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La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92
Copertina di John Bolton

La Spada Selvaggia di Conan # 92

Il Demone in uno specchio d'argento
Panini Comics Agosto 1994
The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 211
The Gods Above - the Beasts Below (Gods of the Mountain - part 1)
Roy Thomas (script) / Rafael Kayanan (art)
29 pagine

da The Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 # 211, Marvel Comics - USA (Lug 1993)
Bizarre Adventures # 26
1. Restless Spirits
Doug Moench (script) / John Bolton (art)
12 pagine

da Bizarre Adventures # 26, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 1981)
Bizarre Adventures # 26
2. A Madness of Mirrors
Doug Moench (script) / John Bolton (script)
10 pagine

da Bizarre Adventures # 26, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 1981)
Bizarre Adventures # 26
3. And in Decadence, the Descent
Doug Moench (script) / John Bolton (art)
14 pagine

da Bizarre Adventures # 26, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 1981)
Bizarre Adventures # 26
4. The True Enemy Within
Doug Moench (script) / John Bolton (art)
18 pagine

da Bizarre Adventures # 26, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 1981)