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Apache Kid
Atlas Comics
Apache Kid
Atlas Comics
anno inizio serie: 1950
numeri rilasciati: 1-19
numeri catalogati: 19
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
tipologia: serie regolare
Serie ad ambientazione western con protagonista Apache Kid (i primi 9 numeri sono pubblicati dalla Timely). Il primo numero ha una doppia numerazione (53 [1]) essendo di fatto la prosecuzione della serie Reno Browne, terminata con il 52 (negli anni '50 era una pratica comune modificare le serie mantenendo le numerazioni delle vecchie denominazioni; in questo caso però vale solo per il primo numero, dato che dal 2 la serie prosegue in maniera autonoma fino al 19). Dal 20 diventa una serie antologica e viene rinominata come Western Gunfighters.
1 Dec 1950
The Curse of Night-Wind!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely
The Rails of Death!Mike Sekowsky / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely
The Wild BeastSyd Shores
The Comanches Strike!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely inedito
2 Feb 1951
Red Hawk's RevengeWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Deadly DeedJay Scott Pike inedito
Gray Wolf StrikesWerner Roth / Werner Roth
3 Mar 1951
The Indian KillerWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Vengeance of Running MooseWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
All Must DieMike Sekowsky / Mike Esposito inedito
Murder in the Hidden MineWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
4 Apr 1951
The Stagecoach MassacreWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Eagle ShrieksWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Shotgun GuardKen Rice / Ken Rice inedito
Claws of Death inedito
5 May 1951
The UprisingWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Trail of the Arrow!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
'Wild Bill' Hickok inedito
The Defeat of Ace WacoErnie Hart inedito
Running Moose StrikesWerner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
6 Jun 1951
War Drums on the Red River!Werner Roth
The Trail of the Coyote!Werner Roth / Werner Roth
Tex MorganJohn Buscema
Kid Barrett, the Kid Who Downed the Killer King!Bob Brown
"Kit" Carson
The Flaming Frontier!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
7 Jul 1951
Danger Trail!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Tough Hombre!Russ Heath / Russ Heath inedito
Arrows West!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Golden Kid inedito
Code of the Apache!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
8 Sep 1951
The Challenge!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Half-Breed's Treachery!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Man Who Wouldn't Die!Joe Sinnott / Joe Sinnott inedito
The Cougar Strikes!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
9 Nov 1951
The Flaming Border!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Hunting of Running Moose!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Yellow FeatherAllen Bellman / Allen Bellman inedito
The Sacrifice of White Swan!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
10 Jan 1952
The Raid of the RenegadesTom Gill inedito
Red Arrow StrikesTom Gill inedito
Where Danger DwellsAllen Bellman / Allen Bellman inedito
The Winning of White Swan!Tom Gill inedito
11 Dec 1954
The Human Sacrifice!Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely
Spurs West!Tom Gill
The Wild BeastSyd Shores
The Rails of Death!Mike Sekowsky / Joe Maneely / Joe Maneely
12 Feb 1955
War Drums on the Red River!Werner Roth
The Trail of the Coyote!Werner Roth / Werner Roth
Kid Barrett, the Kid Who Downed the Killer King!Bob Brown
Gray Wolf StrikesWerner Roth / Werner Roth
13 Apr 1955
The Fury of Red Stallion!Werner Roth / Werner Roth
Poison Arrow!Ross Andru / Mike Esposito
Pony ExpressJoe Kubert / Joe Kubert
Uprising!Werner Roth / Werner Roth
14 Jun 1955
The Mystery of Ghost Town!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Law of the Totem!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Covered WagonBob Powell inedito
Guns At Outlaw Canyon!Bob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
15 Aug 1955
The Eagle's Canyon!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Flaming Arrows!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The ImpostorMac Pakula / Mac Pakula inedito
Six-Guns and Tomahawks!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
16 Oct 1955
Beyond the Bad Lands!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Brand of the Outlaw!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Range War On the Panhandle!Bob Forgione / Jack Abel inedito
The Flaming Tomahawk!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
17 Dec 1955
Last of the Tomahawks!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Wild Horse Mesa!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Man!Ed Winiarski / Ed Winiarski inedito
Dangerous Heritage!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Sunset Trail!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
18 Feb 1956
Heritage!Werner Roth inedito
The Painted Peril!Werner Roth inedito
Cry of the CoyoteWerner Roth inedito
The SwindlerStan Lee / Jay Scott Pike / Jay Scott Pike inedito
The River of No Return!Werner Roth inedito
19 Apr 1956
The Flaming Totem!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
Bayonets and Spears!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The Call of the Wilderness!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito
The GunmanStan Lee / Vic Carrabotta / Vic Carrabotta inedito
The Man Who Came Back!Werner Roth / Werner Roth inedito