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Bizarre Adventures
Marvel Comics
Bizarre Adventures
Marvel Comics
anno inizio serie: 1981
numeri rilasciati: 25-34
numeri catalogati: 10
formato: magazine
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie antologica
La numerazione prosegue dalla precedente serie "Marvel Preview"
25 Mar 1981
Vedova Nera: I Got the Yo-Yo... You Got the StringRalph Macchio / Paul Gulacy Marvel Anthology (II) # 17 (Panini Comics)
Lady Daemon: By Virtue of Blood!Chris Claremont / Michael Golden / Terry Austin inedito
Le Figlie del Drago: Safe StreetsChris Claremont / Marshall Rogers / Bob McLeod inedito
26 May 1981
Kull: 1. Restless SpiritsDoug Moench / John Bolton La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92 (Panini Comics)
Kull: 2. A Madness of MirrorsDoug Moench / John Bolton La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92 (Panini Comics)
Kull: 3. And in Decadence, the DescentDoug Moench / John Bolton La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92 (Panini Comics)
Kull: 4. The True Enemy WithinDoug Moench / John Bolton La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92 (Panini Comics)
27 Jun 1981
Fenice: PhoenixChris Claremont / John Buscema / Klaus Janson Marvel Omnibus # 17 (Panini Comics)
Uomo Ghiaccio: Winter CarnivalMary Jo Duffy / George Pérez / Alfredo Alcala L'Eternauta # 100 (Comic Art)
Nightcrawler: Show Me the Way to Go Home...Mary Jo Duffy / Bob Layton / Dave Cockrum / Ricardo Villamonte Marvel Geeks # 1 (Panini Comics)
28 Oct 1981
Elektra: The Mongoose GambitFrank Miller / Frank Miller L'Eternauta # 87 (Comic Art)
Shadow Hunter: The Origin of Shadow HunterNeal Adams / Doug Moench / Larry Hama / Neal Adams / Dick Giordano / Terry Austin / Dennis Francis
Huntsman: The Golden CircleArchie Goodwin / Michael Golden / Steve Mitchell inedito
Triton: Conscience of the KingMary Jo Duffy / Wendy Pini inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Excursion to 1956Steve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
29 Dec 1981
The Lawnmower Man: The Lawnmower ManStephen King / Walter Simonson inedito
Greenberg the Vampire: My Uncle, the VampireJ.M. DeMatteis / Steve Leialoha inedito
horror-suspense: Mirror, MirrorBruce Jones / John Buscema / Bob Wiacek inedito
Bucky Bizarre: The Vampire ExcursionSteve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
30 Feb 1982
Paradox: Saturn's SecretPeter Gillis / Mike Vosburg / Joe Jusko inedito
Silhouette: Assignation at Madstar!Peter Gillis / Gene Day inedito
(comic-story): HonorSteve Skeates / John Buscema / Bob Wiacek inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Ronnie Raygun of the Space PatrolSteve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
31 Apr 1982
(comic-story): The PhilistineDennis O'Neil / Frank Miller L'Eternauta # 98 (Comic Art)
Dr.Deth: Dr. Deth with Kip & MuffyLarry Hama / Larry Hama / Ralph Reese L'Eternauta # 118 (Comic Art)
Hangman: Gore GaloreMark Gruenwald / Bill Sienkiewicz L'Eternauta # 95 (Comic Art)
(comic-story): Violence Wears Many FacesJohn Byrne / John Byrne Marvel Omnibus # 148 (Panini Comics)
(comic-story): Recondo RabbitLarry Hama / Mark Armstrong / Joe Albelo inedito
(comic-story): Let There Be Life!Tom De Falco / Herb Trimpe inedito
(comic-story): A Frog Is a FrogStephen James Perry / Stephen Bissette inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Excursion to 1930Steve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
32 Aug 1982
Thor: Sea of DestinyAlan Zelenetz / John Bolton L'Eternauta # 96 (Comic Art)
(comic-story): Demon's BridgeLarry Hama / Larry Hama inedito
(comic-story): What Fools These Gods Shall Be!Tom DeFalco / Steve Smallwood inedito
(comic-story): The StreakAnn Nocenti / Greg LaRocque inedito
Acquarian: The ProphetMark Gruenwald / Val Mayerik inedito
(comic-story): G-D!Al Milgrom / Al Milgrom inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Let There Be LightSteve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
33 Dec 1982
Zombie: Damballah's DeedsDoug Moench / Dave Simons Marvel Omnibus # 171 (Panini Comics)
Vault of Evil: Slayride!Bruce Jones / Bob Hall inedito
Haunt of Horror: The SurvivorJ.M. DeMatteis / Geof Isherwood / Ian Akin / Brian Garvey inedito
Tomb of Dracula: The Blood BequestStephen James Perry / Stephen Bissette / John Totleben inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Excursion to the SixtiesSteve Skeates / Steve Smallwood inedito
34 Feb 1983
(comic-story): Son of Santa!Mark Gruenwald / Alan Kupperberg inedito
Howard the Duck: Howard the Duck's ChristmasSteven Grant / Paul Smith / Steven Grant / Marie Severin inedito
Dr. Deth: Dr. Deth, Not to Mention Kip and MuffyLarry Hama / Bob Camp / Larry Hama / Bob Camp inedito
(comic-story): Slay Bells!Mike Carlin / Mike Carlin inedito
(comic-story): Santa Bites the Big Apple!Al Milgrom / Al Milgrom inedito
Bucky Bizarre: Christmas ExcursionSteve Skeates / Greg Smallwood inedito