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Marvel Collection (II) # 140
Copertina di John Cassaday

Tempesta, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Manifold? ritorna la Banda, la "non-squadra" guidata da Pantera Nera! La morte di un attivista ad Harlem dà il via alle indagini della Banda... e alla rivelazione di incredibili segreti dell'Universo Marvel! Storia del pluripremiato giornalista Ta-Nehisi Coates e disegni del veterano Butch Guice!

Marvel Collection (II) # 140 | Pantera Nera e la banda

Panini Comics Febbraio 2018
Black Panther and the Crew # 1
Black Panther and the Crew
We Are the Streets Part 1: Double Consciousness
Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Scott Hanna (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 1, Marvel Comics - USA (Giu 2017)
Black Panther and the Crew # 2
Black Panther
We Are the Streets, Part 2: Afro-Blue
Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Yona Harvey (script) / Mack Chater (art) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Mack Chater (inks) / Scott Hanna (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Lug 2017)
Black Panther and the Crew # 3
Black Panther
We Are the Streets, Part 3: Black Against the Empire
Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Mack Chater (art) / Mack Chater (inks) / Scott Hanna (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 3, Marvel Comics - USA (Ago 2017)
Black Panther and the Crew # 4
Black Panther
We Are the Streets, Part 4: Nothing But a Man
Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Yona Harvey (script) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Scott Hanna (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 4, Marvel Comics - USA (Set 2017)
Black Panther and the Crew # 5
Black Panther and the Crew
We Are the Streets, Part 5: Down These Mean Streets
Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Mack Chater (art) / Stephen Thompson (art) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Mack Chater (inks) / Stephen Thompson (inks) / Scott Hanna (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 5, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 2017)
Black Panther and the Crew # 6
Black Panther and the Crew
We Are the Streets, Part 6: Everybody Loves the Sunshine
Yona Harvey (script) / Ta-Nehisi Coates (script) / Jackson Butch Guice (art) / Mack Chater (art) / Scott Hanna (inks) / Mack Chater (inks)
20 pagine

da Black Panther and the Crew # 6, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 2017)