle Cop MurderAl Bryant inedito
The Escape of Fatso DowdFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Framed For KidnappingArt Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
The Purple MistPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
4 Nov 1941
Herr Strasse's Sea Island Spy RingS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Van Dern PearlsGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Dr. Scratch of Demon HillVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
Crime School for Delinquent GirlsJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Dirigible of DoomArt Peddy inedito
The U-Boat BattlePaul Gustavson / Will Eisner / Lou Fine inedito
Defending the DartmoorWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
McGaw's PropositionAl Bryant inedito
5 Dec 1941
Framed By Axis AgentsS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Brick BatGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Azores AdventureWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
The Gambling Syndicate of Tony FancyVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Return of Madam BrawnJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Dr. Burgess's Diamond TheftAl Bryant / Al Bryant inedito
Ortega the SaboteurArt Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
6 Jan 1942
Dr. Kruger's Hospital HorrorS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Chikko Chirps ContractGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Captain Gruber's Sky WolvesWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
Veda the Cobra WomanVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
Case of the Disembodied HandsJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
They Stole the Commissioner's Car!Al Bryant / Al Bryant inedito
Grud, Fifth ColumnistFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Autogiro SpiesArt Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
The Black VanguardsPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
7 Feb 1942
The Rescue of Sir Fallon FarnsworthS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Escape Racket of Drippy DrewGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
It Started In a Chinese LaundryWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
Death Walks In LittletownVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The United Crooks of AmericaJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Plot of Big Dorf SnyderAl Bryant inedito
The Kiel BrothersFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Murder At the Anglican EmbassyArt Peddy inedito
The Phony Human BombPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
8 Mar 1942
Firebrand Joins the NavyS. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Van Deth BrothersFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Plane Hijacking SchemeWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
The Jewelry Store FrameupAl Bryant / Al Bryant inedito
The Origin of ManhunterTex Blaisdell / Alex Kotzky inedito
The Sinister Eight BallJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Light of the OrientVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Education of Butcher BowesGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Chaos in CubaArt Peddy / Art Peddy inedito
Smashing the SubmarinePaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
9 Mar 1942
Satan's Son Sells Out to the JapsJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Mission to MoscowWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
The Horse KillersAl Bryant / Al Bryant inedito
Bat Barron's Prison Murder PlotGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Death in Hangman's AlleyAlex Kotzky inedito
The Butler Did It!S. M. Iger / Reed Crandall inedito
The Rum Runner's RacketVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
UntitledArt Peddy inedito
Mike Fooch, Czar of CrimeFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Adventure in ArgentinaPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
10 Jul 1942
The Cyclop CaperJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Axis Prison BreakoutGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Air Race MenaceWitmer Williams / Witmer Williams inedito
Rogan's Gambling RacketAl Bryant inedito
The Voodoo QueenAlex Kotzky inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Case of the Black RavenVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Civilian Defense ScandalArt Peddy inedito
Big Joe Gobul and MokoFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
Captives in CairoJerry Iger / Lee J. Ames inedito
11 Sep 1942
The Brain of Cyrus SmytheJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The RuntGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Flute of DestructionPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Tire ThievesAl Bryant inedito
The Laughing Gas CrimesAlex Kotzky inedito
The Origin of The SpiritWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Monster of the SwampsVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The White GardeniasS. M. Iger / Lee J. Ames inedito
The Murder of Malcom MunseyFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
The Spy Ring MurderArt Peddy inedito
12 Oct 1942
The Sinister SwamiJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Carl Von Spunk's Pottery PlotGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Fifth Column HospitalS. M. Iger / Lee J. Ames inedito
The Theft of the Montague DiamondAl Bryant inedito
Peril In a Candy FactoryJim Mooney inedito
The Black QueenWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Tank Factory SabotageArt Peddy inedito
Captain Blackwolf's Crew of CorpsesVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Waterfront MonsterFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
13 Nov 1942
Presenting the Man Who Can't Be HarmedJack Cole / Jack Cole
The Man Who Killed Deek DakinGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Rat TrapVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Sinister Peanut VendorS. M. Iger / Alex Blum inedito
Machine Gun ClarksonAl Bryant inedito
Johnny MarstonWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Phony Phantom LadyArt Peddy inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Human BomberFred Guardineer / Fred Guardineer inedito
14 Dec 1942
Oh, Plastic Man!Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Mark of the CobraVern Henkel inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Eldas ThayerWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Escape of Goon McGirkGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Enter JulioVern Henkel inedito
The West Point IncidentJoe Kubert inedito
15 Jan 1943
The Weather WeaponJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Slaughter SymphonyRuben Moreira inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Mr. MidnightWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Vengeance of Dr. JasonVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Death of 711George E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The School for Spies!Joe Kubert inedito
16 Feb 1943
The Revenge of Chief Great WarriorJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Wanted: Thor, Manhunter's Dog, Dead Or AliveAl Bryant inedito
Palyachi the Killer ClownWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Jitterbug JeopardyPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Strange Case of Professor TomorrowVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
The Coming of DestinyGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Mystery of the Opera House RobberiesJoe Kubert inedito
17 Mar 1943
Murder in Maniac MansionJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Red Haired KateAl Bryant inedito
Have You Seen Him?George E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The OrphansWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Mystery of the Black Cat!Frank Borth inedito
The Voice from the GraveVern Henkel / Vern Henkel inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
18 Apr 1943
The Drafting of Plastic ManJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
A Night of MurdersAl Bryant inedito
Gang WarfareWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Golden EggFrank Borth inedito
The Man From NowhereVern Henkel inedito
The Three MosquitoesPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
19 May 1943
The Forest of FearJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Haunted HouseWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Sherlock Doyle StoryGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Here Lies ManhunterAl Bryant inedito
Murder on the High SeasFrank Borth inedito
Flatfoot Burns Is Heading This WayAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
Aunt Sofie's Haunted HousePaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
20 Jul 1943
Woozy Winks Detective AgencyJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Case of the Kidnapped CorpseRuben Moreira inedito
Flatfoot's SubstituteAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
Ogre GoranWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Enter: The RavenFrank Borth inedito
The Three-Man "Perfect" CrimeJack Keller inedito
The Ferry Boat's TalePaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
21 Aug 1943
The Menace of SerpinaJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Blue Room of Blanding's CastleJohn Cassone inedito
Phantom Lady vs. the Spider WidowFrank Borth inedito
Oriental AgentsWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Prof. Snap GadgeAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
The ApachesJack Keller inedito
Introducing the BombadiersPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
22 Sep 1943
The Eyes Have It!Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Morger BoysWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Dog and the BombardierPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
UntitledJohn Cassone inedito
UntitledJack Keller inedito
Submarine SabotageRudy Palais inedito
23 Oct 1943
The Ghost TrainJack Cole / Jack Cole / John Belfi inedito
The Return of Hustace ThrockmortonMort Leav inedito
UntitledJack Keller inedito
Ebony's X-Ray EyesWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Sky SaboteursAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
The Four ManiacsRudy Palais inedito
The Murdering RhymesterJohn Cassone inedito
24 Nov 1943
The Hundred Plastic MenJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Kidnapping of EbonyWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Murder At the Daily BugleJack Keller inedito
The AmnesiacJohn Cassone inedito
Blackout BurglaryHarvey Kurtzman inedito
Hearts and SluggersMort Leav inedito
25 Dec 1943
The Rare Edition MurdersJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Victory GardenHarvey Kurtzman inedito
The Darson TwinsJack Keller inedito
Dr. Prince Von KalmWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Lock-Solving LiquidMort Leav inedito
Manhunter Unfair to Organized CrimeReed Crandall inedito
26 Jan 1944
Body, Mind and SoulJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Framed GorillaHarvey Kurtzman inedito
The Picture MurdersJack Keller inedito
The GhostmasterAl Bryant inedito
Patch-Eye the PerilousMort Leav inedito
The Death DollsWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
27 Feb 1944
Woozy Winks, JurorJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Crazy Calloway MurdersMilt Stein inedito
The Opera House MurdersJack Keller inedito
Manhunter and the Man Who Died TwiceGwen Hansen / Al Bryant inedito
The Sinister Swami KazomboMort Leav / Mort Leav inedito
The Substitute SpiritsWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
28 Mar 1944
Plastic Man -- The MovieJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Tables Turned on MurderJack Keller inedito
The Case of the Cluttered CluesMilt Stein inedito
Radio Station WLXKWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
UntitledMort Leav inedito
Blue Coats Don't Turn Back BulletsAl Bryant inedito
29 Apr 1944
Derlin's CastleJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Curse of CainGeorge E. Brenner inedito
The Crime CrumplerMilt Stein inedito
The Deathless Brain of Tony ConroyGeorge E. Brenner inedito
The Nefarious NolaMort Leav inedito
The Silk District BeatWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
30 May 1944
Blinky Winks and Gooie LouieJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Crooks Steal Vampire State BuildingMilt Stein inedito
Werewolf of WarsawGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Captured by the UnderworldWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Thar He BlowsMort Leav inedito
Sounds in the Silent NightAl Bryant inedito
31 Jun 1944
The Mangler's Slaughter ClinicJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Trance-Call FailsGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Corney Cobb, Apprentice DetectiveMilt Stein inedito
Blackmail and BloodAl Bryant inedito
Stand by for ActionPaul Gustavson inedito
Dipsy DoobleWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
32 Jul 1944
The La Cucaracha CaperJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Crooks ConventionMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
The Gates of PerditionGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Thomas HawkinsWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Often a Bomb, Never a DudPaul Gustavson inedito
The Giggling CorpseAl Bryant inedito
33 Aug 1944
Deathtrap For Plastic ManJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Murder That Wasn'tGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Twin TroubleMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
The Corpse of Mistaken IdentityAl Bryant inedito
He Really Crashes the PartyPaul Gustavson inedito
Sphinx and SatinWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
34 Sep 1944
Serena Sloop's Society For the Prevention of Cruelty To CriminalsJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Suicide SanitariumAl Bryant inedito
Wanted Dead or AliveWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
The Blaggard Brothers' Animal CircusMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
The Treasure of Prof. DornGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
The Robber BaronPaul Gustavson inedito
35 Oct 1944
The Confession of Froggy FinkJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Can Destiny Be Trapped?George E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Wanted: Klever KlausMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
Sandor, the Terrorizing TaxidermistAl Bryant inedito
Lucille's RobotsPaul Gustavson inedito
The GeniusWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
36 Nov 1944
Dr. Brann's Health FarmJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Beauty Parlor HoldupMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
Destiny Plays No PoliticsGeorge E. Brenner / George E. Brenner inedito
Dead Duck DolanWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Beware the Human BombPaul Gustavson inedito
City Gone MadRudy Palais inedito
37 Dec 1944
Love Comes to WoozyJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The MatchJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
The Coming of Candy O'ConnorEd Goggin / Harry Sahle inedito
Diamonds and the VolcanoPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Antoinette HeirloomMilt Stein / Milt Stein inedito
A Dull WeekWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
38 Jan 1945
One Million Dollar Reward for the Death of Plastic ManJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
On The AirJanice Valleau inedito
Three Bombs at the BallPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Hank PinupoHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
Framed by Arno RoxxJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
Davy Jones's LockerWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
39 Feb 1945
His Lordship Woozy WinksJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Portrait of MurderJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
Pancho De Bool and Peppi TamaleWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
Murder At Stacy's Department StoreJanice Valleau inedito
Hustace and the Butcher BoysPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Springtime of LoveHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
40 Mar 1945
Who Put the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy's Chowder?Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Music Hath CharmsPete Riss inedito
The War Ace Cuts a RugHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Hand of JusticePaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Stolen Electric ChairAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
Invasion from ArgoWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
41 Apr 1945
The Shoplifting SpreeJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Rollo the HypnotistAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Take a ChanceHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
Port of Missing GoodsPete Riss inedito
The Jewel of DeathWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Joe Kubert inedito
42 May 1945
The Diabolical Dr. DrattJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Good RecordsHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Ippo RootsPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Haunted Switch TowerJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
The Stolen HatAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
Professor Pinx's PatientsWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Lou Fine / Joe Kubert inedito
43 Jun 1945
Arctic Circle AdventureJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
Wings to Madness Starring Ronald RogueHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Shrimp, the Dog, and the DiamondsPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Shoplifters and SodasWill Eisner / Lou Fine / Joe Kubert inedito
Stage 3, Lowser ProductionsAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
Tramp Club DeathJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
44 Jul 1945
(Untitled)Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Hunt For Trigger SwainPete Riss inedito
Bazaar ToniteHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Whale TaleAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
Three WishesJoe Millard / Lou Fine / Robin King inedito
45 Aug 1945
(Untitled)Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
UntitledAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
The Taxi Cab SwindlersPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
At Indian FallsHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Tailor's DummyPete Riss inedito
Keep OutBill Woolfolk / Lou Fine / Robin King inedito
46 Sep 1945
The Owl's Witch UnionJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Private PicnicHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Magic Drums of the ShonokinsManly Wade Wellman / Lou Fine / Quality Staff inedito
Flatfoot Burns Washed UpAl Stahl / Al Stahl / Janice Valleau inedito
Torch Tigue, ArsonistJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
47 Oct 1945
Slicer and Doser's Medical SchoolJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
Dawson the DiverHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
I'm GuiltyPete Riss inedito
The Killer NurseManly Wade Wellman / Lou Fine / Quality Staff inedito
48 Nov 1945
City of the FutureJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Catsup Bottle That Dripped BloodJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
The Cheerleader TryoutsHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Human Bomb Goes Bad?Paul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
prominent detective enters society!Al Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
The Spirit... ain't fair to EbonyBill Woolfolk / Lou Fine inedito
49 Dec 1945
Thelma Twittle, Super-CharmerJack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Baby GiantAl Stahl / Al Stahl inedito
UntitledPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
The Fizz Fountain Scavenger HuntHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
The Archer Who Had No BowJoe Millard / Pete Riss inedito
Cloak and CoffinJoe Millard / Robin King inedito
50 Jan 1946
Plastic Man Protects Crookdom?Jack Cole / Jack Cole inedito
The Kindness PloyHarry Sahle / Harry Sahle inedito
Flatfoot the Fire FighterAl Stahl inedito
Parrot PugginsBill Woolfolk / Lou Fine / Robin King inedito
Hustace and the PiratesPaul Gustavson / Paul Gustavson inedito
DisgracePete Riss inedito