Smell of Brimstone, Stench of Death!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Dave Gibbons (art) / Dave Gibbons (inks) / Gary Martin (inks)
da The Brave and the Bold vol 1 # 200, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1983)
Prima pubblicazione in Italia: Classici DC: Batman, The Brave and the Bold # 5, Planeta DeAgostini (Ago 2008)

Wars Ended... Wars Begun
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 1, DC Comics - USA (Ago 1983)

Markovia's Last Stand!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 2, DC Comics - USA (Set 1983)

Bitter Orange!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 3, DC Comics - USA (Ott 1983)

One-Man Meltdown
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 4, DC Comics - USA (Nov 1983)

Light's Out, Everyone!
Marv Wolfman (script) / George Pérez (art) / Romeo Tanghal (inks)
da The New Teen Titans Vol 1 # 37, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1983)

Psimon Says...
Mike W. Barr (script) / Marv Wolfman (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 5, DC Comics - USA (Dic 1983)

Death Warmed Over!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 6, DC Comics - USA (Gen 1984)

Cold Hands, Cold Heart!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 7, DC Comics - USA (Feb 1984)

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle...
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 8, DC Comics - USA (Mar 1984)

Enter: The Masters of Disaster
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 9, DC Comics - USA (Apr 1984)

The Execution of Black Lightning
Mike W. Barr (script) / Steve Lightle (art) / Sal Trapani (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 10, DC Comics - USA (Mag 1984)

The Truth About Katana Part 1: A Sword of the Ancient Death!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Jim Aparo (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 11, DC Comics - USA (Giu 1984)

The Truth About Katana Part II: ...To Love, Honor and Destroy!
Mike W. Barr (script) / Jim Aparo (art) / Dick Giordano (inks) / Adrienne Roy (colors)
da Batman and the Outsiders Vol 1 # 12, DC Comics - USA (Lug 1984)
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