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Marvel Fanfare vol 1 # 31
Copertina di Kerry Gammill

Marvel Fanfare vol 1 # 31

Marvel Comics Marzo 1987
Captain America
A Plague Of Frogs
Kerry Gammill (script) / J.M. DeMatteis (script) / Kerry Gammill (art) / Dennis Janke (inks) / Bob Sharen (colors)
22 pagine
Dr. Strange
Dr Owl, Master Of The Mystic Arts
Mark Wheatley (script) / Mark Wheatley (art) / Mark Wheatley (inks)
8 pagine
The Call
Norm Breyfogle (script) / Norm Breyfogle (art) / Norm Breyfogle (inks) / Paul Becton (colors)
3 pagine