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Istvan / kyllian / Skeggia92cr / mauroperini / laracelo / Deboroh

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Deboroh su The Intimates # 11, Guardian su The Intimates # 11, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 21, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 20, gionnistorm su I Maestri Disney # 22,


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Detective Comics vol 1 # 242
Copertina di Sheldon Moldoff

Detective Comics vol 1 # 242

DC Comics Aprile 1957
Batman and Robin
The Underworld Bat-Cave
Sheldon Moldoff (art) / Charles Paris (art)
12 pagine
Roy Raymond TV Detective
The Man Who Could Make Money
Ruben Moreira (art)
6 pagine
John Jones Manhunter from Mars
The Thirty Fathom Sleuth
Jack Miller (script) / Joe Certa (art)
6 pagine

Pubblicazione italiana: Albi del Falco # 437 - Barriera Invisibile, Mondadori (Ago 1964)