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Creepy (Spagna)
Toutain Editor
Creepy (Spagna)
Toutain Editor
anno inizio serie: 1979
numeri rilasciati: 0-79
numeri catalogati: 80
formato: spillato gigante
nazione: Spagna
tipologia: serie antologica
Controparte spagnola dell'omonima serie americana della Warren. Dal numero 14 ha cominciato a pubblicare anche storie originali.
0 Mar 1979
(horror story): Choice CutsCary Bates / Russ Heath / Russ Heath
(comic-story): Night LifeBob Toomey / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): Sasquatch LoveCary Bates / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): Lame Lem's LoveRichard Corben / Richard Corben / Richard Corben
(horror story): SistersBill Dubay / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(horror story): Curse of the Vampire!Archie Goodwin / Neal Adams / Neal Adams Oscar Mondadori # 221 (Mondadori)
1 Apr 1979
(horror story): Night of the ChickenMichael Fleisher / Jess Jodloman / Jess Jodloman
(horror story): The Wax WerewolfBob Toomey / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): Business Is BoomingBob Black / Isidro Monés / Isidro Monés
(horror story): The Terrible Exorcism of Adriennes Pompereau!Luis Vigil / Bill Dubay / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): Vampires Fly at Dusk!Archie Goodwin / Reed Crandall / Reed Crandall Oscar Mondadori # 221 (Mondadori)
2 May 1979
(horror story): Zooner Or LaterBruce Jones / Russ Heath / Russ Heath
(horror story): Futura House Is Not A HomeNicola Cuti / Isidro Monés / Isidro Monés
(horror story): PassionSteve Englehart / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): The Eyes Have ItRafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): I am Dead, Egypt, DeadDoug Moench / Victor De La Fuente / Victor De La Fuente
3 Jun 1979
(horror story): Little GuyNicola Cuti / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): Gastric FortitudeRichard Corben / Richard Corben / Richard Corben
(horror story): Got You on My MindBruce Jones / Russ Heath / Russ Heath Skorpio # 218 (Eura Editoriale)
(comic-story): Once Upon ClarissaBill Dubay / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(horror story): The Picture of DeathJoseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea
4 Jul 1979
(horror story): The Pharoah's LadyNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): The Pharoah's LadyNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(comic-story): AdaBill Pearson / Alfredo Alcala / Alfredo Alcala
(comic-story): Wisper of Dark EyesGerry Boudreau / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): A Game of Hide and SeekRoger McKenzie / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
(horror story): A Game of Hide and SeekRoger McKenzie / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
(horror story): The Slipped Mickey Click FlipDoug Moench / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Cosmo Books # 75 (Editoriale Cosmo )
5 Aug 1979
(horror story): Night of the SquidMichael Fleisher / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): I Think I'll Keep HerCary Bates / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): The HauntedBruce Jones / Russ Heath / Russ Heath
(comic-story): OphiophobiaBill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): The CastlePat Boyette / Pat Boyette / Pat Boyette
6 Sep 1979
(comic-story): The ClockmakerBob Toomey / Jesus Blasco / Jesus Blasco
(horror story): TransferenceBruce Jones / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(comic-story): The Demon HaterNicola Cuti / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): The Eternal TriangleCary Bates / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): SpellboundLynn Marron / Luis Garcia / Luis Garcia
7 Oct 1979
(horror story): Prey for the WolfCary Bates / Brian Lewis / Brian Lewis
(comic-story): Hole in the HeadFrank Salvatini / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(comic-story): A Stiff Named SczynskyBob Toomey / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(comic-story): Everybody and His SisterJim Stenstrum / Leopold Sanchez
(horror story): A Scream in the ForestGreg Potter / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto
8 Nov 1979
(comic-story): Sunday DinnerLarry Hama / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
Bloodstar: Chapter OneJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(comic-story): Warrior's RitualArchie Goodwin / John Severin / John Severin
Cotton Boy & Captain Blood: Something Evil Came Out Of The SeaGerry Boudreau / Leopold Sanchez / Leopold Sanchez
(horror story): Werewolf!Larry Ivie / Frank Frazetta / Frank Frazetta All American Comics (I) # 8 (Comic Art)
9 Dec 1979
(horror story): The Strange Incureable Phobia ... Of Mad Pierre Langlois!Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea
Bloodstar: Chapter TwoJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(comic-story): Proof PositiveAlex Toth / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(comic-story): Take Your Child, Please!Cary Bates / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): Magnificent EphemeralBruce Jones / Ramon Torrents / Ramon Torrents
10 Jan 1980
(comic-story): Un vuelo fugazJean Sole / Jean Sole / Jean Sole inedito
(horror story): Vampire BiteNicola Cuti / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
Bloodstar: Chapter ThreeJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(horror story): The Sultan of 42nd StreetGerry Boudreau / Carl Wessler / Felix Mas / Felix Mas
(comic-story): RatsBob Toomey / Pepe Moreno / Pepe Moreno
(horror story): To Kill a God!Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood
11 Feb 1980
(comic-story): Growing PainsBob Toomey / Mike Zeck / Mike Zeck
Bloodstar: Chapter FourJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(comic-story): The ReaperArchie Goodwin / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(horror story): Bed of RosesDoug Moench / Felix Mas / Felix Mas
(horror story): Lord's WrathJohn Jacobson / Artur Aldoma Puig / Artur Aldoma Puig
12 Mar 1980
(comic-story): Harrow HouseBruce Jones / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
Bloodstar: Chapter FiveJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(horror story): Lilywhite & LavenderGerry Boudreau / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(horror story): Curly's GoldMichael Fleisher / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
(horror story): Look What They've Done!Steve Skeates / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto
13 Apr 1980
Bloodstar: Chapter SixJohn Jakes / John Pocsik / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Bloodstar (Milano Libri Edizioni)
(comic-story): Rapid Fire AngelGerry Boudreau / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana
(horror story): Brain FoodMichael Fleisher / Jun Lofamia / Jun Lofamia
(horror story): Deep LoveCary Bates / Buz (Joe Vaultz) / Buz (Joe Vaultz)
(horror-story): La boda de Monique EganJoan Boix / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
14 May 1980
(comic-story): The RainmakerMichael Fleisher / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
(horror story): Final ActPierce Askegren / José García Pizarro / José García Pizarro
(comic-story): The Beast of WolftonRichard Corben / Richard Corben
(comic-story): DragónEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: La ejecuciónAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(horror story): JeniferBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson Cosmo Books # 82 (Editoriale Cosmo )
15 Jun 1980
(comic-story): The Greatest Editor Alive!Bill Dubay / Delando Niño / Alex Nino
Historias negras: ¡Señor, Señor...!Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(horror story): DeathwatchRoger McKenzie / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
(comic-story): The Beast of WolftonRichard Corben / Richard Corben
(horror story): The Talent of Michael CrawleyArchie Goodwin / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): The Castle The Dungeon and AllGerry Boudreau / Steve Clement / Vicente Alcazar / Vicente Alcazar
16 Jul 1980
(horror story): Oferta jabón inedito
(horror story): Night Walk!Bruce Jones / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(comic-story): The Beast of WolftonRichard Corben / Richard Corben
Historias negras: Cuando deje de nevarAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(horror story): The Curse of the BinderwoodsMarc Laidlaw / Isidro Monés / Isidro Monés
(horror story): Hell HouseJim Stenstrum / Jaime Brocal / Jaime Brocal
(horror story): InvasionEsteban Maroto / Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea
17 Aug 1980
(horror story): La diosa de las cobrasEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
(horror story): One Mind, Closed for Alterations!Gerry Boudreau / Jess Jodloman / Jess Jodloman
Historias negras: Un día de campoAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(horror-story): El espíritu de la bestiaRichard Corben / Richard Corben / Richard Corben inedito
Blood on Black Satin: (untitled)Doug Moench / Paul Gulacy / Paul Gulacy
(horror story): Backfire!Archie Goodwin / Gray Morrow / Gray Morrow Oscar Mondadori # 221 (Mondadori)
18 Oct 1980
(comic-story): The Killing!Roger McKenzie / Leopoldo Duranona / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(horror story): Un plan magníficoRoger McKenzie / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón inedito
(comic-story): SaloméOscar Wilde / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: Cuestión de marketingAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Blood on Black Satin: (untitled)Doug Moench / Paul Gulacy / Paul Gulacy
(comic-story): RoutineCarl Wessler / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): The Demon Within!Steve Skeates / Isidro Monés / Isidro Monés
19 Nov 1980
Blood on Black Satin: (untitled)Doug Moench / Paul Gulacy / Paul Gulacy
(horror story): Dead RingerGerry Boudreau / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(comic-story): DalilaEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: Un fallo técnicoAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(horror story): The Rats in the WallsRichard Corben / Richard Corben
(horror story): Blind Man's GuideFernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez
20 Dec 1980
(comic-story): PentesileaEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
(comic-story): The BeastMichael Fleisher / Isidro Monés / Isidro Monés
Historias negras: El misioneroAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking PrinceJosé Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(comic-story): Kiss of the Plague!Doug Moench / Leo Summers / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(horror story): El miserereCarlos Giménez / Carlos Giménez / Carlos Giménez
(comic-story): The SlaveJim Stenstrum / Jesus Blasco / Jesus Blasco
(horror story): The GhoulsCarl Wessler / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
21 Jan 1981
(comic-story): SalambóEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
(comic-story): The SilkieNicola Cuti / Val Mayerik / Jeff Easley
Historias negras: El hijo muertoAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking PrinceJosé Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(comic-story): Hands of FateCarl Wessler / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): PaydirtRoger McKenzie / Carmine Infantino / Alfredo Alcala
(comic-story): UnrealAlex Toth / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
22 Feb 1981
(comic-story): Top Dog!Roger McKenzie / Alex Nino / Alex Nino
(comic-story): PerseoEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: El aspiranteAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking PrinceJosé Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
Sigur the Viking: Viking Prince, part 2José Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): Snarking DownBruce Jones / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
(horror story): The Last Man SyndromeRoger McKenzie / Ramon Torrents / Ramon Torrents
23 Mar 1981
(comic-story): CultArchie Goodwin / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): ParisEsteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: La vozAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font Eureka # 251 (Editoriale Corno)
Sigur the Viking: Viking Prince, part 2José Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): El que acecha eternamenteRafa Negrete / Rafa Negrete / Rafa Negrete inedito
(comic-story): Jacque Couteau's Circus of the BizarreRoger McKenzie / Carmine Infantino / Alex Toth Cosmo Books # 77 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(horror story): The French CoagulationGerry Boudreau / Carl Wessler / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
24 Apr 1981
(comic-story): His Own Private Demon!Roger McKenzie / Anton Caravana / Anton Caravana
(horror story): EvaJuan Carlos Martín / Juan Carlos Martín / Juan Carlos Martín inedito
(horror story): La apuestaEloy Luna Peña / Eloy Luna Peña / Eloy Luna Peña inedito
Historias negras: El viejo sistemaAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking Prince, part 2José Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(horror story): Un clavo saca otro clavoChristian Godard / Victor De La Fuente / Victor De La Fuente
(comic-story): Hoodoo the Magnificent!Bill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): Process of EliminationBruce Jones / Russ Heath / Russ Heath
25 Jun 1981
(comic-story): Outcast of EuthanasiaBill Dubay / Bill Draut / Bill Draut
(horror story): La casa del juezAndrés Martin / Mariel / Mariel inedito
Sigur the Viking: Viking Prince, part 2José Ortiz / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
(comic-story): El hombre del desiertoManfred Sommer / Manfred Sommer / Manfred Sommer inedito
(comic-story): Forbidden Fruit!Bruce Jones / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
26 Jul 1981
(horror story): El colapsoJosé María Font Playa / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón inedito
(comic-story): Whatever Happened to Orem?Bill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
Historias negras: La víctimaAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Life On Another Planet: Life On Another Planet Part 1Will Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 223 (Editoriale Corno)
Abelmar Jones: Lord of the FliesBill Dubay / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): Prelude to ArmageddonNicola Cuti / Wally Wood / Wally Wood / Wally Wood
27 Aug 1981
(horror story): Un suicidio pasado a tintaAntonio Bañares / Leopold Sanchez / Leopold Sanchez inedito
(horror story): Remember All the PeopleDon McGregor / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
Historias negras: Week-endAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Life On Another Planet: The 1st EmigreWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 224 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): The Terrible Truth About Danny!Bill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): The Third Night of MourningJim Stenstrum / Jaime Brocal / Jaime Brocal
28 Sep 1981
(comic-story): The Vampire on the HillJohn Ellis Sech / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): The Big Shot!Michael Fleisher / Delando Niño / Delando Niño
Historias negras: El velatorioAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
Life On Another Planet: A New Form of LifeWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 225 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror story): Una maldita brujaFrancisco Luis Montanary / José Ortiz / José Ortiz inedito
(comic-story): Nevada MoonSteven Grant / Bill Draut / Bill Draut
(horror story): Cool AirBernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson Cosmo Books # 82 (Editoriale Cosmo )
29 Nov 1981
(comic-story): InannaEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
(comic-story): LycanthropistBudd Lewis / Bill Draut / Bill Draut
Life on Another Planet: Pre-LaunchWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 226 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): ParasiteBudd Lewis / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): Duel NatureLaura Buscemi / John Lakey / Val Lakey
(horror story): Thing of Darkness!Archie Goodwin / Gene Colan / Gene Colan Gli archivi di Creepy # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
30 Dec 1981
(horror story): Mar de tinieblasMiguelanxo Prado / Miguelanxo Prado / Miguelanxo Prado inedito
(horror story): El monte de las ánimasAndrés Martin / Amador García / Amador García inedito
Life on Another Planet: BluddWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 227 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): Lord of Lazarus CastleGerry Boudreau / Carl Wessler / Jorge Moliterni / Jorge Moliterni
(comic-story): The NutBudd Lewis / Delando Niño / Delando Niño
(comic-story): Son of the Nut!Bill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
31 Jan 1982
(comic-story): El día que el tigre empezó a pensarEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto inedito
Historias negras: La arengaAlfonso Font / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font inedito
(comic-story): Coggin's ArmyRoger McKenzie / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
Life on Another Planet: AbortWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 228 (Editoriale Corno)
(comic-story): El magoCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
32 Feb 1982
Torpedo: Torpedo 1936 - Capitulo 1Enrique Sánchez Abulí / Alex Toth / Alex Toth Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): An Insult to ScienceFernando Fernandez / Josep Maria Miralles / Josep Maria Miralles
Life on Another Planet: The Big HitWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 229 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
(comic-story): La manzanaCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
33 Mar 1982
Torpedo: Torpedo 1936 - Capitulo 2Enrique Sánchez Abulí / Alex Toth / Alex Toth L'Eternauta # 8 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): MuteBruce Jones / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Life on Another Planet: The Last ChapterWill Eisner / Will Eisner / Will Eisner Eureka # 230 (Editoriale Corno)
(horror story): El sucesorGustavo Armayor / Alberto Macagno / Alberto Macagno inedito
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
34 Apr 1982
Torpedo: De perro a perroEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet L'Eternauta # 9 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(comic story): The Expedition!Budd Lewis / Leopold Sanchez / Leopold Sanchez Skorpio # 222 (Eura Editoriale)
(comic-story): InflaciónCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
(horror story): A Gothic TaleTom Veitch / Greg Irons / Greg Irons
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
35 May 1982
Torpedo: Érase un chivatoEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet L'Eternauta # 10 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
Vampirella: The Human MarketplaceGerry Boudreau / Pepe González / Pepe González
(comic-story): The Dead RememberBruce Jones / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): JuniorBill Dubay / Timothy Moriarty / Abel Laxamana / Abel Laxamana
(horror-story): Feria de monstruosBruce Jones / Bernie Wrightson / Bernie Wrightson / Michelle Wrightson
36 Jun 1982
Vampirella: The Headless Horseman of All-Hallows Eve!Bill Dubay / Pepe González / Pepe González
(comic-story): ...For We Have Sinned!Bill Dubay / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): La murallaCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 1 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 13 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): AliciaCarl Wessler / Alfonso Font / Alfonso Font
Torpedo: Conmigo no se juegaEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet L'Eternauta # 11 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
37 Jul 1982
Vampirella: LenoreRoger McKenzie / Pepe González / Pepe González Lanciostory # 734 (Eura Editoriale)
(horror story): Las tumbas de Saint-DenisAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 2 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 14 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): The Sentence!Steve Skeates / Joseph Maria Bea / Joseph Maria Bea
(horror story): Deep Ruby!Archie Goodwin / Steve Ditko / Steve Ditko Eerie # 2 (Comma 22)
Torpedo: DumboEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet L'Eternauta # 12 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
38 Aug 1982
Vampirella: The Last Prince!Richard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
(comic-story): The Wedding Gift!Budd Lewis / Fred Carrillo / Fred Carrillo
Dracula: Drácula [parte 3 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 15 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(comic-story): El enemigoAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
(comic-story): Una pesadilla para Miss AgataGuillermo Saccomanno / Leopoldo Duranona
Torpedo: Qué tiempos aquellosEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
39 Sep 1982
Vampirella: The Wax HouseRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
(comic-story): La Venus de IlleAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 4 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 16 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(comic-story): El círculoDaniel Reynoso / Alberto Macagno / Alberto Macagno inedito
(comic-story): Tale of a FoxNicola Cuti / José Ortiz / José Ortiz
Torpedo: Un solo de trompetaEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
40 Oct 1982
Vampirella: A Love Blessed in HellRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
(horror story): MistiAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
(horror story): SapoJoan Boix / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 5 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 17 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): CrisálidaEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Esteban Maroto / Esteban Maroto
(horror story): El cazadorDaniel Reynoso / Alberto Macagno / Alberto Macagno inedito
The Fox: (untitled)Nicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Torpedo: R.I.P. y aménEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
41 Nov 1982
Vampirella: Spawn of the Star BeastRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
The Fox: (untitled)Nicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Dracula: Drácula [parte 6 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 18 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): La ofrendaCarlos Trillo / Josep Maria Miralles / Josep Maria Miralles inedito
(horror story): Las fotosCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
(horror story): Sobre el aguaAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
(comic-story): El invencibleJoan Boix / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
Torpedo: El cambiazoEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
42 Dec 1982
Vampirella: La maldición WrathmoreRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González inedito
The Fox: Dynasty of EvilNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Tiny Terror Tales: Flush!Michael T. Gilbert / Michael T. Gilbert / Raoul Vezina
Dracula: Drácula [parte 7 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 19 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): El miedoAmador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
(horror story): Dark House of DreamsArchie Goodwin / Angelo Torres / Angelo Torres
Torpedo: Año nuevo muerte nuevaEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
43 Jan 1983
Vampirella: A Feast of FearRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
(horror story): The Masque of the Red Death!Richard Margopoulos / Rafael Auraleón / Rafael Auraleón
Dracula: Drácula [parte 8 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 20 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): La muerta inedito
The Fox: Night of the DevildogsNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Torpedo: El negro que puso los ojos en blancoEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo 1936 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
44 Feb 1983
(horror story): Who Toys With Terror!George Kashdan / John Severin / John Severin
Sabre: Slow Fade of an Endangered SpeciesDon McGregor / Paul Gulacy
Dracula: Drácula [parte 9 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 21 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
The Fox: Terror in the Tomb!Nicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): La bailarinaCarlos Trillo / Domingo Mandrafina / Domingo Mandrafina inedito
Fallen Angels: Explosive IssueGuillermo Saccomanno / Cary Bates / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
45 Mar 1983
(comic-story): The Demon ChroniclesAlex Simmons / James Sherman / James Sherman
Sabre: Slow Fade of an Endangered SpeciesDon McGregor / Paul Gulacy
(horror story): Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula [parte 1 de 5]Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 10 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 21 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
The Fox: JadedNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): InfectedBruce Jones / Richard Corben / Richard Corben / Steve Oliff
Fallen Angels: RevengeGuillermo Saccomanno / Cary Bates / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
46 Apr 1983
Vampirella: The Walker of WorldsRichard Margopoulos / Pepe González / Pepe González
Sabre: Slow Fade of an Endangered SpeciesDon McGregor / Paul Gulacy
Dracula: Drácula [parte 11 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 22 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula [parte 2 de 5]Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
The Fox: The Fox and the DeerNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): The Staff of DeathLeo Summers / Leo Summers / Leo Summers
Fallen Angels: Explosive IssueGuillermo Saccomanno / Cary Bates / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
47 May 1983
(horror story): Me An' Ol' RexBruce Jones / Richard Corben / Richard Corben / Steve Oliff
Sabre: Slow Fade of an Endangered SpeciesDon McGregor / Paul Gulacy
Dracula: Drácula [parte 12 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 23 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula [parte 3 de 5]Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
The Fox: Shadows of the MindJohn Ellis Sech / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
(horror story): El albergueGuy de Maupassant / Amador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
Fallen Angels: The CutmanGuillermo Saccomanno / Cary Bates / Leopoldo Duranona / Leopoldo Duranona
48 Jun 1983
(horror story): Tío JudasAmador García / Guy de Maupassant / Amador García / Amador García inedito
(comic-story): All of Them Must Die!Gerry Boudreau / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(horror story): ¿Qué era aquello?Joan Boix / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
Dracula: Drácula [parte 13 de 13]Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez / Fernando Fernandez L'Eternauta # 24 (E.P.C. (Edizioni Produzione Cartoons))
(horror story): Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula [parte 4 de 5]Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
The Fox: The Beast Lies SleepingNicola Cuti / Luis Bermejo Rojo / Luis Bermejo Rojo
Torpedo: Flash-backEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo # 1 (Edizioni BD)
49 Jul 1983
(horror story): FronterasJoan Boix / Joan Boix / Joan Boix inedito
(comic-story): Covering all the BasesKevin Duane / Martin Salvador / Martin Salvador
(comic-story): The Iceman Killeth!Michael Fleisher / Delando Niño / Delando Niño
(horror story): Frankenstein – Werewolf – Count Dracula [parte 5 de 5]Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Neal Adams / Cory Adams inedito
The Butcher: Forgive Us Our TresspassesBill Dubay / Richard Corben / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Cosmo Books # 75 (Editoriale Cosmo )
The Butcher: Bye-Bye Miss American DreamBill Dubay / Richard Corben / Richard Corben Cosmo Books # 75 (Editoriale Cosmo )
(horror story): La manoGuy de Maupassant / Amador García / Amador García / Amador García inedito
Torpedo: La noche de San ValentónEnrique Sánchez Abulí / Jordi Bernet / Jordi Bernet Torpedo # 1 (Edizioni BD)