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Sabbath17 / gionnistorm

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giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, giorgiocomics su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1, Guardian su Heaven's War # 1,


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Horror # 5
Copertina di John Bolton

Horror # 5

Comic Art Ottobre 1990
Tapping the Vein # 1
Comic Story
Human Remains
Clive Barker (script) / Philip Craig Russell (script) / Philip Craig Russell (art) / Philip Craig Russell (colors)
31 pagine

da Tapping the Vein # 1, Eclipse Comics - USA (Gen 1989)
House of Mystery Vol 1 # 194
Cain the Caretaker
Born Loser
Jack Oleck (script) / Alex Toth (art)
10 pagine

da House of Mystery Vol 1 # 194, DC Comics - USA (Set 1971)
The Witching Hour # 8
The Three Witches
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!
Sergio Aragones (script) / Neal Adams (script) / Sergio Aragones (art) / Neal Adams (inks)
6 pagine

da The Witching Hour # 8, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1970)
A1 Vol 1 # 3
(comic story)
Point of View
Graham Marks (script) / John Bolton (art) / John Bolton (inks)
5 pagine

da A1 Vol 1 # 3, Atomeka Press - UK (Gen 1990)