Human Torch and Spider-Man
On the Trail of the Amazing Spider-Man! (Sulla pista dell'Uomo Ragno)
Stan Lee (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Steve Ditko (inks)
On the Trail of the Amazing Spider-Man! (Sulla pista dell'Uomo Ragno)
Stan Lee (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Steve Ditko (inks)
18 pagine
Ristampa in originale: Giant-Size Spider-Man Vol 1 # 1, Marvel Comics (Lug 1974)
Pubblicazione italiana: L'Uomo Ragno # 15 - La fine dell'Uomo Ragno, Editoriale Corno (Nov 1970), Spider-Man Collection # 21 - I grandi crossover degli anni 60 (1), Marvel Italia (Gen 2007), Marvel Masterworks # 1, 46, Marvel Italia (Apr 2007/Dic 2015), Super Eroi Classic # 52 - Spider-Man 9: La fine di Goblin!, RCS Quotidiani (Mar 2018), Decenni # 3 - La Marvel Negli Anni 60: Spider-Man incontra l'Universo Marvel, Panini Comics (Giu 2019), Marvel Omnibus # 154 - Amazing Spider-Man Classic 1, Panini Comics (Giu 2022)

I Was the Invisible Man! (L'uomo invisibile)
Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Christopher Rule (inks)
I Was the Invisible Man! (L'uomo invisibile)
Jack Kirby (script) / Jack Kirby (art) / Christopher Rule (inks)
7 pagine
da Strange Tales vol 1 # 67, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 1959)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Hulk e i Difensori # 10 - Alpha il mutante, Editoriale Corno (Lug 1975)

I Was a Prisoner on the Planet of Plunder!
Stan Lee (script) / Larry Lieber (script) / Don Heck (art)
I Was a Prisoner on the Planet of Plunder!
Stan Lee (script) / Larry Lieber (script) / Don Heck (art)
5 pagine
da Strange Worlds # 2, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 1959)

I Was the Man Who Lived Twice!
Stan Lee (script) / Larry Lieber (script) / John Buscema (art)
I Was the Man Who Lived Twice!
Stan Lee (script) / Larry Lieber (script) / John Buscema (art)
5 pagine
da Strange Worlds # 3, Marvel Comics - USA (Apr 1959)

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