protagonisti: Doc Samson, Hulk (flashback), Red Hulk (flashback), Betty Ross (flashback)
apparizioni: Modok
da Hulk vol 1 # 18, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2010)

Banner e figlio
Greg Pak (script) / Ariel Olivetti (art) / Paul Pelletier (art) / Ariel Olivetti (inks) / Danny Miki (inks)
protagonisti: Bruce Banner, Skaar, Mr Fantastic, Human Torch, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Mole Man, Tyrannus
da The Incredible Hulk vol 2 # 605, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2010)

La mano del diavolo, pt 4
Andy Diggle (script) / Roberto De La Torre (art) / Roberto De La Torre (inks)
protagonisti: Daredevil, Black Tarantula, White Tiger (Angela Del Toro), The Hand, Foggy Nelson, Dakota North, Lady Bullseye, Kingpin, Hawkeye (Bullseye), Norman Osborn
da Daredevil vol 1 # 504, Marvel Comics - USA (Mar 2010)

Scontro tra furie, pt 4
Fred Van Lente (script) / Michael Ryan (art) / Michael Ryan (inks)
protagonisti: She-Hulk (Lyra), Aberration (deceduto), Axon
da The Incredible Hulk vol 2 # 604, Marvel Comics - USA (Gen 2010)

da Hulk vol 1 # 18, Marvel Comics - USA (Feb 2010)
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