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Classici DC: Legione dei Super-Eroi # 8

Classici DC: Legione dei Super-Eroi # 8

Planeta DeAgostini Agosto 2008
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 7
Legion of Super-Heroes
A Choice of Dooms
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Mike DeCarlo (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 8
Legion of Super-Heroes
To Destroy a World!
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 9
Legion of Super-Heroes
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 9, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 10
Legion of Super-Heroes
Election Day
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 10, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 11
Legion of Super-Heroes
Taking Care of Business: Old Business
Paul Levitz (script) / Ernie Colon (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
12 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 11
Bouncing Boy
New Business
Paul Levitz (script) / Keith Giffen (art) / Karl Kesel (inks)
11 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 12
Legion of Super-Heroes
The More Things Change
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Mike Machlan (inks)
13 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 12, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 13
Legion of Super-Heroes
If You Think Khunds Are Cuddly, You'll Love the Lythyls!
Paul Levitz (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
23 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 13, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1985)
Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 12
Legion of Super-Heroes
The More Things Stay the Same
Paul Levitz (script) / Ernie Colon (art) / Larry Mahlstedt (inks)
11 pagine

da Legion of Super-Heroes Vol 3 # 12, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1985)
DC Comics Presents # 80
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
A World Full of Supermen!
Paul Kupperberg (script) / Curt Swan (art) / Dave Hunt (inks) / Gene D'Angelo (colors)
23 pagine

da DC Comics Presents # 80, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1985)