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The Witching Hour # 8
Copertina di Neal Adams

The Witching Hour # 8

DC Comics Maggio 1970
The Three Witches
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!
Sergio Aragones (script) / Neal Adams (script) / Sergio Aragones (art) / Neal Adams (inks)
6 pagine

Ristampa in originale: Deadman Vol 1 # 4, DC Comics (Ago 1985)
Pubblicazione italiana: Horror # 5, Comic Art (Ott 1990)
The Three Witches
Three Day Free Home Trial!
Nick Cardy (script) / Sergio Aragones (script) / Nick Cardy (art)
6 pagine
The Three Witches
Sergio Aragones (script) / Alex Toth (script) / Alex Toth (art)
6 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Horror # 8, Comic Art (Feb 1991)
Twice-Told Tales!
The Sign of the Hook!
Ron Whyte (script) / Jack Sparling (art)
2 pagine