Homer puts his life in danger after an accidental appearance on a dating game show causes a rift with Marge and causes Homer to enter a more dangerous game to prove his love.
21 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: I Simpson # 48 - Tic Tac D'Oh! / Dal Distributore Cianfrusaglie il Cult-Alogo della cultura pop..., Panini Comics (Feb 2003)
The Simpsons
The Official Mail-Order "Cult-Alog" of Cool Pop-Culture Collectibles!
Scott Shaw (script) / Scott Shaw (art) / Tim Harkins (inks)
The Official Mail-Order "Cult-Alog" of Cool Pop-Culture Collectibles!
Scott Shaw (script) / Scott Shaw (art) / Tim Harkins (inks)
This story is setup like a catalog displaying oddball Simpsons related items for sale.
4 pagine
Pubblicazione italiana: I Simpson # 48 - Tic Tac D'Oh! / Dal Distributore Cianfrusaglie il Cult-Alogo della cultura pop..., Panini Comics (Feb 2003)
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