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L'Écho des Savanes - Spécial U.S.A.
Éditions du Fromage
L'Écho des Savanes - Spécial U.S.A.
Éditions du Fromage
anno inizio serie: 1976
numeri rilasciati: 1-25
numeri catalogati: 25
formato: spillato gigante, 19x27
nazione: Francia
tipologia: serie antologica
Serie antologica dalla periodicità trimestrale nata come speciali di L'Écho des Savanes dedicati al fumetto di oltreceano. Termina con il numero 25 proseguendo come serie autonoma con nuova numerazione (Spécial USA e poi USA Magazine)
1 Oct 1976
(comic-story): ExploredJeff Jones / Jeff Jones
The Misfits: (untitled)Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood
(horror story): The Skin-EatersTerry Bisson / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese
Stephanie Starr: In the Light of Future Days...Mike Friedrich / Dick Giordano
(horror-story): GuaranteeJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
The Misfits: (untitled)Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood
(horror story): Man-Plant from the TombOtto Binder / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese
(science-fiction): The Hunter and the HuntedMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(horror story): Breathless!Marv Wolfman / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson
(comic-story): HomeJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(comic-story): AmerissageJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones inedito
2 Jan 1977
3 Apr 1977
4 Jul 1977
Dracula: That Dracula May Live AgainMarv Wolfman / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Corriere della Paura # 1 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Dévorante obsessionJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones inedito
(comic-story): Flight into Fear!Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
Digger: At the Stroke of Midnight!Jim Steranko / Jim Steranko / Jim Steranko / Jim Steranko Eureka Pocket # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror): Twin BurialChuck Robinson / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese Corriere della Paura # 9 (Editoriale Corno)
(science-fiction): Gargoyle Every NightRoy Thomas / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
The Flies!: The Flies!Gerry Conway / Paul Kirchner / Ralph Reese / Paul Kirchner / Ralph Reese Decenni # 4 (Panini Comics)
(horror-story): Blood LungeDoug Moench / Russ Heath / Russ Heath Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): LudiqueJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones inedito
5 Oct 1977
Dracula; Wolfman; Frankenstein: A Story of Dracula, the Wolfman, and FrankensteinNeal Adams / Neal Adams / Terry Austin / Dick Giordano inedito
(horror-story): ... Et Dieu créa l'infâme!Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson inedito
(comic-story): The Roaches!Gerry Conway / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese Dracula # 18 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror story): Sea of GravesOtto Binder / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(horror-story): The JourneyGray Morrow / Gray Morrow / Gray Morrow
(horror-story): DeathJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(comic-story): Sanctuary!Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Chouette!Ken Steacy / Ken Steacy / Ken Steacy inedito
(comic-story): TélectureJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones inedito
6 Jan 1978
(comic-story): The BridgeJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(comic-story): The Ghost-Beast!Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Marie Severin Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
comic story: My FearsJeff Bonivert / Jeff Bonivert
(horror story): Feed It!Mike Friedrich / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson
(horror story): Curse of the Yeti!Otto Binder / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese
Ka-Zar: Terror Stalks The Everglades!Roy Thomas / John Buscema / Neal Adams / Dan Adkins / Neal Adams Albi dei Super-Eroi # 39 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): La Mort par le marinMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta inedito
(comic-story): The Eye of DoomBasil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton Eureka Pocket # 30 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror-story): The EnemyJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(comic-story): The Rats!Gerry Conway / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese
7 Apr 1978
(comic-story): Curse of the MoonbeastLarry Lieber / Larry Hama / Neal Adams / Ralph Reese inedito
horror: Escape!Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese Eureka Pocket # 14 (Editoriale Corno)
Starr the Slayer: The Sword And The SorcerersRoy Thomas / Barry Windsor-Smith / Barry Windsor-Smith Eureka Pocket # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Where Monsters DwellBasil Wolverton / Basil Wolverton Eureka Pocket # 19 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Of Swords and Sorcery!Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood
(comic-story): Deja-VuJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(horror story): The Game That Plays You!Dick Kenson / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson
(horror story): Dig Me No Grave!Roy Thomas / Gil Kane / Tom Palmer Eureka # 108 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror story): House!Steve Englehart / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese Thor # 94 (Editoriale Corno)
8 Jul 1978
Conan: The Curse of the Golden Skull!Roy Thomas / Neal Adams / Joe Rubinstein / Glynis Wein Conan & Ka-Zar # 11 (Editoriale Corno)
(Barbarians tale): The Valley of the WormGerry Conway / Gil Kane / Ernie Chan Thor # 82 (Editoriale Corno)
Kull: A King Comes RidingRoy Thomas / Ross Andru / Wally Wood Thor # 83 (Editoriale Corno)
Conan: The Frost Giant's DaughterRoy Thomas / Barry Windsor-Smith Conan # 8 (Editoriale Corno)
Solomon Kane: Skulls In the StarsRoy Thomas / Ralph Reese / Ralph Reese Corriere della Paura # 2 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Dingus KhanJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones inedito
9 Oct 1978
Conan: The Dweller in the DarkRoy Thomas / Barry Windsor-Smith / Mimi Gold / Barry Windsor-Smith Albi dei Super-Eroi # 27 (Editoriale Corno)
Kull: The Shadow KingdomRoy Thomas / Marie Severin / John Severin Thor # 84 (Editoriale Corno)
Red Sonja: Red Sonja Roy Thomas / Esteban Maroto / Neal Adams / Ernie Chan Conan & Ka-Zar # 36 (Editoriale Corno)
King Kull: The Skull of Silence!Roy Thomas / Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Bernie Wrightson / Dick Ayers / Bernie Wrightson Thor # 82 (Editoriale Corno)
Solomon Kane: The Hills of the DeadRoy Thomas / Alan Weiss / Neal Adams La Saga di Solomon Kane # 1 (Panini Comics)
10 Jan 1979
11 Apr 1979
12 Jul 1979
13 Oct 1979
14 Jan 1980
(science-fiction): Behold the ManMichael John Moorcock / Doug Moench / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(horror story): The Cosmos StrainMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(comic-story): A Sprig of ThaxinPaul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner
(science-fiction): UnionJeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(science-fiction): Parmi les scarabaeidaeMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(science-fiction): Close Encounters of the T*rd KindRand Holmes / Rand Holmes / Rand Holmes
15 Apr 1980
horror: The Drifting SnowTony Isabella / Esteban Maroto Marvel Omnibus # 197 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): CyclopsJack Davis / Jack Davis
(horror-story): The Legend of Sleepy HollowWashington Irving / Mary Skrenes / Jeff Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Alan Weiss / Jeff Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Alan Weiss
(comic-story): ApprenticeshipMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(comic-story): The GardenerMichael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta / Michael William Kaluta
(science-fiction): Repent, Harlequin! Said the TicktockmanHarlan Ellison / Roy Thomas / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
Dopey Rider: Cacad'nezPaul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner inedito
Dope Rider: (untitled)Paul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner / Paul Kirchner inedito
(comic-story): Pin-ballVicente Alcazar / Vicente Alcazar / Vicente Alcazar / Vicente Alcazar inedito
16 Jul 1980
17 Oct 1980
18 Jan 1981
19 Apr 1981
20 Jul 1981
21 Oct 1981
22 Jan 1982
23 Jun 1982
24 Oct 1982
(comic-story): The Toll BridgeArthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam
(comic-story): ChardHerb Arnold / Richard Corben / Richard Corben
Torpedo: Torpedo 1936 - Capitulo 1Enrique Sánchez Abulí / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror-story): SorcellerieTed Mann / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson inedito
Shadow Hunter: The Origin of Shadow HunterNeal Adams / Doug Moench / Larry Hama / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano / Terry Austin / Dennis Francis
I'm Age: (untitled)Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
(comic-story): AwakenMartin Springett / Martin Springett / Martin Springett / Martin Springett
(science-fiction): Construction ProjectMichael Gross / Michael Gross / Michael Gross / Michael Gross
25 Jan 1983
Torpedo: Torpedo 1936 - Capitulo 2Enrique Sánchez Abulí / Alex Toth / Alex Toth L'Eternauta # 8 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
Dr.Deth: Dr. Deth with Kip & MuffyLarry Hama / Larry Hama / Ralph Reese L'Eternauta # 118 (Comic Art)
I'm Age: (untitled)Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones / Jeff Jones
Jeremy Brood: RelativityJan Strnad / Richard Corben L'Eternauta # 14 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(comic-story): MudwogsArthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam / Arthur Suydam
Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula: (untitled)Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
(comic-story): Suburban Love StoryGerry Capelle / Gerry Capelle / Gerry Capelle / Gerry Capelle
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
Life On Another Planet: Life On Another Planet Part 1Will Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 223 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Crépuscule des dieuxGary Hallgren / Gary Hallgren / Gary Hallgren inedito