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Classici DC: Legione dei Super-Eroi # 9

Classici DC: Legione dei Super-Eroi # 9

Planeta DeAgostini Ottobre 2008
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 14
Legion of Super-Heroes
Unto the New Generation
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 14, DC Comics - USA (Set 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 15
Legion of Super-Heroes
Hostage on a Hostile Star
Paul Levitz (script) / Greg LaRocque (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 15, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes  Annual vol 3 # 1
Legion of Super-Heroes
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold
Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Karl Kesel (inks) / Mike DeCarlo (inks) / Ernie Colon (inks) / Steve Mitchell (inks)
39 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Annual vol 3 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 16
Legion of Super-Heroes
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Bob Smith (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 16, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 17
Legion of Super-Heroes
A New Beginning
Paul Levitz (script) / Greg LaRocque (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 17, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 18
Legion of Super-Heroes
Has Anyone Noticed a Crisis Going On?
Paul Levitz (script) / Greg LaRocque (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
28 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 18, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1986)
Legion of Substitute Heroes Special # 1
Legion of Substitute Heroes
You Can't Keep a Good Villain Down
Keith Giffen (script) / Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Karl Kesel (inks) / Carl Gafford (colors)
38 pagine

da Legion of Substitute Heroes Special, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1985)