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Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
Action Comics Vol 1
DC Comics
anno inizio serie: 1938
numeri rilasciati: 1-in corso
numeri catalogati: 1027
formato: comic-book
nazione: USA
protagonista: Superman
tipologia: serie regolare
Storica serie nata nel 1938 famosa per aver presentato per la prima volta le avventure di Superman, il primo supereroe della storia dei fumetti.
Action Comics, una delle testate statunitensi più longeve, originariamente era un titolo antologico contenente, oltre a Superman, altri personaggi della DC Comics.
Nel 1988 la serie è diventata settimanale e dal numero 601 al 642 ha cambiato il titolo in Action Comics Weekly.
La serie è stata interrotta con il numero 904, per poi riprendere con il numero 957.
856 Nov 2007
Escape From Bizarro World, Part 2Geoff Johns / Richard Donner / Eric Powell / Eric Powell Superman # 15 (Planeta DeAgostini)
857 Dec 2007
Escape From Bizarro World, Part 3Geoff Johns / Richard Donner / Eric Powell / Eric Powell Superman # 15 (Planeta DeAgostini)
858 Dec 2007
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 1: Alien WorldGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 16 (Planeta DeAgostini)
859 Jan 2008
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 2: Illegal Aliens Geoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 16 (Planeta DeAgostini)
860 Feb 2008
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 3: Lightning and ShadowsGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 17 (Planeta DeAgostini)
861 Mar 2008
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 4: ChameleonsGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 17 (Planeta DeAgostini)
862 Apr 2008
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 5: Revenge of the RejectsGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 18 (Planeta DeAgostini)
863 May 2008
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Part 6: Sun RiseGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 18 (Planeta DeAgostini)
864 Jun 2008
Batman and the Legion of Super-HeroesGeoff Johns / Joe Prado / Jon Sibal Superman # 23 (Planeta DeAgostini)
865 Jul 2008
The Terrible ToymanGeoff Johns / Jesus Merino / Jesus Merino Superman # 24 (Planeta DeAgostini)
866 Aug 2008
Brainiac, Part 1: First ContactGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 26 (Planeta DeAgostini)
867 Sep 2008
Brainiac, Part 2: Hide And SeekGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 26 (Planeta DeAgostini)
868 Oct 2008
Brainiac, Part 3: GreetingsGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 27 (Planeta DeAgostini)
869 Nov 2008
Brainiac, Part 4: Mind Over MatterGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 27 (Planeta DeAgostini)
870 Dec 2008
Brainiac, FinaleGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Jon Sibal Superman # 28 (Planeta DeAgostini)
871 Jan 2009
New Krypton, Part 4: Beyond DoomsdayGeoff Johns / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman # 30 (Planeta DeAgostini)
872 Feb 2009
New Krypton, Part 7: Brainiac LivesGeoff Johns / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman # 32 (Planeta DeAgostini)
873 Mar 2009
New Krypton, Part 10: Birth of a NationGeoff Johns / Pete Woods / Renato Guedes / Pete Woods / Jose Wilson Magalhães Superman # 33 (Planeta DeAgostini)
874 Apr 2009
Suspicion!James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Pablo Raimondi / Walden Wong Superman # 34 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Origins & OmensJames Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Renato Guedes / Jose Wilson Magalhães Superman # 34 (Planeta DeAgostini)
875 May 2009
The Sleepers, Part 1Greg Rucka / Eddy Barrows / Julio Ferreira / Ruy Jose Superman: Un mondo senza Superman # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
876 Jun 2009
The Sleepers, Part 2Greg Rucka / Eddy Barrows / Sidney Teles / Julio Ferreira / Ruy Jose Superman: Un mondo senza Superman # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
877 Jul 2009
The Sleepers, Part 3Greg Rucka / Sidney Teles / Sandro Ribeiro Superman: Un mondo senza Superman # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
878 Aug 2009
The Sleepers, Part 4Greg Rucka / Diego Olmos / Diego Olmos Superman: Un mondo senza Superman # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
879 Sep 2009
The Sleepers, Part 5Greg Rucka / Diego Olmos / Bit Superman: Un mondo senza Superman # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 1Greg Rucka / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
880 Oct 2009
Codename: Patriot, Part 2Greg Rucka / Julian Lopez / Bit Superman # 38 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 2James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
881 Nov 2009
The Hunt For Reactron, Part 1Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Supergirl (Nuova Serie) # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 3James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
882 Dec 2009
The Hunt For Reactron, Part 3Greg Rucka / Sterling Gates / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Supergirl (Nuova Serie) # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 4James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Bit
883 Jan 2010
Divine Spark, Part 1Eric Stephen Trautmann / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 5James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Bit
884 Feb 2010
Captain Atom, Part 6James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
Divine Spark, Part 2Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Bit Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
885 Mar 2010
Divine Spark, Part 3Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 7James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
886 Apr 2010
Divine Spark, Part 4Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Fernando Dagnino / Pere Perez / Raul Fernandez Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 8James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
887 May 2010
Truth to Power, Part 1Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 9James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
888 Jun 2010
Truth to Power, Part 2Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Pere Perez Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, Part 10James Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
889 Aug 2010
Truth to Power, Part 3Eric Stephen Trautmann / Greg Rucka / Pere Perez / Bit Superman: Un mondo contro Superman .. # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Captain Atom, FinaleJames Dale Robinson / James Robinson / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano
890 Sep 2010
The Black Ring, Part 1Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
891 Oct 2010
The Black Ring, Part 2Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Carlos Alberto Fernandez Urbano / Pete Woods / Bit Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
892 Nov 2010
The Black Ring, Part 3Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pere Perez / Pete Woods / Pere Perez Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
A Look At Things to Come In... SuperboyPaul Cornell / Pier Nicola Gallo / Pier Nicola Gallo inedito
893 Nov 2010
The Black Ring, Part 4Paul Cornell / Sean Chen / Wayne Faucher Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Jimmy Olsen's Big Week, Day 1Nick Spencer / R.B. Silva / Denis Frietas - Dym inedito
894 Dec 2010
The Black Ring, Part 5Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Jimmy Olsen's Big Week, Day 2Nick Spencer / R.B. Silva / Denis Frietas - Dym inedito
895 Jan 2011
The Black Ring, Part 6Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Jimmy Olsen's Big Week, Day 3Nick Spencer / R.B. Silva / Denis Frietas - Dym inedito
896 Feb 2011
The Black Ring, Part 7Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 1 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Jimmy Olsen's Big Week, Day 4Nick Spencer / R.B. Silva / Denis Frietas - Dym inedito
897 Mar 2011
The Black Ring, Part 8Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
898 Apr 2011
The Black Ring, Part 9Paul Cornell / Pete Woods / Pete Woods Superman: L'anello nero # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
899 May 2011
The Black Ring, Part 10Paul Cornell / Jesus Merino / Jesus Merino Superman: L'anello nero # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
900 Jun 2011
The Black Ring, Finale - Reign of the DoomsdaysPaul Cornell / Pete Woods / Gary Frank / Jesus Merino / Jamal Igle / Dan Jurgens / Rags Morales / Ardian Syaf / Norm Rapmund Superman: L'anello nero # 2 (Planeta DeAgostini)
Life SupportDamon Lindelof / Ryan Sook / Ryan Sook Superman # 56 (Rw Lion)
AutobiohgraphyPaul Dini / R.B. Silva / Roberio Leandro da Silva / Rob Lean Superman # 56 (Rw Lion)
Friday Night in the 21st CenturyGeoff Johns / Gary Frank / Gary Frank Superman # 56 (Rw Lion)
The IncidentDavid S. Goyer / Miguel Angel Sepulveda / Miguel Angel Sepulveda Superman # 56 (Rw Lion)
Only HumanRichard Donner / Derek Hoffman / Matt Camp / Matt Camp Superman - Numero Zero (Rw Lion)
The Evolution of the Man of TomorrowBrian Stelfreeze / Brian Stelfreeze inedito
901 Jul 2011
Reign of the Doomsdays, Part 1Paul Cornell / Jesus Merino / Kenneth Rocafort / Jesus Merino / Kenneth Rocafort Superman # 57 (Rw Lion)
902 Aug 2011
Reign of the Doomsdays, Part 2Paul Cornell / Kenneth Rocafort / Axel Gimenez / Kenneth Rocafort / Axel Gimenez Superman # 58 (Rw Lion)
903 Sep 2011
Reign of the Doomsdays, Part 3Paul Cornell / Axel Gimenez / Axel Gimenez Superman # 58 (Rw Lion)
904 Oct 2011
Reign of the Doomsdays, FinalePaul Cornell / Axel Gimenez / Ronan Cliquet / Axel Gimenez / Ronan Cliquet Superman # 58 (Rw Lion)
957 Aug 2016
Path of Doom, Part 1Dan Jurgens / Patrick Zircher / Patrick Zircher Superman # 116 (Rw Lion)