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Black Panther and the Crew
Marvel Comics
Black Panther and the Crew
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 2017
numeri rilasciati: 1-6
numeri catalogati: 6
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie dedicata a un gruppo di eroi di colore, formato da Pantera Nera, Misty Knight, Luke Cage, Manifold e Tempesta scritta da Ta-Nehisi Coates e Yona Harvey ai testi e disegnata da Butch Guice.
1 Jun 2017
We Are the Streets Part 1: Double ConsciousnessTa-Nehisi Coates / Jackson Butch Guice / Scott Hanna Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)
2 Jul 2017
We Are the Streets, Part 2: Afro-BlueTa-Nehisi Coates / Yona Harvey / Mack Chater / Jackson Butch Guice / Mack Chater / Scott Hanna Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)
3 Aug 2017
We Are the Streets, Part 3: Black Against the EmpireTa-Nehisi Coates / Jackson Butch Guice / Mack Chater / Mack Chater / Scott Hanna Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)
4 Sep 2017
We Are the Streets, Part 4: Nothing But a ManTa-Nehisi Coates / Yona Harvey / Jackson Butch Guice / Scott Hanna Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)
5 Oct 2017
We Are the Streets, Part 5: Down These Mean StreetsTa-Nehisi Coates / Mack Chater / Stephen Thompson / Jackson Butch Guice / Mack Chater / Stephen Thompson / Scott Hanna Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)
6 Oct 2017
We Are the Streets, Part 6: Everybody Loves the SunshineYona Harvey / Ta-Nehisi Coates / Jackson Butch Guice / Mack Chater / Scott Hanna / Mack Chater Marvel Collection (II) # 140 (Panini Comics)