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X-Men – Children of the Atom: Incredibili # 1
Copertina di R.B. Silva

X-Men – Children of the Atom: Incredibili

Panini Comics Novembre 2021
Children of the Atom # 1
Children of the Atom
Vita Ayala (script) / Bernard Chang (art) / Bernard Chang (inks) / Marcelo Maiolo (colors)
44 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 1, Marvel Comics - USA (Mag 2021)
Children of the Atom # 2
Children of the Atom
Prison Break
Vita Ayala (script) / Bernard Chang (art) / Bernard Chang (inks) / Marcelo Maiolo (colors)
20 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Giu 2021)
Children of the Atom # 3
Children of the Atom
Unusual Dinner Guests
Vita Ayala (script) / Paco Medina (art) / Paco Medina (inks) / David Curiel (colors)
20 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 3, Marvel Comics - USA (Lug 2021)
Children of the Atom # 4
Children of the Atom
Vita Ayala (script) / Paco Medina (art) / Paco Medina (inks) / David Curiel (colors)
20 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 4, Marvel Comics - USA (Ago 2021)
Children of the Atom # 5
Children of the Atom
Vita Ayala (script) / Paco Medina (art) / Paco Medina (inks) / David Curiel (colors)
20 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 5, Marvel Comics - USA (Set 2021)
Children of the Atom # 6
Children of the Atom
Party of One
Vita Ayala (script) / Paco Medina (art) / Paco Medina (inks) / David Curiel (colors)
20 pagine

da Children of the Atom # 6, Marvel Comics - USA (Ott 2021)